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Reactive Dogs UK Owners with dogs that display anxiety, fear, frustration and aggression:
a warm invitation to join us

I am so deeply sorry that the legal wheels are not turning quicker. The deadline for exemption applications is fast appr...

I am so deeply sorry that the legal wheels are not turning quicker.
The deadline for exemption applications is fast approaching.
here are the key elements: I hope this helps those that need it:

If applying for exemption for an XL Bully Type

You must complete your application by
midday on 31st January 2024.

You need to know the microchip number of your dogs microchip (it should be on your dogs vaccination record/check with your vet.

You need to know the start date of your third party p***c liability for banned breeds: click here to set it up (takes about 7 minutes, start to finish with the Dogs Trust)

You need to know the 10 digit reference number of each each application fee (£92.40). Click here:

Link for application

It breaks my heart that we have not managed to stop this yet and my thoughts are with you all.

Be kind to each other.

LOVE LETTER DAY!January 2nd 2024 Today we invite you to write a love letter to your dog and CREATE your coming year! Wri...

January 2nd 2024

Today we invite you to write a love letter to your dog and CREATE your coming year!

Write it AS IF IT WAS the END of 2024 already ... share what you have loved doing, what you are proud of, what you have learned ...

Dream and feel that positive, happy buzz fill you.

THAT is the buzz you can create in yourself at any given moment.
it just takes practice ..

Have fun dreaming and creating and share whatever you wish to.

much love
xx nic

PS. If any of you are wanting help with your reactive dog, our Gold service is professional, affordable and proven to work. With 5 ridiculously cheap membership rates - created that way so that EVERYONE can get help, with no one left out -
If you can afford a Costa Coffee, or even bag of Curly Wurly Squirlies - you can afford professional help for you and your dog and still have change ...

HAPPY NEW YEAR NINJAS !!It is the first day of the new year!Let's celebrate with a gorgeous pic of your gorgeous doggies...


It is the first day of the new year!

Let's celebrate with a gorgeous pic of your gorgeous doggies!
have a wonderful day!

much love to you all
nic and the entire RDuk Team


URGENT (good news) UPDATE
Please help get this to the hands of all local rescues and ask what you can do to support them to take advantage of this update:

From Carla Lane - edited for easier reading


On 19 December DEFRA updated the guidance in relation to the XL bully ban, to include a restriction on rescues to the effect that any dogs who came into a rescue after 31 October 2023 would not be eligible for an exemption application via a rescue who wished to keep that dog instead of euthanizing where they were not rehomed.


The law has not been changed but we have been granted some further time for this specific issue to be considered fully by the Court, which means that dogs placed in rescues after 31 October are safe from destruction or seizure FOR NOW.

Late last night a High Court Judge ordered the following:

“No XL Bully dog may be seized from a Rehoming Organisation (‘RO’) as defined in SI 1407 (2023) (The Dangerous Dogs (Exemption Schemes and Miscellaneous Provisions (England and Wales) Order 2023 (‘the SI’) and/or destroyed for want of or ineligibility for a certification of exemption (as defined in the SI) on grounds that the dog was taken into the RO’s care after 31 October 2023 until the further Order of the Court.”

Note that this is a temporary injunction but nevertheless it gives breathing space for now.


There are various other serious and important matters to be heard by the Court in the near future, but for present purposes this ruling means that rescues now DO NOT AT THE MOMENT PENDING A FURTHER COURT DECISION have to destroy dogs who came into their care after 31 October 2023 on the grounds that it would not be possible for a rescue to apply for exemption of those dogs.

We know that some rescues were sadly planning to do so today and whilst we do not yet have any detailed solution, we now have the benefit of some further time for the matter to be considered by the Court.


We appeal to all rescues, if you are able to do so, consider making plans to give the dogs who are not homed today the life they deserve in your care.


The XL bully ban has changed things for dogs of the UK In such numbers and at such a rapid rate that we must all work together to ensure that lifetime care by a committed rescue meets an exempted dog’s needs.

For some dogs it will be their only option after today and in a way life in a rescue that has staff loving and caring for their residents day and night is not so different from dogs in a flat or home where someone goes to work or has no garden so has to walk them.

Subject to the further decision of the Court, if we as rescues are indeed permitted to exempt any dogs we cannot home today, then we can all get our heads together and work hard to create a new more suitable living environment at our rescues for those special dogs, keeping them safe and loved for life.

Also many rescues rely on volunteers to help out with providing company and mental stimulation and many who cannot have their own dog may find this therapeutic for themselves too.

It is recommended that if rescues do have dogs who they wish to exempt who were already in their care prior to 31 October, they begin making those applications from today when the current window for rescues to apply to exempt those dogs opened.

Doing this now will allow further time in the future for any further exemption applications once the Court has had the opportunity to determine the issue as it relates to those dogs who came into rescue after 31 October.

As above, there are further crucial matters to be heard in more detail by the Court at a date in the near future but for now please take note of the above and stand by your dogs.

We are an Animal Rescue Centre based Melling, Liverpool. We Rescue Rehabilitate and Rehome Dogs, Cat

Just a thought - but my invitation is for everyone to show their support for the vets, rescues and shelters by using thi...

Just a thought - but my invitation is for everyone to show their support for the vets, rescues and shelters by using this for their profile picture - whilst we fight for the right for rescues to be able to rehome (not kill - see Carla Lane Rescue) and fight the ban (via legal Judicial Review - see Don'tBanMeLicenceMe - this month).

BE SAFENew Years Eve ActivityHi guysI know tonight is one that so many of us dread ... but now is the time to make any l...

New Years Eve Activity

Hi guys

I know tonight is one that so many of us dread ... but now is the time to make any last minute plans, get any last minute help and batten the hatches ...

What is good about NYE is that we kinda know when they are going to go off!

Remember we have our amazing fireworks resource in the member resources to help review all the many different things to consider .. please use it!

Wishing you a calm, New Years Eve

much love
xx nic

Christmas Wishes - Part 2December 30th Now let’s think about your dog!Continuing this state of pondering (no stressing) ...

Christmas Wishes - Part 2
December 30th

Now let’s think about your dog!

Continuing this state of pondering (no stressing) .. what might you like to work on with your dog over the coming year?

Is there something in particular? Is it something we can help with (feel free to ask on this post! - we won’t be doing training advice on here today, it is just to consider, what small thing might make a difference) ...
Please do share
x nic

Christmas Wishes - Part 1December 29th What development for *you* would you like to work on next year?This is not a thin...

Christmas Wishes - Part 1
December 29th

What development for *you* would you like to work on next year?

This is not a thing to stress about, just have a ponder? what small thing might make a difference in yourself? feeling calmer? increasing confidence? being more consistent? Is there something we can help with? Just let us know your question if you've not got the ''goal'' in mind. We're not talking 'SMART' goals here .. just pondering ...

Please do feel free to share
xx nic

LOVE and GRATITUDE ACTIVITYDecember 28th Today you are invited to write a heart-felt letter to your dog?  What do you lo...

December 28th

Today you are invited to write a heart-felt letter to your dog?
What do you love about them, for what are you grateful?

Please do share, however short and sweet!

much love
xx nic

REFLECTIONS ACTIVITYDecember 27th I'd love you to reflect on your past year with your dog.   What went well, what did no...

December 27th

I'd love you to reflect on your past year with your dog. What went well, what did not go so well. Feel free to acknowledge both for life is not perfect.

And, what was the highlight for you this year with your dog?

If you had the best year ever, you might even start drafting your entry for RDuk Dog of the Year (launching in New Year .. get ready now!!).

Please do share below, we'd love to hear how your years have been with you and your dog.

xx nic

BOXING DAY ACTIVITIES During the slight lull between Christmas festivities and the craziness of New Year - take this tim...


During the slight lull between Christmas festivities and the craziness of New Year - take this time today, to review your strategies for surviving another night of fireworks on New Year's Eve. Make the most of games at home with your dog: bonding games, ninja skill drills, relaxation training, and enrichment …

Or if you can, escape to somewhere peaceful and quiet.
You'll find me and Jen camped out in the middle of the New Forest!

You are invited to share what your strategies will be for this New Years Eve ...

xx nic


Merry Christmas everyone!
Wishing you all a peaceful holiday period, filled with love and joy.
Please do post your Christmas pics, beautiful ones or bloopers!, on this post, and share your good wishes to each other!
From me and all the team at RDuk
with much love
xx nic

UK members - in the case of a bite, please contact Dog Law for support. They have a number that is checked for emergencies during the holiday period.

RDUK NINJAS ... all love, support and guidance for SOS situations - be it a bite, a dangerous situation or huge distress - is in the group - please check our Featured Posts for guidance.


STRESS RELIEF for reactive dogs ...
Trainer Tip Day 23
for a Stress-free, Merry Little Christmas
with your Reactive Dog

If we need to support our dog when they are becoming stressed Tellington Touch, more commonly known as Ttouch is a brilliant tool to master.

My go-to for a dog that is having or just had a reaction is Zebra Touch. My go-to for general calming support is the basic circular motion on my dogs chest, and Ear Ttouch (involving moves known as ear slides).

There are many 'moves' for Ttouch as well as other supportive techniques that can be applied to reactivity but also is amazing for building confidence, independence, calming and health benefits for our dogs.

Join us.
We Care. ❤️
x nic



Admittedly you might not have that much time! But whether you can squeeze in 2 minutes, 5, 10, 20 or 30 you are doing GREAT!

And to take advantage of those short gaps, you need to plan some pick me ups in advance!

Plan what you might do to support yourself, so that if a 5 minute opportunity comes along, - take it. You're worth it!

Join us.
We Care. ❤️
x nic

New day. New perspective.So the good news is that a Judicial Review has been granted AND that it has been expedited for ...

New day. New perspective.

So the good news is that a Judicial Review has been granted AND that it has been expedited for January.

The 'Don't Ban Me Licence Me' team are hoping this to be mid January.

John Cooper KC was tasked with securing a Judicial Review of the ban and he DID that.

The addition of asking for an injunction was exactly that, an addition for which the judge commended Cooper on his passionate argument. 3 times he challenged the deadline of 31st December as being a date of relevance and sadly the injunction was not granted.

The judge could have just dismissed the need for judicial review, or agreed and set it for March (etc) but they took an extra 4 hours of questioning and the judge agreed a Judicial Review was merited.

''We'' went up against the government and we won the first part.

This in itself is an extraordinary accomplishment.

So take heart. This is not over.

At the Judicial Review (which will be a different judge) the case to annul the ban is presented.

It is not a case of 'its' not fair' but the case has to be presented that it was done in an ''incorrect'' process by the government, and if just one piece of evidence has one tiny mistake in fact- it could blow the entire case.

I am going to do 7 things.

1. Take heart in that we have a judicial review PRIOR to the exemption deadline.

2. Call my MP TODAY
i). regarding the rescues situation. (and follow up in writing).
ii). to let him know that the judge in the highest court in the UK feels there IS merit in a case AGAINST the government for the way in which this ban was introduced.

3 Cause my local rescues to let DBMLM know of the number of dogs in their care that may come under the xl bully type description. This SUPPORTS THE CASE.

4. Contact my local vets to emplore them to refuse to kill any healthy xl bully type dog - at least until after the judicial review. Just to acknowledge, I know that no vet wants to do this, and that no owner wants to do this either - but if the judicial review annuls the ban …

5. Support those in my groups with xl bully types, as best I can

6. Contact the Housing Ombudsman again and support just one person whose council are forcing them to get rid of their dog (only factor is the ban, no other misdemeanours or broken agreements)

7. Encourage anyone whose housing association / housing provider is telling them to get rid of their dogs because of the ban - to email a copy of the letter to those coordinating this via DBMLM. THIS SUPPORTS THE CASE.

What actions are *YOU* taking to support yourself or those around you?

xx nic

For current factual information please refer to the government website and to the updates via DontBanMeLicenceMe on instagram. Brilliant live update last night that can be watched today. Please do not listen to ''media'' as they can misrepresent things and this causes extra concern and upset.



As the holidays draw nearer, thoughts can instinctively turn towards the excitement, the merriment, the meeting of families and friends. This can be true for many - but not all.

Today we take a moment to think of those that cannot afford a tree, festive food or bare essentials; those that have no home to call their own, those without family or friends that care, those who are ill, anxious, lonely, afraid.

We take a moment to remember those spending their time over Christmas caring for others.

And we take a moment to think of all those grieving a loss.

This year has been another hard year. Very hard for some.

For all those that lost a loved one this year, Christmas time always seems to be the hardest time of all.

Whether this was your dog, your partner, your family, your friend - grief can cut like a knife, it comes in waves, it takes you by surprise with the smallest things, the echo of a song or the scent of a memory.

And whilst I am sure your wish would be to have one more day, I hope that your heart and soul is warmed by wonderful memories.

I hope that you find joy and peace in the little things this Christmas time.

With my love to you all
Truly and sincerely,
xx nic

Once again it is POSTCODE LOTTERY as to whether owners get to keep their dog or not.And if they don't, it is likely they...

Once again it is POSTCODE LOTTERY as to whether owners get to keep their dog or not.

And if they don't, it is likely they have to kill their dog.

Owners that live in council housing or live in housing association homes orEVEN own their home with a shared ownership with housing associatoins. - all these owners MAY not be able to keep their dogs - depending on the wording in tenancy agreements.

Many agreements state that you cannot keep a Section 1 dog.

Some private housing has this stipulation as well.

Here is a link to a list of Housing Providers who will allow, exempted xl bully type dogs remain in their homes:[0]=AZW_SJbwmp7btywVp99P8dfM3oW_7DBNXw3c2uJtkNqZPx-NpHgwJvkZD6XyEa5sLU02tq8u9-M34jZjTUQ5CQ_1LcvW-t2S2Gie1cLdXIbydQThd1jWiScjvWGm1Oya-_wPCHQ6omaiHgwGLdB8LB-E&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

Others however may not be so lucky.


Owners did not go out and ''get'' a Section 1 dog and try and sneak the dog into their homes.

Owners have a dog, that is causing no issue whatever, but due to some random measurements (that do not even include all xl bullies by the way) their dog is now being termed as a 'Dangerous Dog' and is now on the Section 1 list - meaning you cant have that dog in your home.

Owners in this situation have 2 choices:

1. Accept forced homelessness (unless you know of how you can get a council home in 10 days with an S1 dog in the same borough that is telling you you cant??)

2. Kill their pet dog (I say kill, as rehoming is practically impossible, rescues are full, and you cannot abandon, let stray or rehome after 31st December as it will be against the law.

How can some providers show compassion

and some providers blindly follow wording that they made up years and years ago - that makes no sense when a dog has not done anything wrong?

Will the directors of the latter housing providers be the ones to seize the dogs, and kill them, themselves? I think not. But they should have to. As sitting behind a desk, making decisions is easy. Facing the IMPACT of these decisions less so.

Please check with your housing provider, and if your housing provider is NOT on the list (that is permitting), please write to them, lodge a formal complaint, escalate it to the Housing Ombudsman, as there are now more and more associations that ARE allowing these dogs to remain in their family homes, peaceful, safe, happy. You will not be the only one in your borough so connect with others, support each other and shout for help if you need it.


If you are refused permission please contact Shelter for advice

B3 living
Leeds Council
Wolverhampton Council
Platform Housing
Bron Afon
Tai Calon Community Housing
Leicester City Council
Clarion Housing
Newport City Homes
Sanctuary Housing
Home Group
Samphire Housing
Peterborough City Council
Great Yarmouth Borough Council
Merthyr Valleys Homes
Hightown Housing
Fareham Borough Council
South Liverpool Homes
Ongo Homes
Berneslai homes
Portsmouth City Council
Plymouth Community Housing
St Ledger Homes
Epping Forest DC
Stockport Homes
Magenta Living (Birkenhead)
Mansfield Council
Teign Housing (Devon)
Halton Housing
Onwards Homes
Lincolnshire Housing Partnership (Grimsby)
Sovereign Housing (Berkshire)
Guinness Housing (Shirebrook)
BDHT (Bromgrove)
Charnwood Borough Council (Leicestershire)
Riverside (Manchester)
Derby Homes (Derby)
United Welsh (Wales)
Town & Country Housing (R.Wells)
Sheffield City Housing
London & Quadrant (Croydon & Trafford Housing)
Colon Community Housing
StoneWater Housing
Hyde Housing
Jonnie Johnson
Tai Tarian
Thirteen (Teeside)
West Way Lettings (Teeside)
South Cambs District Housing
South Tyneside Homes
Vivid (if previous permission granted to keep a dog)
South Staffs Council
Sandwell Council
Southern Housing
Birmingham City Council
Brighter Places Housing
Hafod Housing
Hillingdon Borough
Homes Plus, formally South Staffs
Regenda Homes
Linc Cymru
Cardiff Council
High Peak Borough Council
Livin County Durham
Redditch Borough Council
Mossacare St Vincent's
Rotherham Council Housing
PHP Housing (Poole & Dorset)
Coastline Housing (Cornwall, if proof of permission)
Live West Housing
Lincoln City Council
Broadacres West Yorkshire
Places for People
Wyre Forest District Council
Cheshire Peaks and Plains (if you have written permission for a dog)
Jigsaw Homes North
Victory Homes
Caerphilly Council, subject to secure garden check
Flagship homes if permission for an XL is already granted, plus exemption conditions compliant
Bristol City Council
Stroud District Council
North Warwickshire Council
Bolton at Home
Gloucester City Homes
East Riding Council
Pembrokeshire County Council
Wigan and Leigh Council
Curo Housing Association
Saffron Housing Trust
Brighton & Hove City Council
BCP (Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole)
Forhousing (Manchester)
Wrekin Housing Group (West Midlands)
Folkestone-Hythe District Council
Wandsworth Council
Dartford Borough Council
Luton Borough Council (Three Rivers)
The Guinness Partnership (Crewe)
Community Gateway Preston
Blaenau Gwent (South Wales)
Enfield Council
Fareham Borough Council
Castle & Coasts Cumbria
Mount Green Housing Association
Monmouthshire Housing Tai Sir Fynwy
Torridge & North Devon District Councils
Chesterfield Borough Council
Bromford (Gloucestershire)
West Devon Borough Council
Braintree District Council
Cross Keys Home (Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, Bedfordshire & Milton Keynes) as long you comply with the regulations
Newtide Homes (as long as you had previous permission & comply with rules)
City Of Lincoln Council (as long as you apply for exemption)
Connexus Group (Only if you already had permission)
Bristol City Council
Saxon Weald Housing (If permission is approved and as long as you follow exemption)
Dacorum Borough Council
My Property Store
Southend Housing
Kesteven Housing
Sanctuary Housing
Stoke on Trent Council
Peabody (London and South east)
Greatwell Homes
Longhurst Group
South Derbyshire District Council
New Forest District Council
Broadband Housing Group
Medway Council
Horsham District Council
Wrexham County Borough Council
Tai Wales and West
Pembrokeshire County Council
Midland Heart Birmingham
Wakefield District Council (conflicting reports as some people are receiving rejection letters)
Broxstowe Borough Council
Cygnor Gwynedd County Council
Denbighshire County Council
Ellis Housing
Cadwyn Housing Association
North Star Thornaby
Cardiff Community Housing Association
Mountgreen Housing Association, with proof of exemption and prior permission to keep a dog
Kirklees, as long as conditions of exemption are followed
Newydd Housing Association
Paradigm Housing Group
Cobalt Housing (Liverpool)
NKDC North Kesteven District Council
Accent Housing
Cross Keys
Adra (Tai) Cyfyngedig
Torus Housing
Rhonda HA

The above list will be added to as and when we get information, these housing providers will allow you to stay in your property with an exempt XL Bully as long as owners adhere to the exemption conditions and there are no complaints about the dog at the property.

This list is compiled from owners who have contacted their housing providers, if yours is not listed and you need information please contact them yourselves. Special thanks to Kinley Goodman for contacting so many housing providers and updating us regularly.

Devastating news.There will be a live via instagram:DontBanMeLicenceMe with further information this evening.  Time to b...

Devastating news.

There will be a live via instagram:


with further information this evening. Time to be confirmed.



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