Gentle Nature Dog Training

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Gentle Nature Dog Training This space is made with the purpose of helping dogs and dog owners to better understand each other.

I will be sharing some of the stories, tips and photos from consultations and training sessions, along with dog curiosities.

➡️Do you have a new furry family member and want to start his/her education with the right foot?➡️Do you feel like you w...

➡️Do you have a new furry family member and want to start his/her education with the right foot?
➡️Do you feel like you want to understand what's on your dog's mind a bit more?
➡️Do you want to prevent some annoying or even serious behaviours before your puppy starts pushing boundaries?
➡️And of course, do you want to have fun hanging out with puppies and play?

Then this course is for you!😊 🐶


Send us an email or a messasge to find out more 👇👇

Sun is out and summer feels like around the corner! Did you know that dogs thrive on new adventures, just like you do? T...

Sun is out and summer feels like around the corner! Did you know that dogs thrive on new adventures, just like you do? They like to explore as many new places and discover as many different smells as possible. How often do you treat your dog with a change of scenery from your usual walk? 🙂🏞️🐶🌲

Another lovely puppy training session with the cutest labradoodle, Spot. He is a quick learner! 🙌💜🐶www.gentlenaturedog.c...

Another lovely puppy training session with the cutest labradoodle, Spot. He is a quick learner! 🙌💜🐶 (link in bio)👆

Bonnie having a nice afternoon with her very new Italian friend today... Slowly warming themselves to each other ☺️

Bonnie having a nice afternoon with her very new Italian friend today... Slowly warming themselves to each other ☺️

Is it puppy hug day today? 😁💜🐶 SpoonyCooks

Is it puppy hug day today? 😁💜🐶 SpoonyCooks

Look at this sweetheart of a pooch! We spent the morning yesterday doing some training with Henry, working on his social...

Look at this sweetheart of a pooch! We spent the morning yesterday doing some training with Henry, working on his social skills, recall and excessive barking. 💜💜🐶😊

Had a lovely consult a couple of days ago with the beautiful Lori, such a nice girl. We touched a lot on how to help a r...

Had a lovely consult a couple of days ago with the beautiful Lori, such a nice girl.
We touched a lot on how to help a reactive and fearful dogs feel more chilled and learn to switch off, as well as managing our energy and the dog's around tricky situations.



Struggling to get a proper recall?
Here are a few essential tips to turn your poor or avarage recall into a GREAT recall:

1. Don't over do it. Practice recall only a few times on the walk.

2. Reward. Always reward! Either a tasty treat, a nice praise "good girl/boy", a bit of affection, or a toy.

3. Most important! A L W A Y S RELEASE again. An "okay" or "off you go" after the reward is the key to get a good recall.

They will associate the coming back to you as a "check in with me and then you can go and carry on having fun".

I met Ginger a few weeks ago, she had all the energy in the world and loved all the attention. As you can see, even clas...

I met Ginger a few weeks ago, she had all the energy in the world and loved all the attention. As you can see, even classified as "potentially dangerous breed", she is just pure love, like all the doggies when given a chance. 💞


Which dog doesn't love snow?!
Bonnie definitely goes crazy happy when it snows, and this last weekend wasn't any different! 😂🐶❄️

Now that is getting a bit quieter after a nice summer I will be offering one more puppy course for the interseason. If y...

Now that is getting a bit quieter after a nice summer I will be offering one more puppy course for the interseason.

If you have a puppy aged 3 months old - 9 month old, want to have a fun time playing and also want to learn how to raise a calm puppy, understand a bit better why they behave the way they do and win their minds then join me and other puppies this autumn🙂
Groups of 4-6 puppies | 6 weeks course | Printed material
Leadership | Interactive games and command training | Tools and Techniques

You can contact me for more info at :

[email protected]


We have had some fun this last few weeks on the first course of puppy classes. We are now prepared to go out on open space for the last couple of sessions! 😊🐶🐶

Big day for Bonnie today, as she came along to help with a consult for the first time, and she showed Pongo, the funny e...

Big day for Bonnie today, as she came along to help with a consult for the first time, and she showed Pongo, the funny excitable labrador, how much of that extra energy is not acceptable sometimes.
And by observing how they do comunicate themselves we learn how to do it ourselves with them too.

Dear Doug loves all the attention, and can be a bit naughty about it. Having given the right information to his owners w...

Dear Doug loves all the attention, and can be a bit naughty about it. Having given the right information to his owners will help him demanding less, and being happier with attention given on their terms instead, developing a closer bond.

Another great consult yesterday helping out the beautiful Bella to be a lot more relaxed on the walk and chilled with he...

Another great consult yesterday helping out the beautiful Bella to be a lot more relaxed on the walk and chilled with her cat brothers! ☺️

Starting our puppy classes this Thursday 16th July!If you have a puppy aged 3 months old - 10 month old, want to have a ...

Starting our puppy classes this Thursday 16th July!

If you have a puppy aged 3 months old - 10 month old, want to have a fun time playing and also want to learn how to raise a calm puppy, understand a bit better why they behave the way they do and win their minds then join me and other puppies this summer :)

Groups of 4-8 puppies | 6 weeks course | Printed material
Leadership | Interactive games | Tools and Techniques

You can contact me for more info at :


The dance for playing, always very fun to watch. 😄

I met Enzo at yesterday's consult. The biggest and sweetest puppy, with such a strong bark it was hard to believe that h...

I met Enzo at yesterday's consult. The biggest and sweetest puppy, with such a strong bark it was hard to believe that he was just 8 months old! 😂💜

What keeps your dog focus on you? Is it a tennis ball, a piece of cheese, a frisbee, a ball with rope?  Learning what yo...

What keeps your dog focus on you? Is it a tennis ball, a piece of cheese, a frisbee, a ball with rope? Learning what you dog likes the most is a very important part of the process to help you with the training and keep them motivated.
Qu'est-ce qui aide votre chien à se concentrer sur vous? Est-ce une b***e de tennis, un morceau de fromage, un frisbee, une b***e avec une corde? Apprendre ce que votre chien aime le plus est une partie très importante du processus pour vous aider avec la formation et garder le chien motivé.

Hi everyone! Summer just started and as there are more puppies out and about I'm putting together a puppy class program ...

Hi everyone! Summer just started and as there are more puppies out and about I'm putting together a puppy class program here in Morzine for the upcoming months.

To make sure I touch on everything that puppy owners would like to see in these classes, I'm offering a 15 min call where I would ask you a series of questions to see what would suit you most, and build the classes around it.

You can schedule a call or contact me by clicking on the links below:

Dog owner education on solving behavioural issues. Dog training and puppy training. Work in the area of Châtel, Vallee d'Abondance, Morzine, Les Gets, Vallee D'Aulps. Home visits. Gentle Nature Dog Training

Our furry friends also like to admire the views of nature and relax...Nos amis poilus aiment aussi admirer la vue sur la...

Our furry friends also like to admire the views of nature and relax...
Nos amis poilus aiment aussi admirer la vue sur la nature et se détendre...

A quick post on things that can make your dog's behaviour change very quickly.Check it out on my blog! Un petit article ...

A quick post on things that can make your dog's behaviour change very quickly.
Check it out on my blog!

Un petit article sur les choses qui peuvent faire changer très rapidement le comportement de votre chien.
Découvrez-le sur mon blog!

Have you ever experienced a sudden change in your dog's behaviour?Is your dog the most well behaved dog and suddenly out of "nowhere" he or she started to run away, or barking all the time, or being wary of things he or she used to be fine with? Sometimes the changes are very subtle, just like the c...

Hope everyone had a nice enough lockdown and enjoyed the time with your dogs. We are happy to say we are back now, able ...

Hope everyone had a nice enough lockdown and enjoyed the time with your dogs. We are happy to say we are back now, able to carry on helping out!
J'espère que tout le monde a eu un bon confinement et a apprécié le temps passé avec vos chiens. Nous sommes heureux de dire que nous sommes de retour maintenant, capables de continuer à aider!

It is in times like this that we could take example of our loved dogs and be more like them, imitate them even.  A lot o...

It is in times like this that we could take example of our loved dogs and be more like them, imitate them even. A lot of the times we just forget how to be present in the moment, and this is why we get so overwhelmed and stressed, thinking about the future or the past every time. Rushing to get stuff done. We have been asked to stop for a bit, and I know it can be hard sometimes, especially for those who are worried about how are they going to afford spending the next month or so without work. I'm one of them, as self employed, all my work for now is gone, but then I look at my dog just unaware of all this, chilling out in the sun, or simply admiring the views from the balcony and I force myself to join her. And it works, then I remember how to just be, and enjoy the sun, and leave my thoughts for later.
Remember your pooch can sense that stress on you way quicker than we are, so relax! and enjoy being like a dog for a bit :) -Cris-

C'est dans des moments comme celui-ci que nous pourrions prendre l'exemple de nos chiens aimés et leur ressembler davantage, les imiter même. Souvent, nous oublions simplement d'être présents dans le moment présent, et c'est pourquoi nous sommes tellement dépassés et stressés, en pensant à l'avenir ou au passé à chaque fois. Se précipiter pour faire avancer les choses. On nous a demandé d'arrêter un peu, et je sais que cela peut parfois être difficile, surtout pour ceux qui s'inquiètent de la façon dont ils vont se permettre de dépenser le mois prochain sans travail. Je suis l'un d'eux, en tant qu'auto entrepreneur, tout mon travail pour l'instant est parti, mais je regarde mon chien tout simplement inconscient de tout cela, elle se détend au soleil, ou tout simplement admirer la vue depuis le balcon et je force moi-même pour la rejoindre. Et cela fonctionne, puis je me souviens comment être simplement, profiter du soleil et laisser mes pensées pour plus t**d.
N'oubliez pas que votre chien peut sentir que le stress sur vous est plus rapide que nous, alors détendez-vous! et profitez d'être un peu comme un chien :) -Cris-

Puppies' first six months of life are crucial for their development. It is the equivalent to the growth of a child from ...

Puppies' first six months of life are crucial for their development. It is the equivalent to the growth of a child from toddler to 12-14 years old. What you teach or do with a puppy in this time will more likely set the foundation of their behaviour for the rest of their lives.
For this, there is a lot of essential training as well as good socialization that should be provided to them, to prevent possible future behavioural issues.
I like to think about it as a good guidance, sometimes similar to parenthood in the way that you find it hard to say no, but you also need to set boundaries and consequences for their good or bad actions.
I'm now offering 1-on-1 sessions for puppies aged from 10 weeks old to 1 year old to either set them off to a good start or to correct any puppy behavioural issues that may be starting to arise such as toilet training, submissive urination, jumping up, barking, chewing, digging, crying when left, recall, stealing, mouthing...

Also, we are working on getting some puppy classes running for the upcoming spring and summer, more information soon. STAY TUNED! :) Cris

Les six premiers mois de vie des chiots sont cruciaux pour leur développement. C'est l'équivalent de la croissance d'un enfant de tout-petit à 12-14 ans. Ce que vous enseignez ou faites avec un chiot à cette époque posera probablement les bases de son comportement pour le reste de sa vie.
Pour cela, il y a beaucoup de formation essentielle ainsi qu'une bonne socialisation qui devraient leur être dispensées, afin de prévenir d'éventuels problèmes de comportement futurs.
J'aime y penser comme un bon guide, parfois similaire à la parentalité dans la mesure où vous avez du mal à dire non, mais vous devez également définir des limites et des conséquences pour leurs bonnes ou mauvaises actions.
J'offre maintenant des séances individuelles pour les chiots âgés de 10 semaines à 1 an pour les mettre en route ou pour corriger tout problème de comportement du chiot qui pourrait commencer à se poser, comme la formation aux toilettes, la soumission orination, sauter, aboyer, mâcher, creuser, pleurer à gauche, rappeler, voler, boucher ...

De plus, nous travaillons à organiser des cours pour chiots pour le printemps et l'été à venir, plus d'informations bientôt. RESTEZ À L'ÉCOUTE! :) Cris

Let's talk about silence.Why silence can be one of our most powerful tools when training a dog, solving a behaviour prob...

Let's talk about silence.

Why silence can be one of our most powerful tools when training a dog, solving a behaviour problem or simply communicating with them?

Contrary to us humans, that use a lot of sounds and words to communicate, dogs and other animals communicate mostly using body language and energy. They don't have that need of express themselves with sounds unless is barking for attention or danger.
You can see when a dog meets another dog they will have this silent conversation just by changing their posture and communicate with the position of their ears, tail and head above or underneath. And will send each other messages this way to know who is in charge or claiming the space. Same as when they want to play, they will adopt a very specific, almost submissive posture, inviting the other dog to join.

Say we want to calm down a very excited dog, or barking cause they are scared of something, it wouldn't work if we start shouting "shut up" or "stop it" cause we would be just adding more energy to it, but it could be stopped by a brief touch, or a hand signal.This would also keep us calm and would allow the dog to follow a better example.

If we would think of a reason why silence is so powerful it would be by comparing other powerful things like thunder or an avalanche, and elephant stomping around...And the thing they all have in common is that they are very loud. Sounds arouse external reaction, we get a physical response like fear or excitement, while silence provokes an internal reaction, that forces us to look within ourselves. This is also one of the reasons why we use it in meditation, to look inwards and find balance, to find the calm energy that would allow us to often improve our way to do things. Dogs work the same way (even better than us as they can feel energy more intensely!), they will respond better to calm and balanced energy than nervous, anxious or angry loud ones.

Parlons du silence.

Pourquoi le silence peut être l'un de nos outils les plus puissants pour dresser un chien, résoudre un problème de comportement ou simplement communiquer avec lui?

Contrairement à nous, les humains, qui utilisent beaucoup de sons et de mots pour communiquer, les chiens et autres animaux communiquent principalement en utilisant le langage corporel et l'énergie. Ils n'ont pas besoin de s'exprimer avec des sons, à moins d'aboyer pour attention ou danger.
Vous pouvez voir lorsqu'un chien rencontre un autre chien, il aura cette conversation silencieuse en changeant simplement de posture et en communiquant avec la position de ses oreilles, de sa queue et de sa tête au-dessus ou en dessous. Et s'envoyer des messages de cette façon pour savoir qui est le chef de meute ou qui revendique l'espace. Comme quand ils veulent jouer, ils adoptent une posture très spécifique, presque soumise, invitant l'autre chien à se joindre.

Disons que nous voulons calmer un chien très excité, ou aboyer parce qu'il a peur de quelque chose, cela ne fonctionnerait pas si nous commencions à crier "tais-toi" ou "arrête" parce que nous y ajouterions simplement plus d'énergie, mais il pourrait être arrêté par un bref contact ou un signal de la main, ce qui nous garderait également calme et permettrait au chien de suivre un meilleur exemple.

Si nous pensions à une raison pour laquelle le silence est si puissant, ce serait en comparant d'autres choses puissantes comme le tonnerre ou une avalanche, et les éléphants qui piétinent ... Et ce qu'ils ont tous en commun, c'est qu'ils sont très bruyants. Les sons suscitent une réaction externe, nous obtenons une réponse physique comme la peur ou l'excitation, tandis que le silence provoque une réaction interne, qui nous oblige à regarder en nous-mêmes. C'est aussi l'une des raisons pour lesquelles nous l'utilisons en méditation, pour regardez en vous et trouvez l'équilibre, pour trouver l'énergie calme qui nous permettrait d'améliorer souvent notre façon de faire les choses. Les chiens fonctionnent de la même manière (encore mieux que nous car ils peuvent ressentir l'énergie plus intensément!), Ils répondront mieux à une énergie calme et équilibrée que les nerveux, anxieux ou en colère.

Definitely agree! Sadly there are too many dog owners out there unaware of how their energy and bad behaviours affect th...

Definitely agree!
Sadly there are too many dog owners out there unaware of how their energy and bad behaviours affect their dogs and their behaviour too, regardless of their breed.
This is why I became so keen on sharing the knowledge and gentle methods I have learnt over the last couple of years. Focusing on dog owner education and understanding of the dog's mind.

The Dodo Archive Study Says Human Behavior -- Not Dog Breed -- Predicts Canine Aggression By Jenny Kutner Published On 03/05/2014 science Share on Facebook Tweet this article Pin it Email Comments The Dodo Archive Study Says Human Behavior -- Not Dog Breed -- Predicts Canine Aggression By Jenny Kutn...

Hello everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself a little bit.I have always been an animal lover, ever since I was little...

Hello everyone! Just wanted to introduce myself a little bit.
I have always been an animal lover, ever since I was little, the thing that I loved the most was just to be around all kinds of creatures... From ducks, to frogs, horses, cats, rabbits, birds...and of course, dogs.
A few years ago now, after traveling a lot around and fulfilling some of my dreams, I felt like it wasn't enough, there was something missing. I had this need to help this world somehow and just couldn't find "the thing" that would allow me to do so. Almost two years ago now I tried so hard to adopt a dog while I was in Scotland, and tried literally every shelter in the country and even to bring one from abroad. This is when Bonnie came into my life. An 8 month old border collie, that had to be rehomed because she was a handful, so I decided to give her a chance. Very soon after I started to realize that this dog had serious issues, from pulling on the lead to separation anxiety, not listening, running away, fearful aggression, and a long etc.
After weeks of research found this amazing method to understand and communicate better with dogs and it changed my life and Bonnie's so much I decided to help other dogs and dog owners out there and enrolled the Dog Trainer Academy, runned by the amazing Dan Abdelnoor.
Now I'm taking it upon myself to share this knowledge and helping others that struggle with their furry companion's behaviour.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 19:00



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