Ealing Hedgehog Friends

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Ealing Hedgehog Friends Caring for Ealing's hedgehogs with a foster & rescue team, while educating the public how to help.


It's great that summer is finally here, but spare a thought for hedgehogs, especially young hoglets who won't have dealt with hot and dry conditions in their young lives yet.
If you know you have hedgehogs visiting your garden, here is how you can help:
Put some water out for them, in a SHALLOW BOWL (can be as easy as a plant-saucer, make sure to keep it topped up)

Offer them some food (wet dog or cat food, or cat nibbles). Ideally, you put them in a hedgehog feeding station (there is info in this group how to build one).
NEVER milk or bread - these are hedgehog killers!
Mealworms are not good for hogs (weakens their bones).

In hot and dry weather, the ground dries out. Hedgehogs starve because they can't dig for earthworms and ground beetles. And they get very thirsty.
If you see a hedgehog out in the day, its always a sign something is wrong, please contact us at [email protected]
Thank you ๐Ÿฆ”

ONE OF THE REASONS WHY WE NEED SO MUCH FOOD...IF YOU HAVE TO GO, YOU HAVE TO GO.This is Skyler, female hoglet of about s...


This is Skyler, female hoglet of about six weeks, one of the two we found in Boston Manor park after their nest was disturbed. After some medical issues and a vet visit, she found a good home now at one of our foster carer's, Dorothy, where the hoglet will have the opportunity to grow to her release size of about 450g. I am sure we will hear more from her.

Food donations are always welcome ๐Ÿ˜ and we will soon have an online wishlist. In the meantime, you could use: paypal.me/Ealinghedgehogfriend

Thanks to all of you who keep supporting us.

HEDGEHOG PROTECTION IN BOSTON MANOR PARKAfter we had several casualties of hedgehogs this year in Boston Manor Park, Ter...


After we had several casualties of hedgehogs this year in Boston Manor Park, Teresa Anderson and I had a meeting today with park ranger Vanessa Hampton.
It was very productive; Vanessa is such a hedgehog champion! Thanks, Vanessa, for having us over!

As many incidents this spring were dog-induced (dogs who were digging up nests or causing bite-wounds), we planned a variety of info-actions for dog owners. This is not about blaming anybody, just creating more awareness that hedgehogs are nesting in this park, and dogs should not be allowed to roam through the bushes without any supervision.

We also would like to engage dog-owners and other park users as EHF allies and "scouts". They will be asked to alert us if they spot hedgehogs out during the daylight. Or, in autumn, they could watch out for juvenile hedgehogs who have not reached the correct hibernation weight (they should be the size of a pineapple by December, at least 600g).

Besides more info on social media, talks and a walkabout with dog owners that Vanessa had planned already, we created some additional actions.
Printing info-signs and planting them in the most crucial areas of the park, alerting dog owners of hedgehogs nesting.
Creating a few fenced-off, small "safe hubs", where hedgehogs can nest in peace (this will be mostly dead-hedging to keep it natural).
Dedicated Notice Board (opposite the Potting Shed), giving information about the "hedgehog year" and how hedgehogs could get in trouble in each specific season (for example now in July: = many small hoglets around, hedgehogs may get dehydrated).

And as always: If you find a hedgehog in need, contact [email protected]. Make sure to use What3words, or a pin on google map, to give us the detailed location. Ideally, you could retrieve the hedgehog and put it in a cardboard box until we arrive. (Don't catch any active hedgehogs who run around fast and move with a purpose. These may be foraging mums in search of extra food). Thanks.

Please remind your friends and neighbours to slow down!WATCH YOUR SPEED, THERE ARE HEDGEHOGS OUT THERE!We lost this beau...

Please remind your friends and neighbours to slow down!


We lost this beautiful hedgehog yesterday who was hit by a car (she had to be put to sleep). She had internal injuries, and brain damage, including ulcers/infections in the injured eyes, which had already destroyed her eye-sight. She was in huge pain, so a tender death came as a relief.

TOO MANY HEDGEHOGS ARE KILLED IN NEIGHBOURHOOD ROADS! Don't exceed the 20mpH limit, and go even slower on small roads with limited visibility.

Within the last few months, we were called out to half a dozen either dead or injured hedgehogs on Ealing Roads, who were hit in 20mpH zones. If people drive 20mpH, and have their eyes ahead on the road, they should be able to stop for a hedgehog.




Thereโ€™s something about seeing a hedgehog on a mission that brightens any dayโ€ฆ and with an important reminder.

Meet Nicola one of our hedgehog heroes. Having found 'Hoggy' in her garden last week looking unwell she contacted us. We...

Meet Nicola one of our hedgehog heroes. Having found 'Hoggy' in her garden last week looking unwell she contacted us. We checked him over, gave him some subcutaneous fluids and he felt much better and was ready to return home. This picture is of Hoggy being released back into the garden.

Nicola has persuaded her neighbours to make Hoggy a hedgehog highway so he can more easily move from garden to garden getting all of the creepy crawlies he needs to grow big and strong. Thank you Nicola for supporting Hoggy.

TIGGY: FROM COZY "PRISONER" TO WILD HEDGEHOG...If you have a walled garden (no way in or out besides the gate that is us...


If you have a walled garden (no way in or out besides the gate that is usually closed), and you happen to find a hedgehog in it: Please never feed/tame it for months. It either needs a Hedgehog Highway (some holes in the wall to allow it to freely come and go), or if this is not possible: be relocated to an open garden nearby, to be wild and free again. Please contact us: [email protected]

Here is Tiggy's Story:

Tiggy has spent the first months of her life in a walled garden in Ealing. How she got there - nobody knows. There are no gaps in the wall at all, maybe she was brought in by a predator, or found a way to sneak through an open door when nobody watched.
The family there fed her for a while, and tried to get help for relocation. But many rescues were too busy to deal with this. Finally, they found us and we sent out two volunteers to assess the situation; Lydia and Julia checked out the garden to see whether we could install any hedgehog highways, which was not possible; Solid 6 foot tall brick garden wall, with a foundation going deep into the ground.
Tiggy had gotten very tame, even though the family did not handle her, but she got used to a specific food and feeding schedule, and was utterly fine sharing "her" garden with humans and chickens. This may sound cozy, but this is no life for a wild hedgehog. Tiggy needs to be able to roam freely, find her own food and hopefully have her first hoglets soon.
So after consulting Vale Wildlife hospital for advice, we decided to relocate Tiggy into an open garden, where she still would receive some food for a while, but would be quickly re-wilded; no regular schedule of feeding, no food bowl (food just spread behind large pots and into bushes for her to find it), no human contact at all.
So yesterday, we went out to get her and our volunteer Gertie gave her a quick check-over, making sure that the hog was healthy, and not already a mum.
As Tiggy is female, we offered her a large lodge with tunnel, so that she could have hoglets in there if she gets pregnant. We also installed the night camera, and saw her running around and feeding on worms several times.

Don't miss our training on 10 and 17 July (6.30-9pm, Hanwell). This will likely be the last training round for 2024. Both evenings are required. Sign-up: [email protected]

Hedgehog rescue volunteers needed: If ou like to support your local hedgehog rescue as a volunteer, pls join our trainin...

Hedgehog rescue volunteers needed:
If ou like to support your local hedgehog rescue as a volunteer, pls join our training on 10 and 17 July, 6.30-9pm, Hanwell.

Both evenings are required for hands-on hedgehog rescue work (you will learn how to retrieve sick and injured hedgehogs in the field, first aid, fostering and more).
However, there are other volunteer roles that do not require training: education, events, social media, fundraising.

Interested? Read more in the shared post, and for more info/sign-up, pls send and email to [email protected]. Thanks and see you there.

Hello.If you love hedgehogs and like to support the local rescue as a volunteer: we are running another round of trainin...

If you love hedgehogs and like to support the local rescue as a volunteer: we are running another round of training on 10 and 17 July, 6.30-9pm, Viaduct Pub, Hanwell.

Both evening are required if you like to work with hedgehogs (retrieving sick and injured hedgehogs in the field, first aid, fostering). And there are other volunteer roles that do not require this training.
More details below, and info and sign-up works through [email protected]. Thans and see you there.

LAST CALL FOR HEDGEHOG RESCUE TRAINING! for hands-on care of sick and injured hedgehogs.JOIN OUR TRAINING SESSIONS ON 10...

for hands-on care of sick and injured hedgehogs.
JOIN OUR TRAINING SESSIONS ON 10 and 17 July, 6.30-9PM, THE VIADUCT PUB HANWELL (This is our last training of 2024)
Ealing Hedgehog Friends, the local hedgehog rescue group, is looking for people with some flexible time to help us with hedgehog care and fostering.
Tasks may include retrieving sick or injured hedgehogs in the field, providing some hedgehog care, working with vets, and - if you can - fostering a hedgehog at home (indoors only).
We also look for winter-fosterers, which is a long-term commitment (usually end of December to mid March). For fostering, you will need a quiet room (ideally a spare room) with daylight. If you have cats: no problem. Dogs need to be kept away from the hogs. Hedgehogs are not pets, they only can be handled for clean-up and care.
Training is mandatory for all hands-on hedgehog volunteers. The next-training is on 10 and 17th July (both evenings required) from 6.30-9pm in Viaduct Pub, Hanwell. Adults only please
You will learn about:
assessment, first aid, care and fostering skills
the legal and ethical context of Wildlife rescue
health and safety when working with hedgehogs
our rescue process, and how we release hedgehogs
how to work with members of the public, vets and Wildlife hospitals,
Training is free - if you could make a small donation to cover our costs, this would be highly appreciated.
If you like to help us, but cannot care for hedgehogs, there are other roles, such as fundraising, helping at events, public education. For these, you won't need training, but we will give you useful information to support your work.

Send us an email to [email protected]. We are looking forward to meeting you soon.
Please only use our help email: [email protected]


As the Euros kick off, weโ€™re asking football fans to put away nets after use to help save animals' lives.

Whether youโ€™re playing in your local park, or the back garden โ€“ tidying the nets away or raising them 30cm off the ground can save !

See you at Hanwell Carnival tomorrow!  If you have any questions about hedgehogs come and ask us ๐Ÿฆ”๐Ÿฆ”And stories of how we...

See you at Hanwell Carnival tomorrow!
If you have any questions about hedgehogs come and ask us ๐Ÿฆ”๐Ÿฆ”
And stories of how we rescued Sammy
We will have lots of info for you and hedgehog items including kidsโ€™ face masks to keep your little ones occupied
Come and say hello ๐Ÿ‘‹

Meet Sammy, one of our little success stories, spotted by a dog walker in Boston Manor Park out in the daytime - always ...

Meet Sammy, one of our little success stories, spotted by a dog walker in Boston Manor Park out in the daytime - always a sign that something's not right.
She brought Sammy to us for a check up. Sammy didn't have any obvious signs of injury but was underweight and lethargic. We kept her in for a couple of days for observation and feeding up.
A vet visit to be sure led to treatment for lungworm, a common hedgehog ailment and confirmation of no injury or significant problem.
Good news! Thanks to Pumpkin's Wildlife Hospital for your assistance https://www.thewildlifehospital.org.uk/
She's probably an inexperienced juvenile (born last year) waking up after her first hibernation and not able to get enough food. After putting on weight with us, it's best for Sammy to be back in familiar surroundings, so we planned her release for dusk right by where she had been found in Boston Manor Park.
Releases aren't spectacular events - we find a suitable protected spot, and leave the box with the hedgehog there, to come out and explore in their own time. We returned the next evening and...Sammy was nowhere to be seen, hopefully she's enjoying her best life in one of our local parks.
If you see a hedgehog out in the daytime, please contact us [email protected]
And we would appreciate any contributions you can make to cover our vet bills for hedgehog treatments https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ealinghedgehogfriend

This is Kennedy who came to us on the 13th April 2024. His breathing wasnโ€™t brilliant and he was underweight. He also ap...

This is Kennedy who came to us on the 13th April 2024. His breathing wasnโ€™t brilliant and he was underweight. He also appeared to have a possible foot injury.

We rushed him to Pumpkins Wildlife Hospital where he was put on a nebuliser and given lung worm treatment. After several weeks of treatment and lots of TLC he started to show signs of improvement and weight gain. His feet were x-rayed and although there was some misalignment it wasnโ€™t thought significant enough to warrant surgery necessary.

He was eventually released back next to where he was found last night now much stronger and weighing in at a whopping kilo!

Good luck Kennedy we wish you well!

Date for the diary. Hanwell Carnival 12noon - 6pm on Saturday 15th June at Elthorne Park. Looking forward to seeing lots...

Date for the diary. Hanwell Carnival 12noon - 6pm on Saturday 15th June at Elthorne Park. Looking forward to seeing lots of you there.

To celebrate half term we have some kids' colouring pages and puzzles on our website.They all have a message about how y...

To celebrate half term we have some kids' colouring pages and puzzles on our website.

They all have a message about how you can help hedgehogs, so your kids will learn about hedgehogs while having fun.

Download them now, they're free!


Yippee! Ealing Hedgehog Friends have a stall at the Boston Manor Park Nature Festival this Saturday, noon till 4.  If yo...

Yippee! Ealing Hedgehog Friends have a stall at the Boston Manor Park Nature Festival this Saturday, noon till 4. If you haven't visited Boston Manor Park since its renovation this is a great opportunity, and come and say hello to us as well, we'd love to chat all things hedgehog.
See you this Saturday ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Are you planning on starting on the garden this weekend? Even though NoMowMay is not over, we know some people will use ...

Are you planning on starting on the garden this weekend? Even though NoMowMay is not over, we know some people will use the bank holiday to get outside and make a start.

Before you do that please meet Hedgie-Lynn a recent rescue from a local garden.

Yes she is cute, but she would look a lot better with 2 intact back legs. Her lower back leg and foot is missing, one of the common injuries that garden strimmers can cause. She also has a cut wound on her back.

The wounds here are post treatment for the squeamish among you. If you are in any doubt about the injuries that strimmers can cause then have a look on our page.

Please check long grass for hidden wildlife before you use a strimmer or mower. Use the end of a broom or just part the grass with your hands before you start.

A few minutes of your time can save hedgehogs like Hedgie-Lynn from horrific injuries or a painful death.

If you find a hedgehog and want advice on what to do, then please use our help email.

Hedgie-Lynn has needed vet treatment, fluid injections and feeding. If you can donate towards her care and others like her, please use our Paypal link.


Do you remember lovely Alberta who was found last September next to the A40 in Alperton? She was a foot away from the ro...

Do you remember lovely Alberta who was found last September next to the A40 in Alperton? She was a foot away from the roaring traffic. Every 10 minutes a bus must have driven over her at the bus stop, fortunately not squashing her, but dropping a good amount of oil and dirt on her.

Our volunteers often have to go out to pick hedgehogs up from such settings and for that reason we are looking for funding to buy some high viz vests. Please go to https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Ealinghedgehogfriend if you can help.

Thank you.

We wonder if we could have your help please. Our group needs a few items to help us run stalls at local events. Would an...

We wonder if we could have your help please. Our group needs a few items to help us run stalls at local events. Would anyone be able to donate (second hand) the following to us :

Camping / folding tables x 2
Children's folding or stackable chairs
Cork boards - preferably with a stand
A5 leaflet holders

Thank you very much.


Not sure these two got the memo about who a hedgehog's most feared predator is.

How many volunteers does it take to put up a gazebo?

How many volunteers does it take to put up a gazebo?

Had lots of fun at the Ealing Eagles 10K this morning. Really good to speak to runners and their friends and family abou...

Had lots of fun at the Ealing Eagles 10K this morning. Really good to speak to runners and their friends and family about the work we do. Thank you Ealing Eagles for having us.

๐Ÿฆ”  Hedgehog Awareness Week ๐Ÿฆ”Would you like a hedgehog for your garden?perhaps you want them to eat slugsperhaps you thin...

๐Ÿฆ” Hedgehog Awareness Week ๐Ÿฆ”

Would you like a hedgehog for your garden?
perhaps you want them to eat slugs
perhaps you think they are cute,

Like many rescue organisations, we often get approached by well meaning people who want to have a hedgehog in their garden and ask if we can supply one.

We do NOT do this!

Hedgehogs build up a mind map of their environments. That's a good reason why if you have a hedgehog visit your garden which is hedgehog friendly, it is likely to come back. To move a hedgehog from it's known area causes stress.

When we rescue a hedgehog, if possible we always return it to the same area it was found.

There are some circumstances when this is not possible. If the site it was found is not safe for some reason like building works or the presence of a dog that has injured it then we will seek a suitable alternative site.

The new site will be chosen for it's suitability always putting the hedgehog's needs first.
That means it has to be safe, have access to a food source, not have any obvious dangers and have access to a wider area owing to hedgehog highways being present.

(Incidentally, hedgehogs are not overly fond of slugs, they make up a very small proportion of a hedgehog diet).

If you want to encourage hedgehogs then make sure you encourage them by making your garden hedgehog friendly.

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Leave an area of your garden to grow wild, have some log piles, have an accessible compost heap, in hot dry periods water the ground so it is still dig-able or turn over a patch of ground, have fresh water available.

By welcoming wildlife to your garden, you will increase the bug population that are a hedgehog's natural diet. Encourage the hedgehogs to choose your garden rather than looking to import one from elsewhere.

If you want to help our local hedgehogs then please consider joining us as a volunteer. There are many ways you can help from driving and various background roles to hands on hedgehog care and fostering. Check out the event tab on the page for training opportunities.

If you have no time , but would like to support our work then you can make a donation at paypal.me/ealinghedgehogfriend

Thanks from the hogs ๐Ÿฆ” ๐Ÿฆ”

๐Ÿฆ” Hedgehog Awareness Week ๐Ÿฆ”We sometimes get asked whether cats are a danger to hedgehogs.In fact cats seldom bother hedg...

๐Ÿฆ” Hedgehog Awareness Week ๐Ÿฆ”

We sometimes get asked whether cats are a danger to hedgehogs.

In fact cats seldom bother hedgehogs. The cat may be curious at first but will usually then completely ignore it or just watch with bemused interest at this spiky visitor.

The same is not true of dogs. Many hedgehogs are injured each year by dog bites. Hedgehogs have lost snouts and legs from dog bites and even minor bites will allow infection to set in. Many of these cases have to be put to sleep.

If you are letting your dog out into your garden at dusk or later then you can help.

Putting a bright light on and making noise may give a hedgehog warning and time to head for the bushes or nextdoor's garden.

When out walking your dog, if you let it off the lead, please keep an eye out for behaviour that suggests it may be sniffing out a hedgehog or nest.

If you see a hedgehog then please put your dog back on the lead immediately.

If your dog does injure a hedgehog, please don't ignore it. The hog needs to be checked by a vet.

If you are in doubt, please contact us for advice by emailing: [email protected]

We rely on donations to pay our vet bills as well as food, medicines and supplies for our rescues. Any donation no matter how small is welcome. You can donate via Paypal at paypal.me/ealinghedgehogfriend

Thanks for looking out for the hogs. ๐Ÿฆ”๐Ÿฆ”


Hello, meet Frazer, a hedgehog we were called to this afternoon. Kind residents of this block of apartments had seen a hog out in the day and had been feeding it with cat food. They were unsure what to do and contacted us.
To be clear, a hedgehog should NEVER be out in daylight especially several days in a row. They are nocturnal, so there is clearly something wrong.
When we inspected him, Frazer has a damaged left eye - he's almost blind, hence being out in the daylight and needing the catfood put out for him. We will be taking him to the wildlife vet shortly.
Please contact us if you see a hedgehog out in the daylight especially more than 1 day in a row.
(There is a small chance that it's a female with hoglets, on extra feeding duties, but this is rare, anyway contact us and we will help you evaluate the situation)

๐Ÿฆ” Hedgehog Awareness Week  ๐Ÿฆ”Litters of young, hoglets, are usually born between May and September. The average number in...

๐Ÿฆ” Hedgehog Awareness Week ๐Ÿฆ”

Litters of young, hoglets, are usually born between May and September. The average number in a litter is between 2 and 7.

When they are born they are blind and have no spines.
A set of soft white prickles appear at around 2 hours after birth.
At this stage many think they look like little nail brushes.

Brown prickles begin to appear at 3 days old.

They can't curl up into a ball until a week old and their eyes don't open until 2 weeks old.

In the first few weeks the mother will leave the hoglets alone in the nest while she goes off foraging for food. (No help from a father here)

If she has many mouths to feed, this is the time she may venture out during daylight looking for extra food. ๐‘…๐‘’๐‘š๐‘’๐‘š๐‘๐‘’๐‘Ÿ, ๐‘‘๐‘œ๐‘›'๐‘ก ๐‘Ž๐‘ ๐‘ ๐‘ข๐‘š๐‘’ ๐‘Ž๐‘™๐‘™ โ„Ž๐‘’๐‘‘๐‘”๐‘’โ„Ž๐‘œ๐‘”๐‘  ๐‘œ๐‘ข๐‘ก ๐‘‘๐‘ข๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘›๐‘” ๐‘‘๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘™๐‘–๐‘”โ„Ž๐‘ก ๐‘›๐‘’๐‘’๐‘‘ ๐‘Ÿ๐‘’๐‘ ๐‘๐‘ข๐‘–๐‘›๐‘”, (๐‘ ๐‘’๐‘’ ๐‘ฆ๐‘’๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘‘๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ'๐‘  ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘ ๐‘ก ๐‘“๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘–๐‘›๐‘“๐‘œ)

At around 4 -5 weeks old the mother will begin taking the hoglets out with her on foraging trips.

The young will leave and wander off on their own at around 6-8 weeks old and be completely independent.

If a nest is disturbed, the mother may abandon or eat the hoglets. If you accidently disturb a nest, cover it back up and watch from a distance to see if the mother returns and remains with the nest.

Hedgehogs will mate in their second year of life. The gestation period is around 4 weeks and the cycle begins again.

The average life span is 2-3 years although they can live up to 10 years. Over half die within their first year according to The Mammal Society.

๐Ÿฆ”๐Ÿฆ” Hedgehog Awareness Week  ๐Ÿฆ”๐Ÿฆ”Hedgehogs are nocturnal that means it is unusual to see them during daylight hours...BUT t...

๐Ÿฆ”๐Ÿฆ” Hedgehog Awareness Week ๐Ÿฆ”๐Ÿฆ”

Hedgehogs are nocturnal that means it is unusual to see them during daylight hours...
BUT there are times when a hog may be out during the day.
We are approaching prime breeding season and this can increase the chance of hedgehogs venturing out during the day,

A mother with a nest to build or young to feed may venture out during the day. If food is in short supply then a mother may be out in daylight looking for enough food to feed her family.

If you see a hedgehog during the day then please don't rush to rescue them before stopping to think and assess the situation.

Stand back and observe.

If they move with purpose, are a good size and seem fit and well then they may well be OK. Do they have nesting material with them or are they actively foraging for food?

Watch where they go. Do they go back to an area where they could be nesting?

Do NOT go looking for the nest and risk disturbing it.

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The times when a hedgehog needs help can be remembered by the WHY LIFT mnemonic.

A hedgehog needs rescuing only if any of these apply:

W = wobbles
H = has collapsed
Y = young and alone (only small hoglets up to about 6 weeks). Observe first whether mum is around.
If you disturbed a nest and they run out, watch what mum does. If she is not there or asleep, put them back. If mum attacks them, take them away. If you are sure they are fine, cover the nest as you found it. CALL a rescue for advice if young hoglets are involved!
L = lethargic, stays in one place for a long time
I = injured
F = flies . Has lots of flies around it, or visible fly eggs or maggots on them (between spines and in fur around face). NOTE: Ticks on a hedgehog are normal (up to 10)
T = trapped. If the hog is trapped, has netting on it, or fallen into a pond or drain. If there is netting on a hog cut it loose, but do not try to remove tight strings from their legs. This is expert work. DO bring the hog to a rescue or vet after this experience, unless it might be a mum.

If you are ever in doubt then contact a rescue centre for advice.




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