All this icy weather hasn't been good for Finn's brain. Spooking at shadows but happy to be out ❤️
Best part of 3.5 hours walk this afternoon. Bogside to Kincardine and back. Stopped at the house for some snacks out of the fridge, and I got stung by a wasp while we were talking to some cows. Karma for me swearing at him for barging 🙈 Anyway, here he is. Can't barge over me if I walk at the back 👍
Exploring Plean Country Park
A well deserved roll in the mud this morning.
First time back in the saddle for at least 6 weeks 😮 It wasn't quite the quiet stroll I was hoping for 🙈
Stood nicely at the mounting block and followed the others straight out of the yard, no hesitation, just perfect 😊
So far so good. A little bit on his toes but holding it together well, even coping with the people and dogs at the mad scary house.
We started to feel a bit tired and sweaty so let Bruce and Jazz go on ahead while Finn and Sal turned round to head home.
It was all going really well until Sal lost a boot 😕 Finn starts getting a bit fidgety but is still trying hard to behave. I'm starting to think maybe I'll jump off when we get back to the cycle path to give him a rest...then something happened... 😮
Finn starts spooking at walking sideways/backwards into a tree, Sal decides he's had enough and gallops past us (Steven was still trying to put his boot back on). Finn is torn between following Sal and listening to me so we bounce around in a panic until I bail out. We continue to bounce while we go looking for Sal, who luckily hasn't gone far but is now missing even more boots 🙈
Then we bounced home, trying to hold ourselves together.
All in all it wasn't a roaring success but I can't fault him. He tried his best and held it together much better than I would have expected.
The end of British Summertime can GTF
Keen bean on the way home
I thought today we might step things up a little bit with our trailer training.
First I shut the front and asked him in a few times. Not a problem at all. Had some sweeties.
Next I reopened the front and shut the back ramp, as I'm hoping to travel rear facing. I should point out I've previously shown him how to back out carefully front and back, so if he does get a bit overwhelmed he knows what to do. He was so chilled out I thought I'd see if he was going to get upset if I left, but he didn't care at all. Clever boy. Had more sweeties 😊
Next step will be trying to close the ramp behind him, leaving the front open so he can leave if he needs to.