ImPAWsible Possible

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ImPAWsible Possible Innovative behaviour and educational solutions for dog owners and pet professionals in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and beyond.


Yup! Part of knowing your dog and understanding their behaviors and needs is to understand their evolutionary "story". This is a great video for any of my cattle dog friends.

MOUSE LIFE LESSON  #2 of ______Thought I’d share another lesson I learned (the very long and hard way) from MouseEvery b...

MOUSE LIFE LESSON #2 of ______

Thought I’d share another lesson I learned (the very long and hard way) from Mouse

Every behavior problem has a fundamental or organic solution that is "triggered" by the problem. This is known as the self-organizing capacity of systems, which Meadows (2008, p. 190) describes as "the ability to structure themselves, to create new structure, to learn, diversify, and complexify." This organic solution takes time to resolve the problem. If we're not aware of this natural adaptive cycle, our interventions may create side effects, such as creating dependence on the intervention and eroding the system's (dog and guardian) ability to resolve the problem independently. The dog and guardian may become dependent on the intervention, delaying the natural solution. What's the solution? To break this cycle, we need to develop strategies that support organic solutions—connecting the "intervention" circle (in the diagram below) to "organic solutions" rather than to "the problem" —to accelerate resolution, catalyze lasting change, and improve the welfare of both the dog and the guardian.

This diagram provides a sampling of what this might look like (it’s by no means exhaustive). I’m truly grateful for this invaluable life lesson taught by Mouse and I hope you will find it illuminating as well.

As always, feel free to comment or share any thoughts or questions you may have!

Had to share this from our friends at Underdogs Rescue . Providing I can make up my mind (the struggle is real!)as to wh...

Had to share this from our friends at Underdogs Rescue . Providing I can make up my mind (the struggle is real!)as to whether I would prefer the sweater or mug I am going to get one with Mouse's ears as a tribute to him. If you are interested in getting one for your dog, the link is in the original post below.

Coolest fundraiser ever!!! Get your custom sweater and colour changing mugs made!! You send us a photo of your dogs head with their ears visible and you get the cutest custom sweater just in time for fall/winter! The colour changing mugs are SO fun too. Hot water does a magic trick and you see the cutest ears to sip your coffee from. This fundraiser is in honour of our alumni, therapy dog Penny, whose mama is hosting this fundraiser in her honour after her recent passing. Please spread the word by sharing 💜🙏🎉🙉🪄

Just quickly popping in to say "Happy Sunday!" and to let everyone know there is still time to register for the The Pet ...

Just quickly popping in to say "Happy Sunday!" and to let everyone know there is still time to register for the The Pet Professional Guild 's Celebrating Life Together Event. Its super reasonably priced and you get a years access to all of the presentations including mine on Understanding and Resolving Human-Canine: A Systems Thinking Approach.

Good day! Firstly, I want to extend my heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for your overwhelming support ov...

Good day! Firstly, I want to extend my heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for your overwhelming support over the loss of Mouse. I truly couldn’t be more grateful.

My life and relationship with Mouse were VERY challenging at times, but through seasons of adversity, new life emerged in our relationship, and we developed a deep love, respect, trust, and care for each other.

Mouse shattered many (if not all) of my paradigms and forced me, in his persistent yet lovable way, to reconsider not only how I understand behavior but also how I interpret the world around me.

I fought against this for years (I’m stubborn!), but as I started to embrace the rhythms of our life together in new ways and sought a deeper understanding of the human-canine relationship, I was forever transformed.

Our nearly 13.5 years together are carved into the landscape of who I am as I write this and, moreover, into all of the work that I do with dogs and clients and the work that I am doing on the research end of things in the background (more on that hopefully later this year or early next).

On Saturday, August 18th, at 6:30 a.m. MST, I will be presenting my most recent work on conflict and conflict resolution in the human-canine bond through a systems thinking lens, which represents the culmination of all of my “Mouse-inspired” work to date for The Pet Professional Guild Celebrating Life Together Event. The timing of this, in the wake of losing Mouse, is both challenging yet providential.

I will leave a link in the comments below if you are interested in attending this event and seeing what we have been up to :-)

💜 🐾 Cat 🐈

MOUSE LIFE LESSON  #1: Embrace the Questions. We can't know or control everything about dogs, relationships or life; we ...

MOUSE LIFE LESSON #1: Embrace the Questions. We can't know or control everything about dogs, relationships or life; we can only embrace the possibilities of the present moment as a catalyst for growth and change.

"...have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer." Rainer Maria Rilke

It's with great sadness that I share this post, that I didn't think I was going to share because a) I'm a very private p...

It's with great sadness that I share this post, that I didn't think I was going to share because a) I'm a very private person and, b) if you don't share it, its not real, right?

Yesterday was the day that I've known was coming for awhile now, the day that my beloved Mouse told me that it was his time. While his heart (and will) were strong, his body was failing and it was time to say "goodbye".

I want to thank each and everyone of you who has supported and loved Mouse (and me) throughout the years of our journey together. I could not have given Mouse the life that he had and to provide what he needed to be seen and to flourish and grow without the "village" of friends, colleagues and clients that came together to support us. I truly appreciate each and every one of you and rest assured that Mouse did as well in his own (quirky) way.

As for me, it will take some time for me to get my bearings as I grieve, process and work through the entangled layers of our relationship and life together. There is not a single part of my life that Mouse did not reach or carve out in one way, shape or form and so this will undoubtedly take time, and while the journey ahead currently seems a bit daunting, I am also excited for what lies ahead and to share with you more about what I have learned through the last 13 years of my life with Mouse.

Thank you all truly from the bottom of my heart.

❤ Cat

📷 This was our final photo together before we said our last goodbye. If you are wondering about Mouse's body language, Mouse was "disgrunted" because I was keeping him from one of his most favorite people in the world and moreover the handful of cookies that she had (priorities, right?).

Looking forward presenting on Understanding and Resolving Human-Canine Conflict: A Systems Thinking Approach at the PPG ...

Looking forward presenting on Understanding and Resolving Human-Canine Conflict: A Systems Thinking Approach at the PPG Celebrating Life Together conference later this summer ☀️


Looking forward to this online event Aug 16-18! There's a great and diverse lineup of presenters (67 total) across a range of species and topics. If anyone is interested in attending (pros, owners, dog lovers) keep an eye out here as I might be posting a little contest for a free ticket soon (shhhh....🤫).

Perception and perspective are key to successfully navigating the human-canine bond and the trials it can bring. "Your d...

Perception and perspective are key to successfully navigating the human-canine bond and the trials it can bring.

"Your dog's behavior is not bad behavior. Its telling you that your dog is experiencing the world differently from you "

Canine cognition expert Alexandra Horowitz offers a peek inside the mind of your dog, sharing solutions to common "misbehaviors" that are often simply the re...

How is ______ (your dog's name) learning to *be* (flourish, adapt, cope) in a changing world?

How is ______ (your dog's name) learning to *be* (flourish, adapt, cope) in a changing world?


*Update: Now Resolved ✅ *


Just a quick note to let everyone know that the website is currently down. It's an issue on the host side, so unfortunately, it's not something I can resolve on my end. Please be sure to email me with any inquiries and my apologies for any inconvenience.



California, anyone? Here's a sneak peek into something I'm insanely passionate (okay, obsessed) about and where I devote all of my time when I'm not training or caring for Mouse! Have any questions or thoughts? Let me know :-)

The pain-anxiety relationship:This is an epic article with massive implications for every dog and dog guardian, especial...

The pain-anxiety relationship:

This is an epic article with massive implications for every dog and dog guardian, especially for those with reactivity or aggression concerns!!!

"A robust body of research shows that our brains process and perceive painful experiences very differently, depending on our emotional state (Wiech & Tracey, 2009):

Positive emotional states have been shown to inhibit pain perception (Zillmann et al., 1996; Weisenberg et al., 1998; Meagher et al., 2001), while negative emotional states can actually lead to or exacerbate pain (Rhudy and Meagher, 2000; Wunsch et al., 2003; Kenntner-Mabiala and Pauli, 2005).

In other words, when we—or our dogs—feel angry, frustrated, anxious, or fearful, our brains are more likely to interpret even mildly painful or uncomfortable stimuli as highly unpleasant."

Exploring the complex relationship between pain and fear/anxiety/frustration in dogs.

Attention Canine Catalyst Students!Did you attend the first class (in person or virtually)? Check your inbox (or spam fo...

Attention Canine Catalyst Students!

Did you attend the first class (in person or virtually)? Check your inbox (or spam folder) for resources and exciting news! Did you miss it? Virtual students, check the platform for recordings and news! Still haven't signed up? Check the link below and get started!


Speechless = 10/10
Relatability = 10/10


Happy Friday everyone!!! Just a heads up for those of you in this group who have purchased a virtual ticket for Canine Catalyst, the link for this Sunday's class is now available on the online platform 😀. The recording will be uploaded Monday along with any supplemental materials and resources. Let me know if you have any questions! If anyone else is interested in grabbing a virtual ticket you still have time! I will include the link below and hope to "see" you there.

With thunder storm season here, thought it would be a good time to share this: " The authors found that living environme...

With thunder storm season here, thought it would be a good time to share this:

" The authors found that living environments influenced fear development, with dogs in houses showing greater fear of thunder than those in apartments. They argue that homes, which are built differently with potentially less noise insulation than apartments, can affect dogs’ noise perception and fear responses. The authors also discovered a strong connection between guardians’ fear of thunder and their dogs’ fear, suggesting that dogs might mirror their human companions’ fear responses.

Age and breed also played a role in fear development. Dogs in this study tended to become more fearful as they got older, but less fearful once they became elderly, which many guardians attributed to hearing loss. Toy Poodles and Miniature Dachshunds were less fearful compared to other breeds in the study, which the authors believe may be related to genetics. Finally, dogs with multiple risk factors were more likely to fear thunder than dogs with fewer risk factors."

Many companion dogs are afraid of thunder. Research shows how guardians' actions and home environment affect their dogs’ fear development.

Happy Tuesday! Hope everyone had a fantastic long weekend. I've been working away on getting ready for the 'debut' of Ca...

Happy Tuesday! Hope everyone had a fantastic long weekend. I've been working away on getting ready for the 'debut' of Canine Catalyst this coming Sunday at 6pm in Calgary. The working spots (dog + human) are sold out, however, there is still time to hop in on a virtual ticket (attend without your dog in Calgary or catch the recordings online). Here is a glimpse of some of the 'shenanigans' I'm preparing for you! Let me know if you have any questions. I will be sure to drop a link in the comments and looking forward to seeing those who have already signed up there!


Show me your dog's best getting ready for the long weekend photo or video! Here is Mouse's

*Full disclosure. This was taken a couple of weeks ago. Mouse likes to really be prepared!

Happy Wednesday! How is it already almost the long weekend? I have no idea where 2024 is going.Anyways, popping on mid-w...

Happy Wednesday! How is it already almost the long weekend? I have no idea where 2024 is going.

Anyways, popping on mid-week here to say 👋 and to let you know that the working spots for Canine Catalyst are now sold out! Thanks to everyone who signed up. Cannot wait for you to experience this non-training, training program.

Good news is that you can audit without your dog or attend virtually. Be sure to check the website for details, and of course, hit me up if you have any questions.

🐈 Cat and Mouse 🐁

Happy Monday! And hope you all had the most amazing weekend 🌞. Just a quick note for anyone considering signing up for Canine Catalyst in Calgary, there's currently just 1 spot remaining.

Also, I've added a virtual only option for dog pros or owners who would like to attend virtually. All of the details are available in the post below and I will be sure drop the link in the comments as well. 😀

Happy Monday! And hope you all had the most amazing weekend 🌞. Just a quick note for anyone considering signing up for C...

Happy Monday! And hope you all had the most amazing weekend 🌞. Just a quick note for anyone considering signing up for Canine Catalyst in Calgary, there's currently just 1 spot remaining.

Also, I've added a virtual only option for dog pros or owners who would like to attend virtually. All of the details are available in the post below and I will be sure drop the link in the comments as well. 😀

Exciting news on this rainy and blustery Tuesday! I'm thrilled to formally introduce Canine Catalyst, where dogs evolve ...

Exciting news on this rainy and blustery Tuesday! I'm thrilled to formally introduce Canine Catalyst, where dogs evolve their own behaviours 🐾 This program kicks off with the first class on May 26th!

What is Canine Catalyst?

It's a program grounded in systems thinking, complexity, perceptual control theory, cybernetics and other geeky science (don't worry, the tools are simple!) empowering dogs to evolve their own behaviour.

This program takes an Emergent Curriculum or "dog-in-environment" approach, meaning it adjusts in real-time based on the unique needs, interests, decisions, and capabilities of your dog, rather than adhering to a predetermined plan or human agenda. This paradoxically leads to MORE EFFECTIVE OUTCOMES.

Who is Canine Catalyst for?

Any dog and owner seeking behaviour change and a deeper connection. If your dog or puppy ages 5 mos and up has big feelings (fear, anxiety, jealousy, excitement, frustration or perhaps "all of the above"), is distractable (attention span of a fruit fly), struggles in social situations, or if you find yourself in constant struggle with your dog then this program is for you! Dog trainers and pros are welcome!!!

Additional details:

The first program starts May 26. 8-hour program with classes lasting 2 hours each, combining indoor and outdoor sessions.

🐾 Class 1 - May 26@6pm: Canine Catalyst Introduction (for humans only) Lay the groundwork for understanding the Canine Catalyst approach and philosophy and get tools to start Catalyzing Change in every interaction.

🐾 Class 2 - June 20@7:30pm: Viewing Change Through Your Dog's Eyes: Learn to see and facilitate behaviour change from your dog's perspective.

🐾 Classes 3 & 4 - June 24 & 27@7:30pm: Catalyzing Change in the Real World Take the tools you've learned and apply them in real-world scenarios, building confidence and trust between you and your dog.

This program will benefit any dog and any dog owner (trainers and dog pros also welcome) wanting to explore new possibilities for change, learning, and growth.

In person investment $349+GST (Early Bird until May 15) | $599+ GST (Regular)

****Virtual options available $129 + GST (Early Bird until May 15) | $179 + GST (regular). Please contact me for details and virtual registration. Prices in CDN $***

Join me for a paradigm shifting journey with your dog.

Awesome guest article on the Aggressive Dog blog by Tracey McLennan MSc. delving into predatory behaviours in dogs! Navi...

Awesome guest article on the Aggressive Dog blog by Tracey McLennan MSc. delving into predatory behaviours in dogs! Navigating these behaviours starts with curiosity, keen observation, introspection and asking and answering the right questions. Out of this emerges understanding, a deeper "knowing" of your dog along with answers.

"Exploring predatory behavior in your dog might feel overwhelming, but fear not, I'm here to assist. Start by closely observing your dog to uncover their favorite activities. I've curated a set of questions corresponding to each stage of the predatory sequence, tailored to help you grasp your dog's inclinations. If your dog reacts differently to various stimuli like toys, wildlife, or fast-moving individuals, don't hesitate to answer the questions multiple times. Utilize these classifications to guide your assessment:

1. My dog lives for this. They eagerly embark on walks or explore the garden in search of opportunities.
2. My dog frequently desires to engage in this behavior.
3. Sometimes my dog displays interest in this activity.
4. There are rare occasions when my dog shows an inclination toward this behavior.
5. My dog displays no interest in this behavior.

Here are the questions:

Hunt: Does your dog sniff the air, ground, or scan with their eyes for prey?

Orient: Does your dog change position to see or smell prey better?

Eye: When your dog spots prey, do they freeze and intensely gaze at it?

Stalk: Does your dog lower their body and head, moving slowly toward prey?

Chase: Does your dog sprint toward and pursue moving prey? If on a leash, do they pull?

Grab-bite: When close enough, does your dog bite down on prey?

Possess: When near prey, does your dog grab and carry it around?

Kill-bite: When in proximity, does your dog shake their head while holding prey?

Dissect: If your dog catches prey, do they pluck at it or attempt to tear it open?

Consume: When in possession of prey, does your dog try to eat part or all of it?"

Explore how selective breeding has influenced predatory behavior in pet dogs and discover practical tips to safely meet your dog's instinctual needs. Learn about the predatory behavior sequence and how it impacts dog welfare. Uncover ways to understand and manage these behaviors, offering safe outle...


Happy Monday everyone! Hope you had an amazing weekend. Just to let you know that tomorrow is day I will be releasing the details of my new program for reactive, anxious, fearful and excitable dogs called Canine Catalyst – where dogs become the catalysts for their own behaviour breakthroughs. 🌟 This program is "non training, training" that empowers the dog to evolve their own behaviours with the support of the guardian. I cannot wait to share this with you! Keep your eyes open tomorrow (Tuesday) for all the details!

Cat 🐈 and Mouse 🐁



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