🚨 stolen from another page but definitely applies to us - our Galveston flip flop wearing selves don’t even own socks much less uggs 🤣 🚨
New to Arkansas? We’re experiencing “Arkansas Winter”.
6 or 7 days of cold, snow, probably some ice. It may snow, it may not, it could be 10 inches, 2 inches.
It doesn’t matter how much, we’ll freak out.
The threat of any of it will prompt an emergency grocery store run for bread and milk. Even if we don’t need it. We just do this.
Everyone in town will be there.
You will also need to make a mad dash for faucet covers. Finding them and getting out of the store will be like an episode of hunger games.
You’re in the Arkansas district.
Don’t look for a sled, you won’t find one. Grab the nearest trash can lid and head for the tallest hill. You will soon fear for your life as you head for the ditch.
You will be fine though.
We don’t have equipment to handle the winter weather. The roads will be a mess and even though some will tell you they’re fine, they probably aren’t.
Just stay home, nobody here knows how to drive on ice or snow.
If you happen to slide off the road, put your hazards on. Two guys in a four wheel drive truck will arrive and assist.
Don’t fret, they’ve been waiting months (maybe years for this moment).
They will have the equipment to get you out.
When we’re on day 7 and acting like we’re going to die, just be patient with us. Some of us aren’t built for the cold but we’ll be okay.
We’ll eventually hit a second winter where it goes from 75 to 35 in one day. Tornadoes might also occur. That’s for another post though.
This is all factual.