Horse Bit Fit Academy Training Consultants

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Horse Bit Fit Academy Training Consultants Horse Bit Fit Academy offering Bit And Bridle Fitting Consultant Courses. LANTRA and CPD Accreditation.

News Update:Horse Bit Fit Academy now Associate Member of BETA..Another way to show our standard of training alongside b...

News Update:
Horse Bit Fit Academy now Associate Member of BETA..
Another way to show our standard of training alongside being a LANTRA Accredited Course Provider...

For further info on our Bit And Bridle Fitting Courses visit

Also if you're looking for a Bit and Bridle fitting Consultant, go to the EAPER (Equine Accredited Professionals Ethos Register) listings on website above. There you'll find Consultants in UK, and Overseas, trained to the highest standard, by Accredited Course Providers, with the ethos your horse deserves...


Horse Bit Fit, leading the way in Equine Education. LANTRA, UKRS, and CPD Accreditations available. Bit and Bridle Fitting Courses. Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultant Courses. Ethos Register with the Professionals you need, and the qualifications you want.

We've been fairly quiet with posts lately, but there's just so much happening behind the scenes of Horse Bit Fit Academy...

We've been fairly quiet with posts lately, but there's just so much happening behind the scenes of Horse Bit Fit Academy... lots of news to come over next few months....

New companies we're in discussions with, to work alongside, and help our existing EAPER listed Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultants, and the newly Accredited coming along.

EAPER listings expanded to include existing LANTRA Accredited Consultants, not just trained by Academy... and some big news for the Academy itself...

There's never been a better time to expand your Bit and Bridle Fitting knowledge. Or maybe become your own boss as an LANTRA Accredited Consultant, or join our ever growing list of EAPER Consultants.

*EAPER Equine Accredited Professionals Ethos Register - to regulate quality, and training of Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultants*

More info on courses, EAPER, and to find your local Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultant



**Exciting opportunities for Bit and Bridle retailers/suppliers/makers**

HBFA has always worked alongside 1, or 2 Retailers/Suppliers, mainly because as a Company we worked with them, to design, and trial many Bits and Bridles. Horsemanship Saddlery being one of them, with their Orbit, Eclipse, and many Bridles being brought to market with HBF input...

Our business structure has changed, and many excellent Consultants are graduating through the Academy now, UK and Worldwide. This brings new challenges, and new opportunities for many Companies besides us...

What are we looking for? Several Companies we can recommend to Consultants, and then their Clients, through the products taken to Consultations. Companies who meet our ethos with their products, and may even be willing to work alongside us.

If you think you may have a few products, Bits and Bridles only, that our Consultants could recommend, please email [email protected]

Thanks Carol

HBFA News:As a company we've looked at our yearly increase in Course fees, and decided to have NO increase this year, th...

HBFA News:

As a company we've looked at our yearly increase in Course fees, and decided to have NO increase this year, this will reviewed again February 2024... we're hoping this helps the many horse owners, riders who want to, and are considering signing up for our Courses. From those just wishing to expand their knowledge, and importantly the many wanting to change careers, start out on their own with a Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultancy. There's never been a better time to be your own boss...

We are doing away with our EAPER Basic Listings on the website. With 20 plus LANTRA Accredited, HBFA Certified, Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultants, covering whole UK, and several overseas. More being added monthly, as a company we feel this is more what Clients are looking for. The Associate EAPER listings for Consultants will remain, and also be free for next 12 months. Again, we hope this helps those listed...

More admin have been taken on, for those wanting info on Course, to enrol on Courses. With quicker turnover of emails, whether in UK, or overseas... thank you for your support this past 12 months. Been an amazing year the Academy...

More details

Horse Bit Fit, leading the way in Equine Education. LANTRA, UKRS, and CPD Accreditations available. Bit and Bridle Fitting Courses. Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultant Courses. Ethos Register with the Professionals you need, and the qualifications you want.


**Exciting opportunities for Bit and Bridle retailers/suppliers/makers**

HBFA has always worked alongside 1, or 2 Retailers/Suppliers, mainly because as a Company we worked with them, to design, and trial many Bits and Bridles. Horsemanship Saddlery being one of them, with their Orbit, Eclipse, and many Bridles being brought to market with HBF input...

Our business structure has changed, and many excellent Consultants are graduating through the Academy now, UK and Worldwide. This brings new challenges, and new opportunities for many Companies besides us...

What are we looking for? Several Companies we can recommend to Consultants, and then their Clients, through the products taken to Consultations. Companies who meet our ethos with their products, and may even be willing to work alongside us.

If you think you may have a few products, Bits and Bridles only, that our Consultants could recommend, please email [email protected]

Thanks Carol

*Thoughts For February* How many times do you see stated "French Link is a kind Bit"? Still on many Bitting websites, an...

*Thoughts For February*

How many times do you see stated "French Link is a kind Bit"? Still on many Bitting websites, and taught (not on our Courses!)

When you look at a link on the tongue, with no contact on reins it appears to be flat. Now under contact, the link rotates, thin edge digging into the tongue, working angle (as in pic) This is NOT a kind Bit...

Funnily enough the Dr Bristol is much despised, but fitted correctly, and under contact, works as designed. The plate will sit flat on the tongue.

Also note French Link is not a Lozenge, or Peanut. These are something totally different in shape, and can be kinder under contact. But only if the cannon joints sit flat on tongue too under contact, as in something like an NS Team Up....

Note the grooves in palate, and the prominent one this Bit is fitted to, as per "Cobbett Groove Bitting Rule" (to be discussed later)

More info on our Courses, busting many Bitting Myths

Horse Bit Fit Academy Courses:*ENROLMENT NOW OPEN FOR INTRO COURSE STARTING 28TH*Students take our Courses for many reas...

Horse Bit Fit Academy Courses:


Students take our Courses for many reasons:

They have Bit and Bridle Fitting issues with their own horses.

They want to increase their personal knowledge of Bit and Bridle Fitting.

CPD points/hours, or UKRS Accreditation are needed for the equestrian workplace

LANTRA Accreditation, or HBFA Certificate would enhance their existing equine business.

And many want to change their direction in life, helping horses, and are now qualifying, going on to set up, run their own Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultancy.

What could you get from our Courses?
To find out more visit

Are you looking for a professional or consultant? Visit our EAPER (Equine Accredited Professionals Ethos Register) listings, on the website also. Where you know you'll get Accredited Professionals, with the Ethos you want, for your horses well being, and your peace of mind... always check a Consultant or Professionals qualifications, they do need renewing to keep the knowledge up to date, and some may claim they have Accreditations. Just check to make sure...

Interesting article by Master Saddle and Bridle Makers. Frances RocheCatherine Baker ( Member of EAPER, and Bit and Brid...

Interesting article by Master Saddle and Bridle Makers.
Frances Roche
Catherine Baker ( Member of EAPER, and Bit and Bridle Consultant, find contact details here )
And thanks to SMS (Society of Master Saddlers)

Looking for an Accredited Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultant, with training you can trust, and the ethos your horse needs...

Looking for an Accredited Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultant, with training you can trust, and the ethos your horse needs?

Also Equine Professionals, Massage, McTimoney, Physio, Trainers, Saddlers, with trusted Bit and Bridle Fitting Knowledge

Visit our EAPER listings...

EQUINE ACCREDITED PROFESSIONALS ETHOS REGISTER - its what your horse would choose...

Courses available to train as a Consultant too, UK and Overseas.

NEWS .... Launching March 1st 2022Equine Accredited Professionals Ethos Register - EAPER Horse Bit Fit Academy are excit...

NEWS .... Launching March 1st 2022

Equine Accredited Professionals Ethos Register - EAPER

Horse Bit Fit Academy are excited to bring you an Association to finally regulate Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultants. We've listened to your concerns, and feedback re trying to find Consultants.

And being run by an Accredited Course Provider, you just know its members will have an excellent standard of training, LANTRA Accredited, HBFA Certified, with ongoing training, and back up. Qualifications, knowledge, and an ethos you can trust.

Peace of mind when booking a Consultant, or a Professional qualified to give Bit and Bridle advice. Easy to find on our website from this week, with the official launch March 1st....

Thinking of becoming a Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultant? There's never been a better time, with Horse Bit Fit Academy offering the Courses, and Accreditations you need, and now also excellent back up of EAPER

More info [email protected]

We aren't here to just change horse's lives, we're here to change people's too... Just one of our students who took the ...

We aren't here to just change horse's lives, we're here to change people's too...
Just one of our students who took the Intro Bit and Bridle Fitting Course, and was hooked. Went onto our Advanced Consultant Course, and now becoming Associate Member of EAPER (Equine Accredited Professionals Ethos Register) with a rewarding career they just love... if you love horses, and want to improve their lives, make 2022 your year too...
More info

Horse Bit Fit Academy News Updates:Bit and Bridle Consultants, Equine Professionals...-As many of you are aware Horse Bi...

Horse Bit Fit Academy News Updates:
Bit and Bridle Consultants, Equine Professionals...

-As many of you are aware Horse Bit Fit ran a successful Consultancy for several years, this controlled standards of training, that Consultants were Insured, DBS checks, doing regular CPD, and had the ethos that was so needed for welfare of the horse in ridden work, and improvements in horse's performance. It regulated many Consultants out there working. Clients were guaranteed a certain standard. Unfortunately this no longer exists, and we're back to lots of fitters working on their own with no guarantee of standards....

-The Ethos Register on our website, was set up to make it easier for everyone looking for Bit and Bridle Consultants, and Equine Professionals. Standards being guaranteed by training through Horse Bit Fit Academy. This is now going to be expanded to an Association as such....

"Equine Accredited Professionals Ethos Register"
There will be 2 membership options for those working in the industry, and training through the HBFA. An excellent way to find the Consultant or Professional you need, with qualifications and standard you want

Basic Membership, for Equine Professionals trained to the standard of our Intro Bit and Bridle Fitting Course with HBFA or LANTRA Certificates...

Associate Membership, for Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultants with standard of our Advanced Consultant Course with HBFA, or LANTRA Certificates. They will possess Certificate of Membership so Clients can be guaranteed the standard of training, and that it's kept up to date.

-Whether you want more info on the Courses, EAPER, or want to find a Consultant or Professional please visit

Horse Bit Fit Academy News Updates....From February 1st 2022 HBFA are restructuring the Course Fees. We listened to feed...

Horse Bit Fit Academy News Updates....

From February 1st 2022 HBFA are restructuring the Course Fees. We listened to feedback, and how some found the different Accreditations, and Fees confusing.

There will be just 2 levels of Fees, and a Combination Fee for all Courses, plus total Fees for Consultant Course. Unfortunately there will be increases in some Fees, due to our costs overall as a Company going up, but some Fees will stay the same. We've tried not increasing any Fees, as we know costs for horse owners are also going up, and we've had no increase for 3 years.

As there are waiting lists for Students, we will honour the original fees if deposit paid before February 1st 2022, for period of 3 months. Basically that means fees will be held, until April for any student on a waiting list, long as a deposit paid.

We are also introducing a new Certificate, available for those who don't require, or need LANTRA, but want same standard of training, especially those overseas. HBFA (Horse Bit Fit Academy) Certificate.

More details of all the above

Horse Bit Fit, leading the way in Equine Education. LANTRA, UKRS, and CPD Accreditations available. Bit and Bridle Fitting Courses. Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultant Courses. Ethos Register with the Professionals you need, and the qualifications you want.

Happy New Year to you all, and let's hope 2022 brings you everything Equine that you wish for... We are looking at the C...

Happy New Year to you all, and let's hope 2022 brings you everything Equine that you wish for...
We are looking at the Course fees, with costs going up daily. But, we are also looking at other options instead of increasing, as we know money can be tight for horse owners too, and we just want the Horse Bit Fit Academy knowledge, and ethos, out to as many owners as possible..
A new Course available, no time limit for completion (within 6 months), no set enrolment dates, just hop on, hop off as such, for horse owners just wanting to increase their knowledge of Bit and Bridle fitting, for horse's welfare and performance.
A different structure to Consultant Courses especially for those overseas, and already qualified, or accredited in another Equine field...
Anything else you'd like to see Course wise?
For more info on our Courses

Horse Bit Fit Academy Courses:Our Courses are fully subscribed most months now, and we have student waiting lists. Below...

Horse Bit Fit Academy Courses:

Our Courses are fully subscribed most months now, and we have student waiting lists. Below is why....

Easy to request the month you wish to enrol, and be added to that list for contact soon as enrolment opens. Lists now open for 2022. (No Course Enrolments for December - Admin having a much needed holiday!)
[email protected]

Students take our Courses for many reasons:

They have Bit and Bridle Fitting issues with their own horses.

They want to increase their personal knowledge of Bit and Bridle Fitting.

CPD points/hours are needed by company they work for.

A UKRS Accreditation is needed for that dream position they want.

LANTRA Accreditation would enhance their own existing equine business.

And many are now qualifying, and going on to set up, and run their own Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultancy. Starting with achieving LANTRA Accreditation in our Intro Course, then the Advanced Consultant Course.

What could you get from our Courses?
To find out more visit

Are you looking for a professional or consultant? Visit our Ethos Register, on the website also. Where you know you'll get Accredited Professionals, with the Ethos you want, for your horses well being, and your peace of mind... always check a Consultants or Professionals qualifications, they do need renewing to keep the knowledge up to date, and some may claim they have Accreditations. Just check to make sure...

Lots of exciting changes, and improvements coming to Horse Bit Fit and the Academy in 2022... Our LANTRA Advanced Consul...

Lots of exciting changes, and improvements coming to Horse Bit Fit and the Academy in 2022...

Our LANTRA Advanced Consultant Course will be opened up to students with LANTRA Accreditation from other providers, not just through our LANTRA Intro Bit and Bridle Fitting Course.

Our Ethos Register is expanding to overseas Consultants, and Equine Professionals, so wherever you are UK, USA, Australia, Europe you'll be able to find that help for your horse, with the peace of mind that the standard of training, and knowledge is excellent.

And the most exciting as our LANTRA Accredited Advanced Bit and Bridle Consultants are coming through quickly now, an Association, and Register of them from all over the world, with a Facebook Group you can use to contact them, or ask for advice. They'll also be listed on our Ethos Register on
Professionals you need, with the knowledge and ethos you want...

Horse Bit Fit Academy can't thank everyone enough for all your support this year through difficult times, and many changes. We have made a huge difference to many horses and riders lives in the past, and now with a new direction we're helping even more...

We are looking for other Equine Course Providers to offer our Advanced Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultants a choice of Courses to further their knowledge. Is this you? Contact [email protected]

Looking forward to 2022

Are you looking for an Equine Professional? Massage, McTimoney, Trainers, Instructors and more with Horse Bit Fit Academ...

Are you looking for an Equine Professional? Massage, McTimoney, Trainers, Instructors and more with Horse Bit Fit Academy LANTRA Accreditation for Bit and Bridle fitting listed on our Ethos Register. More listed every week...
The professionals you need, with the ethos, knowledge, and Accreditations you want for your horse's welfare.

Horse Bit Fit Academy Courses:Students take our Courses for many reasons:They have Bit and Bridle Fitting issues with th...

Horse Bit Fit Academy Courses:

Students take our Courses for many reasons:

They have Bit and Bridle Fitting issues with their own horses.

They want to increase their personal knowledge of Bit and Bridle Fitting. (Would you spot problems below!)

CPD points/hours are needed by company they work for.

A UKRS Accreditation is needed for that dream job they want.

LANTRA Accreditation would enhance their existing equine business.

And many are now qualifying, and going on to set up, and run their own Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultancy.

What could you get from our Courses?
To find out more visit

Are you looking for a professional or consultant? Visit our Ethos Register, on the website also. Where you know you'll get Accredited Professionals, with the Ethos you want, for your horses well being, and your peace of mind... always check a Consultant or Professionals qualifications, they do need renewing to keep the knowledge up to date, and some may claim they have Accreditations. Just check to make sure...

And why our Academy Courses promote checking Bits regularly, and what materials to avoid.... Next Intro Enrolment opens ...

And why our Academy Courses promote checking Bits regularly, and what materials to avoid....
Next Intro Enrolment opens July 20th, several Accreditations to suit, places limited, and there is a waiting list...
More info here

A not so "Happy Mouth" bit, showing the damage that can be caused by the horses teeth. Needless to say, this was on its way to the bin!
The damage that this bit can cause to a horses tongue and bars can be considerable. Please do check and clean your horses bit after every ride for signs of damage.

Enrolment for LANTRA Advanced Consultant Course opens today, but places are already fully subscribed... These students h...

Enrolment for LANTRA Advanced Consultant Course opens today, but places are already fully subscribed...
These students have already taken our LANTRA Intro Bit and Bridle Fitting Course, and achieved Distinction...

Could this be you?
Would you like to enhance your existing equine business with the LANTRA Accredited Intro Course, opening up a free listing on our Ethos Register, helping prospective Clients find you easily.

Or do want run your own business as a LANTRA Accredited Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultant? Work when you like, and where you like. We receive enquiries everyday for Consultants who have the Horse Bit Fit Ethos, and the qualifications that can be trusted.

Several Accreditations available to suit your needs. LANTRA, UKRS and CPD. All online, available UK and Overseas.

For more info on all this...

Enrolment for Intro Bit and Bridle Fitting Course starting 28th May is now fully subscribed... thank youNext enrolment o...

Enrolment for Intro Bit and Bridle Fitting Course starting 28th May is now fully subscribed... thank you

Next enrolment opens June 20th, for Intro Course starting 28th June. Acceditations to suit your needs. CPD, UKRS, and LANTRA. Register your interest, and for more info

LANTRA Advanced Consultant Course enrolment opens June 10th, for Course starting 18th June. To qualify for enrolment you must already have our LANTRA Accredited Intro Bit and Bridle Fitting Course. This will enable you to run your own Consultancy, and/or enhance your existing equine business...

Any LANTRA Accreditation through Horse Bit Fit gives you free listing on our Ethos Register. Already becoming the popular way to find a Consultant, or Professional you need, with the qualifications and ethos you want. Professionals include McTimoney, Massage, Saddlers, Trainers and of course Bit and Bridle Consultants... why look anywhere else, you just know the standard will be excellent...

So if you want to know how the image below can affect your horse, or you need help with your horse, we can help....

Looking to improve your knowledge on Bit and Bridle fitting, for performance, and most of all a happy partnership?Want t...

Looking to improve your knowledge on Bit and Bridle fitting, for performance, and most of all a happy partnership?
Want to enhance your already existing Equine business?
Want to start your own Bit and Bridle Consultancy? Our Intro Course is the first step. Then the Advanced Consultant Course, which will not only give you the confidence you have the knowledge required, but also LANTRA Accreditation, and help to get going....

CPD, UKRS, and LANTRA Accreditations available on all our Courses for any direction you want to head.

Next enrolment opens 20th May for Horse Bit Fit Intro Bit and Bridle Fitting Course starting 28th. It does look fully subscribed. There is a waiting list though, as places are limited. By registering your interest, if no places in May you will be guaranteed a place on our June Course.

Our Advanced Consultant Course enrolment opens 10th June, for Course starting 18th June. Again it does look fully subscribed, so there is a waiting list for July's Course too.

Looking for Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultant, or a Professional with knowledge of correct Bit and Bridle Fitting?
Horse Bit Fit Ethos Register is updated weekly with listings of Equine Professionals and Consultants with LANTRA Accreditation through Horse Bit Fit Academy. This is the only way to guarantee the independent specialist you're using has the qualifications, and ethos you want. Covering UK and Overseas.
More info on all the above

April's Horse Bit Fit Intro Bit and Bridle Fitting Course is now fully subscribed. There's now a May waiting list, place...

April's Horse Bit Fit Intro Bit and Bridle Fitting Course is now fully subscribed. There's now a May waiting list, places are limited.

Our Advanced Consultant Course enrolment opens 10th May, for Course starting 18th May. It does look fully subscribed so there is now a waiting list for June's Course.

Ethos Register will be updated this week with more listings of Equine Professionals and Consultants with LANTRA Accreditation through Horse Bit Fit Academy.

The Professionals you need with the qualifications, and ethos you want. Covering UK and Overseas.
More info on all the above

Horse Bit Fit, leading the way in Equine Education. LANTRA, UKRS, and CPD Accreditations available. Bit and Bridle Fitting Courses. Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultant Courses. Ethos Register with the Professionals you need, and the qualifications you want.

Enrolment opened today for Horse Bit Fit Intro Bit Bridle Fitting Course starting April 28th.Does look fully subscribed,...

Enrolment opened today for Horse Bit Fit Intro Bit Bridle Fitting Course starting April 28th.
Does look fully subscribed, but now is good time to put your name down for our May Course.
Several Accreditations to meet your learning needs, or open up further Courses with us.
Personal Development, enhance an existing Equine Business, or train to become Bit and Bridle Consultant.
Listing available on our Ethos Register once qualified, where potential Clients can find the Professional they need, with the Qualifications and Ethos they want.
Available UK, and Overseas.
More info

Horse Bit Fit, leading the way in Equine Education. LANTRA, UKRS, and CPD Accreditations available. Bit and Bridle Fitting Courses. Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultant Courses. Ethos Register with the Professionals you need, and the qualifications you want.

Want a Course, and Provider you can trust... Horse Bit Fit Academy not only offer LANTRA Accredited Courses, there are C...

Want a Course, and Provider you can trust... Horse Bit Fit Academy not only offer LANTRA Accredited Courses, there are CPD, and UKRS Accreditations also, to meet your learning needs.... for your own personal development, or maybe a new Career, UK, and overseas... more details

Some exciting news.... working togetherSprenger will be providing designated Courses for the LANTRA Equine Professionals...

Some exciting news.... working together

Sprenger will be providing designated Courses for the LANTRA Equine Professionals, and Consultants on our Ethos Register.

Want to be part of this expanding knowledge base?
Reach your future Clients easily in the UK, and Overseas.

Soon to be the place to find the Professional or Consultant you require, with the ethos, knowledge and qualifications you can trust...

Horse Bit Fit Intro Bit Bridle Fitting Course:March 20th enrolment, fully subscribedApril 20th starting to look that way...

Horse Bit Fit Intro Bit Bridle Fitting Course:
March 20th enrolment, fully subscribed
April 20th starting to look that way too
May 20th list of waiting students now opened
To be added, and place reserved...

Contact us at
Or [email protected]

Advanced Consultant Course on schedule for April 20th enrolment. Places limited, and Intro must of been taken first.

Horse Bit Fit, leading the way in Equine Education. LANTRA, UKRS, and CPD Accreditations available. Bit and Bridle Fitting Courses. Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultant Courses. Ethos Register with the Professionals you need, and the qualifications you want.

Lots of changes at Horse Bit Fit as you will have noticed:We do not have Contracted Consultants. We only recommend Profe...

Lots of changes at Horse Bit Fit as you will have noticed:

We do not have Contracted Consultants.

We only recommend Professionals on our Ethos Register. These will have LANTRA Accreditation through our Intro Course to enhance an already existing Equine Business, or LANTRA Advanced Consultant Course.

However we do offer excellent Bit and Bridle Fitting Knowledge through our Courses, and soon to be released App. Giving you the knowledge to solve your own Bit And Bridle Fitting issues.

Intro Course: choice of Accreditations, for personal development, to help with any ridden work issues you may have, enhance your existing business, or take you onto the Advanced Consultant Course.

Advanced Consultant Course: will enable you to set up your own Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultancy. Advice given how to set it up, and run it if needed.

Both Courses with LANTRA Accreditation entitle you and your business to a listing on the Ethos Register where clients can easily find you. Our website has 1000-2000 new visitors each month, 5000 with repeats. Enquiries received daily. A listing is free.

Bit and Bridle Fitting App: the Consultant in your pocket. Lots of tips on fitting Bits and Bridles for better performance, solving issues in ridden work. To be released soon... watch this space.

More info here
Or [email protected]

Horse Bit Fit, leading the way in Equine Education. LANTRA, UKRS, and CPD Accreditations available. Bit and Bridle Fitting Courses. Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultant Courses. Ethos Register with the Professionals you need, and the qualifications you want.

The Horse Bit Fit Intro Bit Bridle Fitting Course now looks like it's fully booked for March 20th enrolment. We've now s...

The Horse Bit Fit Intro Bit Bridle Fitting Course now looks like it's fully booked for March 20th enrolment. We've now started an April waiting list.

The HBF Intro Course can be used for further development of knowledge in Bit and Bridle Fitting to help with horse's performance, and well being.

CPD points/hours can be acquired for Professionals. Also for Stable Staff, or those wishing to enter the industry, there is the UKRS Accreditation. And LANTRA Accreditation is available to enhance an existing Equine business, and this then qualifies you to be listed on our Ethos Register for possible Clients to find your business easily.

The LANTRA Intro can lead you into our LANTRA Advanced Consultant Course, with Accreditation to become a Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultant. We're hoping to have some spaces on March 20th enrolment. And again we have a waiting list.

Start your own Bit And Bridle Consulting business in 2021, backed by HBF Ethos. All these Courses are available in UK, and overseas...

More info here

Horse Bit Fit, leading the way in Equine Education. LANTRA, UKRS, and CPD Accreditations available. Bit and Bridle Fitting Courses. Bit and Bridle Fitting Consultant Courses. Ethos Register with the Professionals you need, and the qualifications you want.



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