Meghan, who has gladly brought a distemper survivor into her life, is looking to connect with other dog parents coping with this disease. Thanks so much for giving Palmy a wonderful life. She writes:
"Palmy was rescued from South Korea in December 2021, I was asked to take her about three weeks before, there was just no way I could say no! So, I left my house on Christmas Day (in northern MN) and drove to JFK to pick her up. It was the best decision of my life. Palm is a distemper survivor, she has the infamous distemper myoclonus twitch, and along with that the very vivid dreams. She had a couple seizures in the beginning but nothing major and is otherwise very healthy! She's the sweetest girl, and she's also not afraid to tell you when she's mad . Anyways, I've had the hardest time finding other distemper survivor parents, I'd love to connect, share stories, share health concerns or health celebrations! Here's a little bit of Palm's journey"
Meghan can be reached at [email protected] Thank you!