SHADOW has been rescued Thanks to the incredible team Sedona Rescue!
Congratulations Sedona Rescue team Our hometown Heros!
Sandy Macbeth, Kirk Landauer, Vicki Luna, Laura Pearson, Michael Simpson, Leann Weber, Linda Thacker, Thank you!!!!!
(please excuse me if I missed anyone on the team)
Thank you all!
They did it again! 24-7 for 13 days, and thousands of hours these volunteers are truly a blessing for Sedona, Verde Valley.
If you can help by removing any posters you see for Shadow that would be helpful.
If you would like to help contribute to the cause and help pay for expenses
Paypal https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=KGM2JZE5LWDWW
GoFundMe https://gofund.me/180b02e2