Thankful !! For Our Amazing Foster ! Mrs. CARLA ❤️❤️ Welcome Halfway Home Lawson 🐾
We were called by our sweet neighbors about a dog that had been running around and needed help !
We have had so many dumped out and with the ones already in our care . We had no room . I knew if we didn’t step in he likely wouldn’t make it.
I searched for him and couldn’t find him , it was raining and I knew he was probably hunkered down somewhere trying to keep dry .
I went on home and had messaged Our sweet neighbor Ms.Lou Ann if they spot him to call and I would be right there .
I received a message that her aunt (also our sweet neighbor) had caught him and was on the way to us with him 😭🙏🏻😭🙏🏻
When he arrived ! He was scared ! I knew he needed more time and someone very special to give him that extra he needed !
He is skinny , hair all matted , was covered in fleas and We got him to our vet ! Paris veterinary clinic . There he got updated on all his vaccines , heart worm tested ( Negative 💃🏻) and his monthly preventions. He weighed 16.6 lbs and was guessed to be 2 yrs old
We could not have stepped in to rescue This Baby without Mrs. Carla ! ❤️ We truly admire your ❤️ It takes a village !!! To help all these babies !! We are so Grateful for ours ❤️🙏🏻
After He puts on some good weight , he will be ready for his neuter and microchip . Ms . Carla has him scheduled for his spa Day 🥰
If you would Like to call our Vet and donate Towards our vet bill ! We could use the help !
When we get babies dumped out here and get calls ! Your donation and volunteering to foster makes all the difference in life and death with so many in need 🙏🏻 Thank you for any help .. ⬇️ Just tell them your donation is for Halfway Home Animal Rescue ❤️
🏥 Paris Veterinary clinic
1 (731) 642-2263