This is Mocha,she was supposed to be held on to by a so called friend. Till I can get her back, I have made posts on Facebook groups as well. I have contacted her vet. They told me the name of the person who has Mocha. My sister tried messaging the Pamela Short that is in Columbus,Ohio. Was instantly blocked. The person who was supposed to hold her for me. The day she received Mocha,she rehomed her the same day without telling me or letting me know who these people are. She gave me the number to these people. I've tried calling and texting,they have ignored mine and the veterinarian's phone calls. The person who rehomed her unfriended me and blocked me. I told her I wanted my cat back and she said they already grew an attachment to Mocha. That she doubts that they will give her up. So,I need your guys help in bringing her home. She was supposed to be spayed and microchipped. The Pamela Short who has her tried taking her to the appointment but couldn't without my permission. Then,tried making an account for Mocha at the same vet.