Definitely give Align Canine Training Inc a look if you’re in the Saskatoon area 🐾
Edited February 27, 2024
More than most other industries, what we offer as Professional Trainers - and HOW we offer it – is EXTREMELY dependent on whether or not it’s genuinely helping the people we’re offering it to. When we rolled out our ProTrain HOME program we were (and are!) SUPER excited about it, but you let us know that it needed some tweaking in order to make it something that YOU can be excited about, too!
Thanks to some fantastic members of our Align community, we received valuable feedback that has assisted us in making adjustments that we hope will increase the value of the services offered for our clients and make it easier on you when you’re booking.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you SO much for helping us grow!
So, without further ado, here’s our updated ProTrain HOME!
If you’ve been looking for an alternative to dog daycare or if your dog maybe isn’t the biggest fan of going for walks, our ProTrain HOME option is for you! This offering is based on a T-P-T approach; train – play – train, allowing your dog the opportunity to absorb information, “recover” through play, and then either work on an additional skill or reinforce what we originally worked on!
For an hour at a time, an Align Canine Professional Trainer will work with your dog in the comfort and safety of your home. The first twenty minutes will be comprised of skill building training and general behaviour development, followed by twenty minutes of mentally and physically stimulating play and engagement options, and topped off with another twenty minutes of skill building time!
Skills that we focus on include basic positions (sit, lay down, go-to-heel, place, etc.) and behaviours (thresholds aka not rushing out doors, leave it, drop it, etc.). Play can involve us loading pre-existing puzzle toys, appropriate tug games, scatter feeding, hiding “treasures” (aka treats) indoors or outdoors in your yard, etc.
We are also happy to discuss specific things that you’d like your dog to learn as well!
Why is it Great?
Well, this program meets your dog where they're at - in the comfort and safety of your own home - in order to ensure that we can meet their needs (and yours!) without adding any extra stress or uncontrolled variables like loose dogs or personality clashes.
There's also no added commute time for you and zero concern about space limitations, since ProTrain HOME sessions mean that we come to your dog instead of your dog coming to us! There are also no minimum booking commitments, although discounted Private Lessons will be offered after five Sessions have been completed!
This program is ideal for people whose dogs aren't super huge fans of other dogs, who aren't comfortable with doggy daycare options, whose dogs aren't great on leash, for puppies who don't have all of their vaccinations, and lots more!
For more information - including pricing and how to get the process started - visit our website at: www.aligncaninetraining.com/proathome
If you still have questions after checking out the website, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we'll be happy to help you out!
Also, keep an eye out for our ProTrain WALK program that we're building for you based on the feedback you took the time to share with us!
We can't wait to help you out!