PLEASE help us get Lucy in a foster home!! She is currently in Houston, being kept outdoors. We have a willing (2-3) day foster her in DFW, we just someone to house her afterwards.
She's sweet and playful, along with being dog friendly!
โจ๏ธBittersweet story:
Our sweet little puppy "Marley" found an amazing adoptive family...
The foster cried when he left, and the foster's husband was literally heartbroken, and cried even more.
Once settled in his new home, Marley seemed to be sad, being away from his foster family "pack" and being an only puppy.
After tears shed, and broken hearts, the adoptive family felt Marley needed to come back with his friends, and be in his comfort zone.
After picking Marley up, the foster asked her husband to grab something out of her car, and to his surprise, there sat sweet Marley!
MORE tears were shed, and "he is not ever leaving this house again" flew out of her husbands mouth.
Needless to say...Marley is back "home" and the official ranch buddy for the foster's husband, and, back with his original fur family.๐พ
SO many people love you, Marley!!!โค๏ธ
Fun had by all (including all the doggies on the float), at the Grapevine Christmas parade lastnight!
Thank you to the person who video'd us passing by!
๐คFoster needed in DFW for unaltered friendly female (40 pounds.
๐คFoster needed in DFW for female Bassett mix.
Spayed female, 42 pounds...dog friendly.
UPDATE: We were told by the finder, someone called animal control, and she was picked up.
Salvaged Souls Pet Rescue was contacted about a dog left tied/abandoned, and looking for help.
She is not willing to let anyone touch her (she's obviously confused and scared).
We are looking for a foster home in Dallas/Fort Worth, or another rescue group who might have a willing foster, so this poor girl can get somewhere safe!
Please share!!
Same dog in previous post, needing a foster in DFW.
To say he is SPOILED, is putting it mildly!
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Baxter's dad sent us a few videos of him living his very best life!!
We are so thankful for our amazing adoptive families!!๐พ
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