So what is everyone’s main thing they want when looking for a stallion for their mare?
For me it’s TEMPERAMENT!
Here’s Multicolors Marvel on his way home from cantering through the farm saying hello to the weanlings/yearlings and 2yo’s!! Temperaments don’t come much nicer than his 🥰 oh and this is a barn full of fillies!!
We love you Marv 🥹❤️
Multicolours Marvel multi-tasking today. Checking on all his brood mares while he gets his steps in 💛
Getting his steps in on the water treadmill at Coldharbour Farm Performance And Rehab to strengthen up and get stronger physically with doing zero impact work on his young legs!!
Big fan of water treadmills and so is marvel, hes such a water baby 🦄🐳
Do give rich and Freddie’s new rehab page a like and share to learn all About how amazing water treadmills and spas are for our beloved horses. 🥰 Based in Wick, Bristol.
Our gorgeous mare Molly, who’s by Olympic Lux scanning in foal to Multicolors Marvel yesterday for her final pregnancy scan before winter 🥰 You can see baby Marvels heart beating away 🥹😍