Banjo a/k/a Mr. Frise

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  • Banjo a/k/a Mr. Frise

Banjo a/k/a Mr. Frise Momma calls me her FlufferNutter. I'm an 11 year old fluffy, nutty Bichon Frise and I live in New Jersey USA. I love walks, belly rubs and playing ball.

Uh oh, we gots to be careful of dis Bayer's Seresto flea and tick collar

Uh oh, we gots to be careful of dis Bayer's Seresto flea and tick collar

Since Seresto pet collars were introduced, the EPA has received more than 75,000 reports related to the collars, including 907 involving human harm.

Smoochies  ... My picture didn't show up the first time!!

Smoochies ... My picture didn't show up the first time!!




Happy Monday! Gizmo sez: Listen. How can we make the world not-so-dark? We can be the light, right frens? Let's turn our heart lights on for each other today!

Please ask frens to hit the likey button on Gizmo's Frens page! Here's why: Some anonymous donors have each offered to donate a dime for each new PAGE likey on Gizmo's Frens page until Dec. 1 at 8 pm. We are now up to 30 cents per new page like! All funds will be used to make the holiday a little brighter for children of our followers in need. All you need to do is ask frens to like our page! It's easy and free! And the result is priceless. Cuz we're frens!

Pupdate!  Voting is closed.  We need to wait until July 30th to meet the finalists!  Thank you all for voting for my pal...

Pupdate! Voting is closed. We need to wait until July 30th to meet the finalists! Thank you all for voting for my pal Noah!

Don't forget to vote for my BFF Noah's Legacy: I'm a blind rockstar, this is how I roll today and every day! ❤


Momma saw dis and she decided it is an impawtant message for all. Have a happy Sunday everyone! 🐾

Dog Poisoned by the Diffuser
Saturday night I got home late and my dog didn't recognize me. Being a nanny I thought I woke him up and he was having a night terror. Sunday, he was still acting weird. I realized that I had been running my new diffuser and decided to turn it off. Sunday afternoon, he was feeling better.

Today at work, my dog sitter said that he wouldn't come out from under the bed. It was very odd as he is a happy dog.

I came from work early and again, he was very confused about who I was.

So I took him to emergency vet.

It turns out that the tea tree oil I was using in the diffuser is toxic for dogs. Thankfully the test showed that his liver was ok but we weren't out of the woods yet. He was given fluids under his skin to get the toxins out.

The vet and the poison control are saying that they see these cases often now that the popularity of essential oil is growing.

Please make sure that the essential oils you are burning are not toxic for your pets.

Here is a list of essential oils not to use if you have a dog at home

Anise (Pimpinella anisum)
Birch (Betula)
Bitter Almond (Prunus dulcis)
Boldo (Peumus boldus)
Calamus (Acorus calamus)
Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora)
Cassia (Cassia fistula)
Chenopodium (Chenopodium album)
Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum)
Garlic (Allium sativum)
Goosefoot (Chenopodium murale)
Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana)
Hyssop (Hyssopus sp. with the exception of Decumbens)
Juniper (Juniperus sp. with the exception of Juniper Berry)
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
Mustard (Brassica juncea)
Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
Red or White Thyme
Rue (Ruta graveolens)
Santolina (Santolina chamaecyparissus)
Sassafras (Sassafras albidum)
Savory (Satureja)
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)
Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)
Terebinth (Pistacia palaestina)
Thuja (Thuja occidentalis)
Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens)
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

Please share this story as it may save someones precious furry family member!

Now dat's a TOT!  🐾🐾  BOL

Now dat's a TOT! 🐾🐾 BOL

home movies 💛


They tell you not to cry.

They tell you that it's just a dog, not a human being.

They tell you that the pain will be over.

They tell you that the animals don't know that they have to die.

They tell you that it's important not to let him suffer.

They tell you that you can have another one.

They tell you it's going to happen to you.

They tell you that there is more pain.

But they don't know how many times you've looked into your dog’s eyes.

They don't know how many times you and your dog have looked into darkness alone.

They don't know how many times your dog was the only one who was by your side.

They don't know how much fear you have
at night when you wake up with your grief.

They don't know how many times your dog slept near you.

They don't know how much you've changed since the dog has become a part of your life.

They don't know how many times you hugged him when he was sick.

They don't know how many times you've acted like you didn't see her hair getting whiter.

They don't know how many times you've talked to your dog, the only one who really hears.

They don't know that it was just your dog who knew you were in pain.

They don't know what it feels like to see your old dog trying to say hello.

They don't know that if things went wrong, the only one who didn't go is your dog.

They don't know that your dog trusts you every moment of his life, even in the last.

They don't know how much your dog loved you and how it is enough for him to be happy, because you loved him.

They don't know that crying for a dog is one of the most noble, significant, true, clean and warmest things you can do.

They don't know when the last time you moved him with trouble... made sure it didn’t hurt him.

They don't know what it felt like to pet their face in the last moments of their life....

In Memory of all those who went over the rainbow bridge. You all have a place forever in our hearts 💕



This goes for Christmas and the entire year, too.

This goes for Christmas and the entire year, too.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends in the USA!

Dis is such a great calendar full of Bichons Adorable Arnie and Precious Percy, and the proceeds are donated to da rescu...

Dis is such a great calendar full of Bichons Adorable Arnie and Precious Percy, and the proceeds are donated to da rescues they came from.
PayPal link:
Pay by check? Make check out to Adorable Arnie's Dawg House.
Mail check to:
Adorable Arnie's Dawg House
P.O. Box 7935
West Trenton, NJ 08628


Hi Everybody. I'm so happy! Momma got my liver enzymes under control. Woot! The dogster was so excited, she yelled, "Freakin' Awesome!" Momma says that's my new name. BOL And because that problem was solved, I finally got to have the dental work done. Well, I'm minus a few teeth, but I'm healed, I'm eating good, and the dogster is very happy! Momma is happy, too!

I wish everyone a very happy and safe Thanksgiving Day! Enjoy your turkey and pumpkin pie and most of all Be Thankful!! I love you all


"We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures, and nonhuman animals experience pain sensations just like people. We, too, are strong, intelligent, industrious, mobile, and evolutionary. We, too, are capable of growth and adaptation. We are earthlings. We are surviving. We also seek our own comfort rather than discomfort. And we express degrees of emotion. In short, we are alive."


Dis is da short story of Adorable Arnie and Precious Percy.


Woot! It's time to order the 2020 calendars!

Order now, so you don't miss out. 100 calendars will go quickly; 40 have already been shipped!

A portion of proceeds to benefit DELAWARE VALLEY BICHON RESCUE (Arnie's rescue), and BUFFALO PUG RESCUE (Percy's rescue).

$15.75 + $3.75 Shipping = $19.50
NJ RESIDENTS, add $1.05 Sales Tax for total of $20.55
Canadian residents $15.75 + 6.75 Shipping = US$22.50

PayPal link:

Pay by check? Make check out to Adorable Arnie's Dawg House.
Mail check to:
Adorable Arnie's Dawg House
P.O. Box 7935
West Trenton, NJ 08628

8.5" x 11" on Premium Card Stock.


Pupdate: Nala is still very sick. Please pray for her. Her mum and daddy are so worried.

My good furiend Nala had to go back to the dogster today. Please pray for her 🙏🙏
Paws Up 🐾🐾

Note to self : DONT EAT STUFF THAT ISNT FOOD!! ... the Dog'tors gave me a sickness injection, stuck 2 things up my bottom... and said if I'm still sick tonight and tomorrow morning I need an xray, cos she could feel something small in my tummy .. I may need an operation :(


Impawtant info 🐾


Banjo a/k/a Mr. Frise


Wow! So Many people came to my page to honor Scout. Thank you so much for your love.


Momma has page is going quiet now. Our hearts are broken. We will miss you dear Scout.


Mom took me on an adventure this week. We took off in the car, and I couldn't figure out where we were going 'cuz the air smelled different. Then all of a sudden the sun went away and we were in this very noisy, big dark tube. Mom said it was a tunnel. I don't know anything about tunnels except when we left it, the sun popped out again. Just like magic! Anyway, we rode for a few more minutes and she stopped the car in this stranger's driveway. Mom! What are doing? Where are we? Why are you getting out of the car?

And then a nice lady came out of the house carrying a bichon and I was so happy to see PRECIOUS PERCY! Yup, that's right! We met Precious Percy and his mom Linda. This was mom's first time ever meeting a Facy-book friend who owns a bichon (that's a dog just like me BOL).

While the ladies talked in the shade and had lunch, I checked out the whole beautiful yard. I tried to make friends with Percy; but he is a little stand-offish 'cuz he was rescued from a puppy mill. 😢 He even growled at me and I got scared and ran to my mom. She pet me a told me it was ok. Mom explained that Little Percy isn't used to nice pups or human people (except for his mom and dad in his new furever home, that is) because he had such a miserable life and he needs time to heal. ☺️

Our moms talked and laughed and Miss Linda was such a lovely hostess. We want to see Percy again 'cuz we're thinking he will be able to trust us with time. And just maybe we'll help him trust others, too. :)

Please go say hello to Precious Percy at Adorable Arnie & Precious Percy, Puppy Mill Survivor and Thriver and Press his "Likey" button. He needs some hugs. Love, Banjo 🐾🐾


Today is my buddy Precious Percy's gotcha day. He was rescued from a puppy mill and has made tremendous progress in his new furever home. Congratulatons, Percy!

Gotcha Day, can you believe it?!?
One whole year, it doesn’t seem it.

Share if you think
that puppy mills stink!

Dis Percy.


Please be careful of your fur buddy's paws


And the same goes for the kitty cats, too.


Some impawtant info

Written by Maddie Smith of NZ (case happened in NZ at First Vets):
Please please pleeease if any of you out there have salt lamps, KEEP THEM OUT OF YOUR FURRY FRIENDS REACH!

We woke up on Wednesday morning to our darling Ruby walking really strangely and had her head in an odd position as she walked. We initially thought this was just because she was so cold so we got her nice and toasty and left for work as usual. Wednesday afternoon Clayton arrived home from work and she had deteriorated dramatically so we rushed her to the vets.
The vets were extremely concerned for her and could see she definitely had neurological problems because she simply could not walk properly, could not hear or see, couldn’t even eat or drink properly because she couldn’t function her tongue the best. Her basic senses and abilities GONE in 12 hours. She was so helpless ☹️
So the vets ran some tests and they were all good, no worries. Until her bloods arrived back this morning, and she had extremely high sodium levels in her blood. So this severe salt poisoning had caused her brain to swell, and ultimately the neurological problems that followed.
The salt poisoning was caused by just your normal salt lamp that we had in our lounge, Ruby has ingested the salt by simply licking the lamp (we didn’t realise obviously). This is usually more common in dogs so this was a huge shock, and their first case they have seen with a cat. Salt poisoning is EXTREMELY deadly to animals and she is basically a miracle to still be here now. These salt lamps are addictive to animals, and if they get a taste it becomes just like potato chips are to us! So please please keep these out of reach from your fur babies. Ruby still has a long road to recovery but we are so glad she’s still here with us, with the right nutrition and hydration we should have her back to normal. Ruby wouldn’t be here today without the help of First Vets who have helped her with every hurdle we have faced with our Ruby the past 11 months we have had her. She’s a fighter that’s for sure!

Hopefully sharing this might help educate others on just how deadly these lamps can be if the salt is ingested. I know mines not staying in our house that’s for sure 😡


My little friend Norbert is a very small therapy dog making a big difference in this world. 🐾🐾

“You don’t have to be big to make a BIG difference in the world.” - Norbert


Thank you for all the birthday wishes my friends!


My little friend Norbert. Isn't he the cutest?


I'm Lolly

This is Lolly. She is so cute, and she wants to wish all you Moms a Happy Mother's Day!


I'm Lolly

Hi Everyone! My furiend, Lolly, has an impawtant message about Mushrooms.

PS. I think Lolly is so cute ❤️🐾 I wonder if she would be my girlfren?



Steve Caporizzo's Pet Connection

I've said this many times-esp with small dogs...
When you go outside....pan the woods for predators-but always look up. I know that I do.

Another reason why cats need to be HOUSE Cats....much safer.

I've know several people over the years lose pets to hawks and eagles.




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