Millie is a special kitty
Please share so she can find her forever home soon!!!!
Millie is a special kitty
Please share so we can help find her a forever home soon!!!
She is a sweetheart!
C' us continue to save animals from shelters and off the streets by donating. Donations help us spay/neuter, vaccinate, treat heartworms, and obtain specialty care as needed. Your donation counts twice as much since we have an anonymous donor matching dollar for dollar up to 10K! We have saved animals like these and all have been adopted!
These are just some of the 20+ kitties that have been adopted in the last week! Please help us continue to save more kitties and donate to our end of the year drive! We have a donor matching dollar for dollar up to $10,000 so your donation counts twice as much. Look at these faces - we need your donations to save more! Happy holidays to all who have found homes so far!
Puca in training!
Puca looks so well mannered doing the things learned with training. Don't you want to take this love home? Or at the very least foster?
And look how happy with her new step sister after their first meeting!
Wanna know who else is thankful? Birdie is for sure. So many things went wrong for her and were so unfair. But luckily her momma saw the love she had to give! Look at how Birdie thrives-she is truly happy and thankful today!
Penelope and Tux both still available!! Please share both are sweethearts!