Doggy Confidential - Natural Healing for Dogs

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Doggy Confidential - Natural Healing for Dogs Dog Health and Dog Healing

Memorial Day weekend can be a health threat to your dog because of strange new foods and/or swimming in contaminated wat...

Memorial Day weekend can be a health threat to your dog because of strange new foods and/or swimming in contaminated water. So save this warning re using Metronidazole for dealing with his diarrhea.

There are many different solutions for treating your dog's diarrheaa and intestinal upsets and many vets precribe Metronidazole (Flagyl) when there are better, safer natural options you can use. Why take a risk when there are many safer ways to nurse your dog back to good health

Why not Metronidazole?
When your dog has an upset stomach, parasites, like giardia or coccidia, are often to blame. They thrive and grow when your dog is sick, causing him to lose control of his bowels. But Metronidazole provides only temporary relief. It doesn’t actually fix the issues causing the diarrhea.

In addition to not curing the problem, there are many possible side effects:

Nausea and vomiting
Excessive drooling
Loss of appetite
Blood in urine
Head tilt
Nystagmus (rapid back and forth eye movements)
Tremors and seizures
Irregular heartbeat
Muscle stiffness
Dilated pupils

And because Metronidazole can pe*****te the blood-brain barrier, it can affect your dog’s nervous system. And can also cause birth defects when given to pregnant dogs

Below are a few natural remedies that work well without the scary side effects:
1. Fasting is one of the best things you can do to relieve your dog’s upset stomach. Stop feeding him for a short period of time and let his gut work out its issues on its own. Fast him for 6 - 24 hours . Even if he wants to eat, don't feed him. Remember he's not going to starve!
2. The start hi moff with beef broth, prebiotics and probiotics to rebuild his gut health.
3. The following supplements or blends of these supplements can help too:
Slippery Elm
Marshmallow Root
Bach Flower Essences
Homeopathic Solutions (ask the nutritionst which she recommends for your dog's specific symptoms.

The Barbaric Cosmetic Procedure Your Dog Can Live WithoutUnfortunately, some vets and the AKC still consider removing de...

The Barbaric Cosmetic Procedure Your Dog Can Live Without
Unfortunately, some vets and the AKC still consider removing dewclaws an acceptable practice in some breeds. In reality, it's not unlike declawing a cat, another barbaric pratice.
When the dewclaws are removed, it's almost like removing your dogs thumbs. They' need them for traction and stabilization, and removing them is an unnecessary, painful procedure.
Dewclaws are the “extra” nails on dogs’ paws; they are typically found on the front paws, but can also occur on rear paws, or all four paws
Front dewclaws are attached by bones to the leg; rear and double dewclaws are typically attached only by skin.

I was appalled reading about the procedeure which many vets recommend. And I'm a pet-parent who fell into their trap of "he'll be more comfortable without them."

Please read the following article so you too can be informed.

Unfortunately, the American Kennel Club (AKC) still considers this an acceptable practice in some breeds, yet it's not unlike removing your pet's thumbs. They're essential for traction and stabilization, and removing them is an unnecessary, painful procedure.

Natural Home  Remedies for Ear MitesIf your dog has been shaking her head or scratching her ears, check for ear mites.Ea...

Natural Home Remedies for Ear Mites
If your dog has been shaking her head or scratching her ears, check for ear mites.
Ear mites are parasites and live in your dog’s ear ca**l (occasionally on his body too.) They eat wax and oils in his ears and that makes him itch. Mites are also contagious to other household pets and can cause serious problems if left untreated.

Use a swab or cotton ball to collect some debris from the outer ear ca**l, then
place it on a dark background. and look at it through a magnifying glass. If you see
white, moving specks, the size of a pin head, he likely has ear mites. Do this 2-3 times to make sure but take debris from a different spot, or the other ear.

One thing to know is that mites have a 3 week lifecycle … and if the vet prescribes drugs, they will only kill mature mites. This prescriptions can also do more harm than good because they are neurotoxins.

Instead, try these home remedies that are just as effective.
1, Ckean the ears with Olive oil, Repeat this every 3 days for 2 weeks.
2. Garlic Oil because garlic contains sulphur and mites hate it, so it’s a good anti-parasitic. Apply the oil to the ear twice a day for 2 weeks.
3.Green tea will get rid of mites and also help remove the debris left behind. Do this once per day for 1 month.

Toxins in Your Home  Can Cause Seizures in DogsThere are many toxins found in homes that are a common cause of seizures,...

Toxins in Your Home Can Cause Seizures in Dogs
There are many toxins found in homes that are a common cause of seizures, gastrointestinal problems, and even death in dogs.

According to the ASPCA, caffeine, dark chocolate, mushrooms, theobromine, ethanol, and xylitol can all cause seizures.

Of course rat poisonings and insecticides can cause irreperable harm and death but there are many other, less obvious chemicals too.
--Theobromine is what makes chocolate toxic to dogs.
--Ethanol used in hand sanitizers, solvents, and fuel, but it's is also used in foods such as apple, grape, orange juice and (surprise!) even hamburger buns!
--Xylitol is a sugar-free sweetener commonly added to gum, candy, mouthwash, and toothpaste.

Also note the following medications are common causes of seizures in dogs:
Fluorouracil (5-FU) cream
Procaine Penicillin G

if an accident occurs and your dog begins to have a seizure, calm him down and seek immediate veterinary care . With immediate intervention, he'll have a better chance to live and be healthy after the incident. 0000000

Does Your Dog Truly Love You?

Does Your Dog Truly Love You?

The rapidly growing field of "canine cognition" is revealing new insights about the often-enigmatic behaviors of our fabulous furry four-legged friends.

Natural Solutions for Pink Eye. Like humans, dogs also get pink-eye (conjunctivitis.) Some of the most common causes of ...

Natural Solutions for Pink Eye.
Like humans, dogs also get pink-eye (conjunctivitis.)
Some of the most common causes of pink eye in dogs include:
- A foreign object in the eye
- Bacterial infections like Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, and E. coli
- Viral infections such as canine distemper, canine adenovirus, and canine influenza
- Allergies to pollen, dust, and mold
- Scratches or punctures to the eye
- Autoimmune disorders or cancer

And yes, it's highly contagious! Conjunctivitis can spread to other dogs, pets, and humans. Especially children. It's transmitted through direct contact with the infected dog or by touching contaminated objects such as toys, food dishes, leashes or water bowls.
If you suspect your dog may have pink eye,the first thing you should do is to clean his living areas and isolate him from other pets and children. Humans can transmit pink eye to dogs and vice-versa.

The symptoms of pink eye in dogs can vary depending on the cause of the condition. The most common symptoms include:
Redness and swelling
Cloudy or green discharge from eye (or mucus)
Itching and pawing at the eye
Light sensitivity which may cause frequent blinking or squinting

Traditional vets may give steroids and/or antibiotics to treat it but there are other effective natural solutions.
NOTE: It is not recommended to use over-the-counter (OTC) eye drops for humans on dogs without approval from a veterinarian. Dogs will not respond to most human eye drops well.

Instead treat him naturally with:
Warm Compress
Saline Rinse
Chamomile Tea
Homeopathic Eye Drops
Coconut Oil

Read the details of using these natural treatments and other natural antibiotics on the Dogs Naturally Magazine Website.

What Do Dogs do All Day While Everyone is Gone?True StorySome dogs sleep all day while others entertain themselves. Many...

What Do Dogs do All Day While Everyone is Gone?
True Story

Some dogs sleep all day while others entertain themselves. Many years ago, when we adopted our first Greyhound, she seemed to be getting fatter all the time and we couldn’t figure out why since we fed her only twice per day (this was when we used to feed kibble to our dogs, we don’t anymore).

So we set up a video camera and wouldn’t you know it…she'd learned how to open the bin we used to keep our kibble in. Since it had a spring on it, it would go back to being closed after she got her fill of food, and we never suspected.

I tell you this because it is fascinating to see what dogs do when you’re away.
If you set up a baby camera you’ll probably be surprised at what YOUR dog does when you’re gone.

This happened with our first Greyhound in the mid 90's. We still have the video but it's in VHS format.

Dry Dog Noses: When it's Normal and When It's NotA dog's nose is typically cold and wet, so it's easy to assume that a d...

Dry Dog Noses: When it's Normal and When It's Not

A dog's nose is typically cold and wet, so it's easy to assume that a dry nose means your dog is ill, but there are other factors that may be the cause. The wetness depends on a other variables, including your dog’s water-drinking habits, activity level, and the temperature and humidity level of the environment. If your dog was sleeping, his nose will be on the drier side and some breeds have a hard time licking their noses because of their facila features (like pugs). Sunburn can also cause dryness and peeling.

So if you take all the above reasons into account and none fit then you should take your pup to the vet when:
1. they also have infected eyes or nostrils
2. they have chronic ear infections
3. dry or red eyes

And Note These Important Facts About Dry Noses.
* excessive nose dryness, crusting, loss of pigmentation or discharge should be checked out by your veterinarian
* a crusty nose could be a sign of nose cancer
*a lack of certain nutrients can can cause the nose tissue to become thickened and dry (especially omega-3 fatty acid deficiencies).
* if your pup has an autoimmune skin disease or hypothyroidism , he's likely to have a dry nose too.

Health Benefits of CBD for Older Dogs and Cancerous TumorousCBD oil has become increasingly popular as a remedy for a va...

Health Benefits of CBD for Older Dogs and Cancerous Tumorous

CBD oil has become increasingly popular as a remedy for a variety of ailments. Many older humans have also embraced CBD to treat everything from depression to chronic pain. CND oil also benefits or pets.

CBD, oil is derived from the Cannabis sativa plant, also known as ma*****na or h**p. More than 80 chemicals called cannabinoids have been identified in the plant.
THC, the chemical that causes a “high,” is the active ingredient in ma*****na.
But those same side effects are absent in therapeutic cannabidiol because it's obtained from h**p, not ma*****na.

Note that CBD oil use can have a few minor symptoms: dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite, drowsiness and fatigue. It can also interact with other medications, such as blood thinners.

But in general, few to zero side effects are seen, and there are few drug interactions when given at the appropriate dose.

Important health benefits for senior pets include:
1. Cancer Treatment: CBD may help alleviate many of the symptoms of cancer along with the side effects stemming from treatment. It's been shown to reduce tumor growth in animals. It may even help the body absorb medications better or increase their potency. It may also change how cells reproduce by inhibiting the growth of some types of tumor cells and hinder ability for them to reproduce.

2 .Pain Management: Many senior dogs have arthritis. CBD can be a compelling alternative to dangerous drugs for it is a natural and safer remedy. CBD can reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. Conditions improved include joint pain, soft tissue inflammation, and arthritis.

3. Bone Health: Keeping bones healthy can be a challenge with older dogs.. Bones become more fragile and more prone to breaking. CBD promoties cell repair, and research shows that CBD may aid in strengthening bones. It can also promote the body’s ability to heal. While more research is needed, results in this area so far results are promising.

4. Heart disease is common in our older dogs. Often it's caused by high blood pressure. CBD has shown to be very promising as an alternative and natural treatment for high blood pressure. One recent study determined that it lowered the resting blood pressure of the study’s participants. Another study concluded that the antioxidant properties of CBD can aid in lowering cardiac inflammation

5. If you have a dog with dementia, try CBD too for it's been shown to increase cognition.

NOTE: When choosing a brand, make sure it is a whole plant extract using h**p seed oil as the carrier oil. That means it has all the helpful cannabinoids that interact with each other and the h**p oil which can make it more effective.

Dog A**l Glands: How To Express Them NaturallyNo it's not pleasant but  it’s an important part of your dog’s health. Thi...

Dog A**l Glands: How To Express Them Naturally
No it's not pleasant but it’s an important part of your dog’s health. This mostly impacts (no pun intended) small dogs.
A**l glands are actually sacs. Each sac contains oil and sweat glands. They have small receptacles of foul-smelling liquid. Your dog has two a**l glands, near the a**l opening, and the glands can empty when your dog poops, or when he’s stressed.

They can create a very unpleasant odor for you. but even more important, they're also painful for your dog.

Symptoms Of Impacted A**l Glands:
1.Scooting on the ground
2. Licking or biting at his butt area
3. Sitting uncomfortably
4. Difficulty sitting or standing
5. Sometimes they chase their tail and you may think they're being playful, but if they do it often, it may be a sign of impacted glands.

Drugs, chemicals, poor nutrition, low fiber, and vaccines are some of the causes.
Some veterinarians will suggest removing your dog’s a**l glands. Don’t! That’s the worst thing you can do.

DON’T … Express Your Dog’s A**l Glands either. Do it naturally with:
1. proper diet and exercise
2. Probiotics And Prebiotics
3. addressing food and environmental allergy issues

There is more information about this subject at the following web site:**l-glands-the-diy-solution-to-stinky-problems/?utm_source=klaviyo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=A**l%20Glands%20%2801H009DPW713T5XCCG1Y9D1D4V%29&_kx=KFYNkOLFflMMI1TUmPo99rIAMXa47jW3nw0cy8pcifE%3D.C4YyV9
Expressing your dog’s a**l glands means manually squeezing them to remove the fluid. Some groomers and vets do this routinely … and they may tell you to do it yourself too.

Don’t do it and don’t let your groomer or vet do it either! When you drop your dog off at the groomer, tell them you don’t need this service.

Want to know how to get rid of dog a**l glands smell? We'll share foods to help dogs express a**l glands naturally and talk about expressing glands manually.

Medications That  Can Cause Seizures in DogsThe following medications are common causes of seizures in dogs:IbuprofenFlu...

Medications That Can Cause Seizures in Dogs
The following medications are common causes of seizures in dogs:

Fluorouracil (5-FU) cream
Procaine Penicillin G

If your dog ingests Ibuprofen, he could develop a stomach ulcer that causes vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, black tarry stool, anemia, a loss of appetite, and lethargy. If your dog eats a large amount of Ibuprofen, he could develop kidney failure, liver failure, and tremors and seizures.

In addition, If your dog is on antidepressants, they could cause the following side effects:

seizures and tremors
excessive salivation
rapid heart rate/arrhythmia
rapid breathing
increased body temperature
increased blood pressure

It is critical that your dog is given the right dosage of antidepressants and that his medications aren’t interacting negatively with one another.

Dogs with Cancer can Benefit From Drinking KefirProbiotics are beneficial bacteria that boost the immune system of your ...

Dogs with Cancer can Benefit From Drinking Kefir
Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that boost the immune system of your fur baby. This is important for dogs with cancer, because of their weakened immune systems but also because they may experience digestive issues due to cancer and treatments.
Kefir grains are a combination of bacteria and yeast that ferment in milk, and turn into a tangy, probiotic-rich beverage. It reduces the number of carbohydrates in milk, specifically the lactose content, through the fermentation process.

Lactose is the natural sugar found in milk and can be difficult to digest. During the fermentation process, the kefir grains consume the lactose in the milk, breaking it down into lactic acid and reducing the number of carbohydrates in the final product.

Vitamins, minerals, and calcium are important for maintaining bone health because dogs with cancer are at high risk of developing bone loss or fractures, especially if they are undergoing chemotherapy.

Goat’s milk kefir can be a great way to encourage your dog to stay hydrated and nourished during this difficult time, but there are a few things to consider before giving goat’s milk to your dog:

It's always important to consult with your veterinarian before making any dietary changes or giving your dog supplements. It should not be used as a substitute for veterinary treatment, but rather as a complementary therapy, a valuable addition to your dog's diet and overall care plan.

How to Treat  Your Dog for Flea Prevention NaturallyNow that spring is here and fleas are rerpducing, don't use those da...

How to Treat Your Dog for Flea Prevention Naturally

Now that spring is here and fleas are rerpducing, don't use those dangerous, toxic drops recommended by so many vets.
Here are 2 easy, cheap, and SAFE solutions to prevent fleas from biting your pets:
1. Make a non-toxic and safe flea repellent by making your own :
Add 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar to a spray bottle, then fill it with water and spray their fur before they go outdoors. The vinegar gently repels all sorts of pests, including fleas, without harming your furry friends.

2. Use DE (Diatomaceous earth.) It's a non-toxic natural substance made from crushed fossils of freshwater organisms and marine life. Through a microscope, the particles look like bits of broken glass. Diatomaceous earth is deadly to any insect, yet completely harmless to animals and humans.
This is very effective and safe as long as it's Food Grade. Even if a flea jumps on them, they won't bite them. I don't recommend you dust them with it, although safe, because it's a dessicant and unpleasant to touch. Some pet parents dust their dog's fur with it, but I use Food Grade diatomaceous earth in their wet food. This doesn't work well if you feed dry food, again because it's a dessicant and unpleasant. Their tongues will feel very dry after ingesting it.

Place a very small amount in their wet food and mix it in well.
For a small dog: ½ tsp
For a medium sized dog: 1 tsp
Large dogs: 1-2 tsp

The effect will take a couple of weeks but you'll soon see that even if fleas jump on them, they won't bite. They usually jump off if the host (your dog) is unpleasant.

Results of Laser Therapy on My 18 yr old Arthritic Dog. Therapeutic laser therapy is said to help with pain,  inflammati...

Results of Laser Therapy on My 18 yr old Arthritic Dog.
Therapeutic laser therapy is said to help with pain, inflammation (acute and chronic), and accelerate wound healing.

It uses high-intensity light to accelerate the body’s natural healing processes. The process us to move a laser beam over the skin so that the light energy pe*****tes the tissue where it interacts with various molecules that cause different effects within the body.

Well, the good news is that it was just short of a miracle. After the first treatment, my dog was about 25% better. He quit whining and best of all, is able to stand up on his own without assistance.

We've had sessions 2 and 3 , and seen improvement too but not as marked as the first treament. He still has 3 more sessions to go.

The treatment is painless and the dogs actually like it because of the instant effect and the warm sensation.

The bad news is there is NO bad news. It's effective and relatively inexpensive.

The treatments cost us about $36 each but I'd pay 10x that to have my baby pain free.

The sessions last about 10 minutes as the technician passes the laser beam over the pain areas, as indicated by the vet. But after the vet okays the treatment, all the treatment is done by the vet tech which keeps the ccst down.

The attached picture is my 18 year old dog undergoing the treatment.
I urge anyone who has a dog with pain to try this method.

Rachael Ray Nutrish Grain-Free Dry  REVIEWScore:  2.6/10 (BAD)Too many carbsLow quality ingredientsUltra-processedPlant ...

Rachael Ray Nutrish Grain-Free Dry REVIEW
Score: 2.6/10 (BAD)
Too many carbs
Low quality ingredients
Plant proteins are used substitutes for quality animal protein.
GMOs In Top 5 Ingredients
And many other reasons not to feed this to your dog.
Read the article below for complete information.

Is Rachael Ray a good dog food? Here's our Rachael Ray dog food review, based on criteria for ingredient safety and ingredient quality for each line of food ...

Natural Flea Repellent Spray.You'll need an empty spray bottle and these ingredients:Organic apple cider vinegar (like B...

Natural Flea Repellent Spray.
You'll need an empty spray bottle and these ingredients:

Organic apple cider vinegar (like Braggs)
Non-toxic essential oil (Lavender or Peppermint)

Combine 1 cup of apple cider vinegar, 3 drops of lavender or peppermint essential oil, and fill spray bottle with water.
It's 100% safe for your dog.
Spray every 2-3 days.

You'll also notice a reduction in the number of ticks with this recipe.
NOTE: DON'T put eassential oils directly on the dog. They must be in the solution.

This Is  a Very Important Announcement from Integrative vet, Dr. Andrew Jones:Dog DNA found in 2 Brands of Dog FoodSourc...

This Is a Very Important Announcement from Integrative vet, Dr. Andrew Jones:

Dog DNA found in 2 Brands of Dog Food

Source: Susan Thixton, Truth About Pet Food
The nightmare has once again proven to be true. Dog DNA was found in two pet foods, along with a long list of other ingredients not disclosed by the manufacturer.
The University of New Mexico has recently published a study evidencing a wide-awake nightmare of pet food. “Using Pet Food as the Subject to Investigate the Effectiveness of Whole-Genome Sequencing in the Authentication of Highly Processed Complex Food” was published January 6, 2023 by the American Chemical Society.

The research did not provide the brand names of the pet foods tested.
The study abstract stated “Our test detected DNA of undeclared ingredients in all tested pet food samples, entailing improvements of regulation and quality control in American pet food industry.”
One of those “undeclared ingredients” discovered in the dog foods a**lyzed was dog.WORST OF ALL, Dog DNA was found in two of the six pet foods tested!

This is the third time in 4 years dog food has tested positive for dog DNA. (The first evidence of this horror was DNA a**lysis included in a lawsuit against Rachel Ray Nutrish dog food.)
Not only did all the pet foods a**lyzed contain multiple ingredients not listed on the label, several pet foods did NOT contain ingredients they claimed to contain. And 100% of the pet foods a**lyzed in this research were mislabeled. Learn how to make your dog food at home and supplement with additional ingredients to avoid this nightmare with your pet's food.


AVOID DENTAL PROCEDURES! You should avoid any elective procedures that require sedation but sometimes you can't avoid it. Keep your dog's teeth healthy so you don't need to put them through this.

Probiotics for Diarrhea & Gastrointestinal Issues Due to AntibioticsRestore Your DOG'S MICROBIOMEIf your dog must take a...

Probiotics for Diarrhea & Gastrointestinal Issues Due to Antibiotics
If your dog must take anti-biotics give him this yeast. It's a friendly yeast that works like a probiotic and safe for both humans and dogs.

S. boulardii (Saccharomyces Boulardii) is unique in that antibiotics can’t kill it. That means when given at the same time as antibiotics, it protects the beneficial gut bacteria. It fights bacterial, parasite and fungal infections and supports the immune system… and it stops diarrhea!

You can give S. boulardii to strengthen your dog’s gut with beneficial microbes to prepare for a course of antibiotics. Or you can give it at the first signs of diarrhea.

You can give S. boulardii products in the form of capsules or powder . And they're available over the counter or online. Make sure to earch for organic products without fillers added.

Give S. boulardii orally daily, or as directed by your veterinarian. The exact amount will be indicated on the jar according to your dog's weight but it may vary from 1/8 tsp daily for pups under 25 lbs and as much as 1 tsp daily for dogs 100+ pounds.
This treatment should be given over a course of 4 to 6 days.

Be aware it may cause gas or bloating. If constipation occurs, reduce the amount.
And don’t give it alongside any antifungal medications.
Avoid giving it to pregnant or nursing dogs.

The Natural Secret to Healing WoundsWith antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria on the rise in both humans and pets. I...

The Natural Secret to Healing Wounds
With antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria on the rise in both humans and pets. It's become challenging to treat infected open wounds.

You should know there's one natural ingredient that's been used for hundreds of years to treat wounds and fight bacteria.

Both table and medical-grade honey can be effective in managing wounds, HOWEVER, MEDICAL-GRADE honey exhibits better consistency in sterility and anti-bacterial activity.

The most common type of medical honey is MANUKA honey. It's often used by integrative vets to heal resistant skin infections, burns, canine acne, hot spots,and large wounds that can’t be closed by surgery.

The honey acts against MRSA bacteria and a variety of other bacteria after 24 hours of incubation, even when diluted. Best of all, it does not acquire resistance to the bacteria found in wounds (unlike antibiotics.)

The next time your dog has a skin injury, spread some manuka honey on it and cover it with gauze to keep them from licking it off.

Swamp Cancer or Water MoldIf your pet has access to freshwater ponds or wetlands, be aware of Pythiosis, a serious infec...

Swamp Cancer or Water Mold
If your pet has access to freshwater ponds or wetlands, be aware of Pythiosis, a serious infection caused by water-loving organisms.

They are usually found in ponds, swamps, brackish water, and any place where there is stagnant water (that’s why it’s nicknamed “swamp cancer.”

The infection is caused by direct contact with water or moist soil that harbors the organism. It is not contagious. Unfortunately, it’s usually diagnosed too late to save your dog.

Pythiosis is under-diagnosed and may be misdiagnosed as a fungal infection. The delay in appropriate treatment is usually deadly because it may have progressed into severe disease. As a result, the condition is often fatal.
The infection can also spread to other areas, including the liver, pancreas or uterus. Pythiosis of the sinus, brain or lungs will cause stuffiness, headache, fever, coughing and swelling of the sinuses.
Other symptoms include: nonhealing sores, chronic diarrhea, vomiting and weight loss; gastrointestinal masses may also be found.
The number of cases has increased significantly in the last decade and the best preventative is to not take your dog where there is stagnant water. With climate change and warmer waters it is expected to grow exponentially and to spread to other areas.

While any dog can develop pythiosis, it’s most common in large breed hunting dogs and German shepherds.
Note: there are other infections caused by swampy water.
1. blue-green algae
2. Leptospirosis
3. Giardiasis
4. Protothecosis


Fascinating to see this dog being spayed.

Laundry Supplies Can Cause Cancer in Your Dog. Make your own Laundry Soap.You may not think of laundry supplies as cance...

Laundry Supplies Can Cause Cancer in Your Dog. Make your own Laundry Soap.
You may not think of laundry supplies as cancer-causing dog products, but some of them will be.

Certain laundry products, such as detergent, fabric softener, bleach, and dryer sheets, can be hazardous for dogs. Some items may include formaldehyde which is a known carcinogen .

Choose organic cleaning products. And always keep laundry supplies out of your pet's reach.

The recipe below is for a homemade Liquid Laundry Detergent I've made at home for many years. It's very effective and incredibly cheap too!

Liquid Laundry Detergent
1 cup of Borax
1 cup of Washing Soda (NOT baking soda!)
5.5oz Fels Naptha soap or liquid castile soap
5 gallon bucket with a lid
Optional: essential oil for scent (1/2 to 1 oz)

Instructions :
1. If using liquid castile soap, skip this step.
Grate the Fels-Naptha soap. Add the soap shreds to a pot with 4 cups of hot water. Put the heat on medium-high, & stir until completely melted - about 10 minutes.
2. Fill up a 5 gallon bucket halfway with hot water 3. Pour in the melted soap mixture &vstir.
3. Stir in the borax & washing soda.
If your'e using essential oil, now is the time to add it.
4. Fill up the bucket with warm water, all the way to the top - and stir again. with a long handled utensil.
5. Close the lid, & let it sit for 24 hours to gel up.
6. Divide it up between different containers like empty laundry detergent containers, or leave in the bucket .

What Foods Can Cause Seizures In Dogs? The following foods contain ingredients that can cause seizures in dogs because t...

What Foods Can Cause Seizures In Dogs?
The following foods contain ingredients that can cause seizures in dogs because they contain high amounts of glutamates which elevates the chance of causing seizures.

Wheat, barley and oats have high glutamate content. Corn and rice have lower glutamate content, but should be kept to a minimum. Grains are a very common ingredient in commercial dry foods and treats … and sometimes they are listed as cereals.

Dairy Products From Cows’ Milk and treats containing dairy products, including yogurt, and kefir, as well as cheese, should be eliminated from the diet of a dog prone to seizures.
Beans, soy, and lentils contain high amounts of glutamate. Many commercial dry foods and treats include soy.

Peanuts are very rich in glutamate. Peanuts are not nuts – they are a legume, and you should avoid giving them to all dogs but especially ones prone to have seizures.

Rabbit, Turkey and Oily Fish have high glutamate amino acid content. The best choice of meat for your epileptic dog is lamb. It has the lowest glutamate content.

Any Foods Containing Chemicals, Preservatives, taste enhancers, chemical antioxidants and colorants. Even some pre-made raw diets have synthetic vitamins and minerals … look for additive-free foods instead and always opt for natural and fresh foods.

Dog Seizure Symptoms:
Unusual barking and whining
Face twiching
Loss of consciousness




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