PISILANDIA Pisilandia is a project I, Adina, have created in 2010 to promote and find families for the kitties I was fostering.

PISILANDIA is a Personal Page for promoting my rescued cats for adoption (only abroad and indoors only), professional advice for cat welfare, nutrition, health and everything cat related (Adina) It has now become my adoptions page on facebook where I promote and find families for kitties and doggies I and my friends save. This is not an organisation, just me and other people who try to help abando

ned kitties and doggies find homes. Promovarea si gasirea de familii pentru pisicute si catei salvati de mine sau de prieteni. Pentru donatii/For donations:
Paypal: [email protected]


🪥 Brushing a cat’s teeth is the most effective way to reduce plaque and tartar, promote healthy gums and reduce bad breath. We recommend introducing tooth brushing to cats from a young age to help make this a positive experience.

🐈 Older cats will be unfamiliar with having their teeth brushed and may need a slower and more gradual approach. You can follow our guide here 👉 https://icatcare.org/advice/how-to-brush-your-cats-teeth/

😾 However, even with the best efforts, some cats will not tolerate tooth brushing. 👩‍⚕️ For these cats, speak to your veterinary team about using dental care products approved by the Veterinary Oral Health Council, as these are proven to reduce plaque and tartar formation. Here’s a helpful list 👉https://vohc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/VOHCAcceptedProductsTable_Cats.pdf

How do you care for your cat’s teeth?


*** WARNING *** If you are considering purchasing lilies for your loved one this Valentine's Day and they have a cat, maybe reconsider.

⚠️ Lilies are highly toxic to cats and can cause kidney failure if not treated quickly.

🐱 Be sure to share this with your cat-owning friends.


A cat’s level of comfort in their environment is intrinsically linked to their physical health, mental wellbeing and ultimately their behaviour. Understanding the cat's species-specific environmental needs and how they interact with their environment will give us the foundations for providing the cat with their fundamental requirements.

Environmental needs relate to their physical surroundings; the home they live in, the outdoor space they have access to, the space, structure, and physical objects within their home and social interactions with caregivers, visitors, cats and other animals.

There are five fundamental pillars that contribute to a healthy feline environment:

🏛 Providing a safe place

Somewhere private, secure and often raised for a cat to retreat to if they feel threatened. As a solitary hunter, the risk of injury represents a serious threat to survival. Avoiding all threats and confrontations where possible is an effective strategy to aid survival. Providing individual hiding places, that the cat will not be interrupted in, allows the cat to feel safe and retreat in times of real or potential threat, as well as being a place to relax and sleep day-to-day.

🏛 Providing multiple and separated key environmental resources: food, water, toileting areas, scratching areas, play areas and resting areas

Cats need to have access to their key resources without feeling challenged by other cats or animals. Privacy while eating, drinking and toileting is particularly important to minimise distress. Separation of resources prevents contamination, reducing the risk of disease spread.

🏛 Providing opportunity for play and predatory behaviour

Despite the provision of food from humans for pet cats, their instinct to display predatory behaviours is still very strong. In cats with freely available outdoor access, predatory behaviours can take up significant parts of their day, requiring significant physical activity and mental engagement. Indoor only/restricted access cats have reduced or no opportunity for such behaviours, which can result in obesity and/or boredom and frustration. Providing opportunity for predatory-like behaviours in alternative ways can greatly help keep the cat in good physical and mental condition ➡️ play with toys and puzzle feeders.

🏛 Providing positive, consistent and predictable human-cat social interaction

Our interactions with cats should mimic, where possible, the friendly behaviours bonded cats demonstrate to one another to promote a positive human-cat bond. A cat's genetic dispositions and early environment can greatly influence their perception of humans in general.

🏛 Providing an environment that respects the importance of the cat's sense of smell

Cats use a variety of chemical signals (known as pheromones) deposited from their body at various sites (e.g. cheeks, chin, base of the tail) to interact with their environment and communicate with others. Ensuring we do not disturb such messages is especially important (e.g. removing them through cleaning) because this can be extremely stressful and contribute to problematic behaviours.

Read more about making your home cat friendly 👉 https://icatcare.org/advice/making-your-home-cat-friendly/

Please help this one of a kind Horse 🐴 Sanctuary in Romania with their urgent expenses and needs.Shared only so for any ...

Please help this one of a kind Horse 🐴 Sanctuary in Romania with their urgent expenses and needs.
Shared only so for any info, please contact then directly.

They are not calm cats... they are simply in pain....

They are not calm cats... they are simply in pain....

Scottish Fold cats have a genetic mutation which causes cartilage issues, resulting in early onset, painful arthritis. So while the Scottish Fold breed is often described as ‘laid back’ or ‘calm’, these behaviours may actually be caused by pain and a reluctance to move, jump and play. Learn more: http://spr.ly/ScottishFolds

Image description: A white and grey Scottish Fold cat lying down. Text: Cats should be able to play, jump and climb without pain.


Am incercat să explicăm câtorva persoane pe care le-am întâlnit,dar nu a fost chip să îi facem să înțeleagă ce înseamnă petardele și artificiile pentru animale.
Din păcate "plăcerea" pentru unii oameni este mai presus decât orice ființă.
Știm că sunteți sătui,dar pentru noi și bietele animale calvarul abia începe.
Vine cea mai oribilă zi din an in care mii de animale își pierd viața,iar noi salvatorii trecem în noul an cu animalele noastre în brațe.
Tare ne-am dori să nu fim nevoiți să suportăm toată durerea lor în momentele acelea de teroare.
Noi suntem pregătiți,dar tot cu emoții ne gândim la ziua de mâine.....animăluțele noastre vor primi medicație pentru a le oferi o stare calmă,vor sta in interiorul halelor cu muzica și cu noi urmărind camerele pentru a interveni cat de rapid daca este necesar.
Facem o rugăciune,strângem dinții și sperăm că va fi bine deoarece deja au început să curgă filmări,poze și cereri de ajutor (animăluțe spânzurate in garduri, animăluțe cu membre lipsa,animăluțe alergând haotic etc)- nu le postăm pentru că deja cred că nivelul de anxietate a tuturor iubitorilor de animale este extrem de ridicat.

❗❗❗Faceți tot posibilul și protejați animăluțele dumneavoastră aducandu - le in casă ca să nu regretați!❗❗❗




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