Lala Human Dog Coach

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  • Lala Human Dog Coach

Lala Human Dog Coach I am a dog coach, owner of (now remote) and founder of the It’s details, context, and the big picture I am taking in.

When I work with you and your dog, I will seek to find out everything about your dog. I will observe your dog’s body language while (s)he is moving, resting, and exploring. You will have a chance to tell me all your concerns and ask me questions. A dog’s life can improve with a few small changes. Dogs and their guardians often form a symbiotic relationship. Sometimes we are so close to an issue th

at it's difficult to see. A little about my dogs and I....

I am originally from Canada and was lucky enough to start my dog education under the patient tutelage of Muffin a JRT/Chihuahua when I was 10 years old. Then, in 1996, a Westie, named Bonnie took me under her wing for almost 17 years! In 2014/2015 I studied under the world renowned Norwegian Dog Educator, Turid Rugaas and completed an International Dog Education Training. I never stop learning! Our current dogs, Izzy (rescued JRT) and Ted (rescued Weechon, possibly ex-breeding situation) are a work in progress. Izzy is our mascot for the Slow Dog Movement as she was a former serial ball ju**ie and now walks slowly and sniffs each blade of grass for as long as it takes! Ted, came to us in early 2020 and is learning how to live in a house and overcome his fears. Just like humans, no dog is perfect and nor should they be. The goal for me is to foster the environment for a happy and calm dog. Consultations usually take 1-1.5 hrs. I am happy to travel to your home to observe your dog with your dog and all family members (who live with her/him) present. This includes other dog family members. If you would rather travel to a neutral place, this is also possible. It is often helpful for dog guardians to take notes while we discuss what is going on. I will follow up our session with a report via email and some resources. Your follow up emails and phone calls to me, at your discretion, are part of this service. Any subsequent consultation for other issues or training, such as leash work are charged by the hour. I will send you an ‘intake form’ via email prior to our meeting to gather the basic information about your dog . I hold current public indemnity insurance and professional liability insurance with Pet Business Insurance. I look forward to ‘working together’ with you and your dog to find positive solutions. Laura

Owner, Lala Human Dog Coach
Founder/Director of the Slow Dog Movement C.I.C.

Wise words from Colorado Canine Enrichment LLC ♥️🐾

Wise words from Colorado Canine Enrichment LLC ♥️🐾

I am a DOG
I don’t need to make art and attend story-time.

I want to sniff the world and roll in the grass. I want to the opportunity to watch the world.

I am a DOG
I am not a human baby. You can love me with all your heart but to make me a human is to deny what makes me so incredibly marvelous.

I am a DOG
If you love me so much let me be the dog. I like to chew , I speak to you in my Native Language. It’s called the Canine Ethogram. Please learn about me and I will tell you so much.

I am a Dog
I needn’t learn all of your words. If you learn my canine communication we can meet in the middle. I don’t need buttons to push and gadgets to name. My ears and tail constantly share my feelings as do my eyes.

I am a Dog
You laugh when I’m in clothing with ears slicked back and wide fearful eyes. I’m saying I don’t like it and I’m scared. You keep laughing at me.

I am a DOG
I love to walk , hike , sleep, eat , and be with my people. I love digging and swimming. I want some choices and understanding. Let me choose where we walk and never rush me or yank me.

I am a DOG
I need companionship. Please don’t leave me alone so long. Don’t lock me away for hours. I have to potty more than you think.

I am a DOG
I don’t need to attend the pet store ice cream social or meet Santa if I’m scared. Listen to me please. You and I could drive to the country and have ice cream just us. You could get my Christmas photo done in the woods by a real winter tree.

I am a DOG
If you love me learn to listen to me. We dogs are all unique. Learn who I really am and what makes me happy.

I am a DOG
Many consider me the world’s most amazing animal. Don’t take that away from me by making me more human like.

I am a DOG
You could save a fortune on dog training if you learned to speak my language and learn what brings ME joy. Many trainers want me to be a robot. I’m not just a baby or a robot.

I am a DOG
Enter my world and be amazed. See your finances free up , see your stress reduced , see our relationship blossom. I invite you to come to the land of open space , lazy days , long naps, belly rubs , bird watching , prances through creeks and brooks.

I am a DOG
I make pawprints in Mud and steal pizza crust. I am a natural scavenger. Create games for me to meet my needs. I like finding treats. Let me sometimes sniff the stinky stuff. Your perfume is disgusting to me. Did you consider the candles and oils ?? I live my life in your chosen scents. When it’s safe to do so let me sniff the stinks. What’s a whiff of the neighbors recycling bin going to hurt on my walk ?

A good girl or boy. A loyal friend. My deepest desires often unknown. Please be my best friend. Please please LET ME BE A DOG

~ Stacey Ann

Try something new with your dog!

Try something new with your dog!

"Let Your Animal Lead - Starting your Canine Journey"
Introductory workshop into Applied Zoopharmacognosy!

Workshop series starting on Sunday 8th September, where we explore the importance of giving your canine companion choices by offering self selection of natural plant remedies including essential oils, hydrolat's, algae, clay & many nutritional supplements.

Our stunning poster girl Dona had her own inspiring story to tell. Thank you to Mojca for sharing this gorgeous photo of Dona.

Your dog doesn't need to have a specific issue or ailment to benefit from this therapy. It's about proactively maintaining their health and wellness by offering natural remedies. Age is no barrier – whether your dog is young or old, they can benefit from self-selection and choices.

This online program consists of 8 elements spread across various dates, each starting at 9 am GMT and lasting approximately 4 hours, including discussions and Q&A sessions.
The workshop fee is £325, and places are now available book.
Through these sessions, you'll gain knowledge and understanding of self-selection and offering choices to your dog(s), together with full mentoring and support.

The workshop elements are as follows:
Element 1: Sunday 8th September
Element 2: Sunday 15th September
Element 3: Sunday 29th September
Element 4: Sunday 13th October
Element 5: Sunday 27th October
Element 6: Sunday 10th November
Element 7 : Sunday 24th November
Element 8: Sunday 8th December

As this is an 'interactive' workshop & will not be recorded.

This a holistic therapy that addresses emotional, physical, and behavioural issues, including palliative care.

Many dogs today suffer from stress and emotional baggage due to various factors. By giving them choices, we can alleviate their stress and support their overall well-being. Understanding how to offer remedies safely and interpreting their responses deepens the bond between you and your dog.
To book your place or for more information, contact Karen at email: [email protected]
or send a message via Facebook.

Join us in embracing a healthier, happier bond with your precious family member.❤

Cool advice from Purple Pup 💜

Cool advice from Purple Pup 💜

Keeping our dogs cool is much easier than trying to cool them down when they are already too hot. And a too hot dog can quickly become a dog suffering from heatstroke, or heat-induced illness, which can kill them. Scarily quickly. And in the most horrible of ways. 😭

Pepper really suffers from the heat, but there are a few things that we've found help to keep her cool:

We keep her coat shorter in the summer.

Doors, windows and curtains are closed on the sunny side and open on the shady side.

Portable fans. Sometimes paired with a water misting plant spray.

Allowing her to be wherever she wants to be. She has free access to all the cool floors. 👍

She doesn't like any cooling mats we've tried, but on really hot days we might leave out a cold, wet towel. Bearing in mind that wet towels will fairly quickly become warm, we use three, and rotate them through the freezer.

We use an 'awning' (an old duvet cover!) and dog- friendly plants to provide shade out on the balcony. Nasturtiums are my favourite, for so many reasons I could write a whole post about them...

We put ice in Pepper's drinking water. She has more than one bowl, so we put ice in just one and she can choose which she prefers.

Megan lovingly makes her a choice of delicious frozen treats. Though Pepper never eats any of them. 🤦‍♀️

We avoid walking at the hottest time of day and walks are on lead sniffy strolls. Tiring, rather than exerting.

We might do extra scentwork or enrichment stuff around the coolest rooms. But Pepper is generally happy to do nothing much, for days on end, if that's what everyone else is doing! 🥰

So we spend most of the day, on a very hot day, just chilling out, doing as little as possible. 🤷‍♀️

Though, thinking about it, I could say exactly the same about very cold or very rainy days! 🤣


So true! Fearful dogs are often terrified by this!

So true! Fearful dogs are often terrified by this!

🛇 Use your Manners! 🛇
The Sniff test - Stop doing that!
The sniff test - a badly engrained habit that society has been taught, without a clear understanding of what they're actually doing.

🚩When you reach out towards a dog, you are using body pressure AT them, giving them no time to assess whether you are safe & whether they require further investigation to pick up your information. You are forcing an interaction of a relationship that hasn't had time to develop. To some dogs, this is quite rude & the reason a lot of dogs snap at or bite people. This can cause alot of behavioral issues because of layered stress due to forced interactions.

🚩If they are on lead, they have no where to go if they are sensitive to spacial pressure, so can end up shutting down, shying away or snapping at your hand so you back off. This is an example of how a dog is now using pressure to turn off pressure & make you back off so they aren't so stressed.

🚩People think by offering your hand it can give the dog time to sniff to know you're friendly... they can sniff without being forced to sniff your hand.Their noses are far more superior than ours & they don't need close contact forced upon them to smell you.

🚩Some dogs might not want to know you. You have no relationship with them and that's perfectly fine. They aren't your dog so you don't need to touch them or steal pats for your own satisfaction.

🤔 If you are meeting a dog, what should you do?
⚠Ask the owner if you can interact with their dog. Not all people want strangers touching their dogs. Especially strangers who you are unlikely to see again.
⚠Stand up straight & relaxed, with your hands at your side.
⚠Ignore the dog & talk to the owner.
⚠Don't stare at the dog & don't try to force an interaction by going in for a pat. If the dog wants to know you, it will come up to you & sniff around. Usually they will move away & then come back for a second sniffathon. Some dogs will bunt your hands & wag their tails, which are good signs that you're likely an accepted new friend. Give them a few slow pats down their back (NOT THEIR HEAD) & then stop. Is the dog happy? Has it accepted your interaction? This will determine whether you can give it more pats.

🐶This is a more stress free option for dogs & a reason why in consultations we can develop a good level of trust, especially with fearful dogs & aggressive dogs, without a bunch of negative side effects from forced interactions.

Sharing for Bess ♥️

Sharing for Bess ♥️

💯 👏♥️

💯 👏♥️

'Ho salvato il mio cane da......'

Mi ha sempre colpito questa espressione 'salvare'.

Esistono storie di vita, storie di cani, in cui può sembrare logico parlare di 'salvezza', cani malati, cani anziani, cani problematici, che vengono adottati e accuditi amorevolmente da persone splendide.


Cosa implica, definire quel cane 'salvato, e quel proprietario 'salvatore'?

In una relazione equilibrata, non dovrebbe esserci un individuo 'salvatore' e uno 'salvato', perché questo, potrebbe sbilanciare, portare a pensare che ci sia una forma di 'credito', da parte del soggetto 'salvatore', e di 'debito' da parte dell'individuo 'salvato'.

Adottare un cane, aiutare un cane in difficoltà, accogliere un anziano, è un gesto nobile, ma, il piacere dovrebbe essere fare del bene a quel cane, non nutrire in proprio ego sentendosi 'salvatori'.

Mi piace pensare che, ogni storia, tra cane e persona, sia un incontro di anime. Che, in modi diversi, si fanno del bene reciprocamente, anche quando sembra che sia la persona ad aver migliorato l'esistenza di un cane in difficoltà, amo pensare che quel cane possa agire su altri parametri del benessere emotivo della persona.

Alla fine... guardandoci negli occhi, chi ha salvato chi? E, soprattutto, che importanza ha?

In foto, la Lupe 💟

Ted sends his regards from Gabriola Island…

Ted sends his regards from Gabriola Island…


Read this. The more I learn about dogs, the more I believe this to be true…

Whoa! This is a brilliant and powerful short film…

Whoa! This is a brilliant and powerful short film…

Nobody should suffer in silence. 80% of dogs over 8 years old have arthritis, which is a major cause of elective euthanasia.

How was your weekend and  ? Ours was more restful and nature-filled than ‘productive’ in normal terms. But what is ‘prod...

How was your weekend and ?

Ours was more restful and nature-filled than ‘productive’ in normal terms. But what is ‘productive?’ We took the time to be together, rest, observe our beautiful surroundings. That IS a result in my opinion. What do you think?

Huge birthday wishes, full of LOVE and happiness to you Brett! May this be YOUR BIG YEAR! It’s the FREEDOM year after al...

Huge birthday wishes, full of LOVE and happiness to you Brett! May this be YOUR BIG YEAR! It’s the FREEDOM year after all. Love you to my 🦴 bones! Have a great day with Henry! ♥️♥️♥️

Ted always has my back…

Ted always has my back…

Fabulous and practical!

Fabulous and practical!

"Let Your Animal Lead - Starting your Canine Journey"

Join us for an interactive online workshop series starting on Saturday, May 4th, 2024, where we explore the importance of giving your canine companion choices through natural plant remedies. Our poster boy, Percy, has his own inspiring story to share as he experiences the benefits of lemon essential oil. Thanks to Allyson for capturing this great moment!

Your dog doesn't need to have a specific issue or ailment to benefit from this therapy. It's about proactively maintaining their health and wellness by offering natural remedies. Age is no barrier – whether your dog is young or old, they can benefit from self-selection and choices.

This online workshop consists of 8 elements spread across various dates, each starting at 9 am GMT and lasting approximately 4 hours, including discussions and Q&A sessions. The workshop fee is £325, and places are now available.

Through these sessions, you'll gain knowledge and understanding of self-selection and offering choices to your dog(s) from nature's pharmacy, known as Canine-pharmacognosy. By empowering your dog to make choices, you can help them remain healthy, balanced, and happy.

The workshop elements are as follows:

Element 1: Saturday, May 4th
Element 2: Saturday, May 18th
Element 3: Saturday, June 1st
Element 4: Saturday, June 22nd
Element 5: Saturday, July 6th
Element 6: Saturday, July 20th
Element 7: Saturday, August 3rd
Element 8: Saturday, August 17th

As this is an interactive workshop, it will not be recorded. You'll learn how to work with your own dog(s) with full mentoring and support. Canine-pharmacognosy is a holistic therapy that addresses emotional, physical, and behavioral issues, including palliative care.

Many dogs today suffer from stress and emotional baggage due to various factors. By giving them choices, we can alleviate their stress and support their overall well-being. Understanding how to offer remedies safely and interpreting their responses deepens the bond between you and your dog.

To book your place or for more information, contact Karen at [email protected] or send a message via Facebook. Join us in embracing a healthier, happier bond with your precious friend.

Highly recommend this…

Highly recommend this…

Rabat early bird do 18 marca! English Instructions on how to buy a webinar can be found at the bottom of the page, as a PDF file for download.

Highly recommend anything Kirsty Grant is doing…

Highly recommend anything Kirsty Grant is doing…

New Saturday Scentwork Explorer dates plus weekday and weekend Indication workshop dates - suitable for any dog on any odour. Next Beginners dates coming soon 😁
Book here

💯 ‼️Thanks to Natxo García Legaria for sharing this original post.

💯 ‼️

Thanks to Natxo García Legaria for sharing this original post.


Questa sterilizzazione giovanile dimostra, nel 31% dei casi, il PEGGIORAMENTO delle PAURE in entrambi i sessi.

In particolare i cani diventano MENO TOLLERANTI alle MANIPOLAZIONI (toccati, trattenuti, spinti, spazzolati, ecc.) nel 33%


Si RIDUCONO effettivamente le marcature ordinarie -68%,
ossia si riduce di 2/3 nel maschio (NON è un buon motivo per sterilizzare a meno di casi particolari)
In generale c'è una AGGRESSIVITA' decisamente maggiore sia nei maschi che nelle femmine che va da un MINIMO di 20% ad un MASSIMO del 100%, a seconda del tipo di aggressività.
(LAVORO fatto su quasi 16.000 individui, quindi TANTI!)

Nei maschi l'ETA' di sterilizzazione NON è una variabile che influisce sul peggioramento, cioè a tutte le età POSSONO PEGGIORARE, poichè il TESTOSTERONE influisce sui maschi ad ogni età, nel maschio c'è un tracollo e molti dei suoi comportamenti ne saranno influenzati... la "personalità mascolina sicura di se" è fondata sul testosterone

Mentre nelle femmine invece l'età precoce (< 12 mesi) si accompagna a un effetto più imponente rispetto alla sterilizzazione tardiva, rischiamo che non ci sia stata proprio la sperimentazione degli ormoni sessuali nel cervello

Nei cani maschi CASTRATI nelle interazioni intraspecifiche libere, sono stati studiati si nota una EVIDENTE RIDUZIONE dei comportamenti "sicuri di sè" e un AUMENTO dei segnali di STRESS.
Inoltre sono PERSEGUITATI e STRESSATI dai maschi integri e, a volte AGGREDITI dalle femmine.
Sono più inclini a SOTTRARSI all'esplorazione olfattiva, non la tollerano tanto.
Sono MENO INTERESSATI agli altri, in generale.

I cani di entrambi i sessi, privati delle gonadi, hanno dimostrato di essere PIU' AGGRESSIVI, PIU' PAUROSI e PIU' ECCITABILI di quelli integri e, in generale, sono MENO ADDESTRABILI.

Dott.ssa Barbara Gallicchio
Webinar ThinkDog 12/12/23






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Our Story

I run Dog Sense in Penzance, Cornwall. Cornwall and the South West Peninsula’s 1st indoor dedicated dog enrichment facility, 2nd in the UK. Based on the work of renowned Norwegian dog trainer, Turid Rugaas and modelled on The Dog Nose, Swindon (1st indoor enrichment facility in UK).

Dog Sense is a safe, dog focused enriched environment for confidence building, stress busting and brain boosting!

Enriched environments provide a safe, enclosed sensory experience for dogs of all ages, mobility and life history. The low impact space is tailored to your dog’s needs. It’s not only healthy and fun for your dog but helps form a stronger bond between you and your best friend.

Sessions last for 1 hour. During this time, feel free to ask me questions or remain relaxed and silent - the choice is yours. We will share a cuppa and enjoy witnessing your dog’s explore. Your dog will let us know when they have had enough by coming to sit or lay down by your side or by going to the exit.