Elevate Horsemanship

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Elevate Horsemanship Here at Elevate Horsemanship we focus on knowledge and practice of horsemanship in all levels and walks of life. Raise your chin and elevate your confidence!

We start from the beginning and learn our responsibilities as horsemen, then together lets navigate your equine journey! In the Elevate family, the name has a lot of meaning. First, our focus starts with uplifting our HORSES and EACH OTHER! When you are educated and supported by a family of horsemen, your journey through horsemanship becomes POSSIBLE! My dream has always been to build a tight knit

group of horsemen who all have goals and vision for their horse's future. I have been BLESSED with the greatest family of horse enthusiasts. One thing I always strive to be is honest about what I see. I want those around me to know that I will always support them in their journey, and by supporting you I mean I will PUSH YOU! I love to watch horses and people grow, and I want to help YOU and YOUR HORSE achieve it all. As a barn we all are driven to learn more about our horses bodies and we focus of proper training, starting with diet, soundness, chiropractic and HORSE FITNESS. When your horse feels good, they will WANT to work with you. My main practice has been c**t starting and performance horses. I believe in a well trained horse that is versatile and usable. That being said I give instruction in basics of western and english, and the spectrum covers pleasure, horsemanship, equitation, dressage and ranch horse. I received a judges card for the ASHA as well. I have learned many training techniques including clicker training and even dove into R+ training, all to understand more theory and to have more tools in my box for every horse that comes down the road. Even if you are just looking to build your relationship with a horse you don't ride, you may find what you are looking for here. I offer lessons starting with basic horsemanship skills through restarting, problem solving and then moving into the show world. I am a 4H leader and am passionate about youth development. We attend large open shows a few times a year as well as smaller schooling shows. As the client base grows, we will be moving into breed shows and stock horse association. We offer clinics of many kinds at our facility at Horse Feather Stables in Newberg Oregon. If you started with lessons and want more, I also have lease options available for the family who isn't ready for the HUGE commitment that is buying a horse. Lease a few days a week to practice caring for a horse with the guidance of horse professionals overseeing the barn as well as a huge barn family. Walk through the barn doors, wash the stress of your hands, set down your troubles of daily life and get ready to ELEVATE!

These are cool!

These are cool!

We had a great ride yesterday at Pacific City for our ride and dine Beach ride! Horses are tired from a long day of ridi...

We had a great ride yesterday at Pacific City for our ride and dine Beach ride! Horses are tired from a long day of riding up and down the beach. But we got some great miles in, over 10 mi I believe! Had some awesome rides and some amazing food.

My summer schedule is ready to open up to the public! I have lots of fun things planned for the summer, including trail ...

My summer schedule is ready to open up to the public! I have lots of fun things planned for the summer, including trail rides in wine country and at local state parks as well as a beach ride, a campout , Whinny Wednesdays and of course lessons!
Follow this link to view my client agreement which includes information on lessons, leasing and horse shows.---->
Follow this link to sign up for a lesson or trail ride with Elevate horsemanship! ----->

Having a good start to the Spotted Spring Spectacular! Friday we did showmanship, Trail and gaming.Audrey Lavier won hig...

Having a good start to the Spotted Spring Spectacular! Friday we did showmanship, Trail and gaming.

Audrey Lavier won high point in gaming 18 &under on Pocos Red Hot Success
Ellie Anderson won reserve high point in gaming 18 and under on Poco's Red Hot Success
Kalea Anderson and Molly Williamson had awesome times gaming Wile E. Coyote
Dakota Sutherland brought home high point for 9 and under gaming!

Molly Williamson won first in Trail 13&under
Audrey Lavier placed 2nd in Trail Novice 18&under
Audrey Lavier placed 3rd in Trail 14-18

Addie Gryphon placed third in showmanship
Ellie Anderson placed second in showmanship 13 and under
Many other awesome placings for the group!

Who wants to get together and do some ranch stuff this weekend?

Who wants to get together and do some ranch stuff this weekend?

A simple but informative description

A simple but informative description

Colic Surgery: What You Should Know
Brian S. Burks, DVM
Diplomate, ABVP
Board Certified Equine Specialist

Suddenly, you are faced with an enormous decision about your best horse. The choice is colic surgery or euthanasia. You only have a few minutes to decide, and the outcome is uncertain. Will he have a good quality of life? Will he return to his previous performance level?

You may not even know the veterinarian telling you about colic surgery. Should you proceed with surgery, a deposit of $5000.00 is required. The total cost may be $7000-$10,000, or more, if there are complications. What should you do? There is no time for me to tell a client everything they need to know. There are many things to think about prior to facing this difficult decision.

Equine Colic
Colic is a symptom- abdominal pain- not a diagnosis or disease. It is a sign of something wrong in the abdomen, or occasionally from other organs outside the abdomen. The equine intestinal tract is very complicated with stacked horse-shoe configurations and different sized lumens at various points. Colic signs include depression, loss of appetite, lying down, pawing, rolling, sweating, looking at the belly, stretching, and others.

Many times, colic is simple, and occurs due to a spasm or a gas pocket. This may require minimal treatment or even resolve on its own. Other times, aggressive medical therapy is required. Sometimes colic surgery is required to determine the cause and replace and/or repair the intestinal tract.

• Volvulus- a torsion or twist of the gut
• Small intestinal strangulation by a lipoma or other structure
• Colonic impaction- a build up a feed material, sand, or dirt in the colon
• Foreign body blocking the colon- an enterolith or another object
• Colonic displacement

Causes may vary with the breed and age of the horse. For instance, Ascarid impactions occur in weanlings and yearlings, whereas lipomas are most common. in older horses.

There are many other variations, and each comes with its own prognosis and estimated surgical cost. Large intestinal surgery usually has a better prognosis than small intestinal surgery and may cost less than a small intestinal strangulation requiring a portion of the bowel to be removed. It should be noted that colic surgery is a diagnostic test; until the surgeon explores the abdomen to find out what the trouble is, a definite diagnosis, prognosis, or cost estimate cannot be given.

The Veterinarian’s Advice
How does your veterinarian know your horse needs surgery?

• A diagnosis is made following the physical and re**al examination that requires surgery.
• Unrelenting pain, that cannot be controlled by medication
• Various diagnostic tests may add up, even when the horse does not appear that bad (especially if it has been given pain medication)
• Medical management has not corrected the problem

The field veterinarian must determine if the horse requires further evaluation at an equine surgical hospital. Part of that determination is you, the owner, about whether surgery is even an option. Sometimes, the only other option is euthanasia.

Diagnostic testing includes routine blood work, re**al palpation, abdominal ultrasound, abdominal tap, and occasionally radiographs (for smaller horses).

Your Decision
Here are some considerations when making this difficult decision:

• Diagnosis & Prognosis: What does the veterinarian think is wrong with your horse? How complicated will the surgery be and what is the likely prognosis? Recurrence?
• Anesthesia & Recovery: General anesthesia is required for colic surgery, and although the risk of this is small, it still exists.
• Cost: Can you afford surgery? Is your horse insured, and is there coverage for colic surgery? Colic surgery is expensive because it is performed in an equine hospital with professional staff, equipment, and experience to perform surgery and handle the intense after care required.
• Stress: Colic surgery is stressful for any horse owner.
• You may spend considerable time and resources treating on the farm, when early referral gives better prospects of a successful outcome.

When there is a colon torsion, the intestinal lining will only survive for 3-4 hours, so early and close referral is required. Such horses require immediate surgery and often do not survive a 3-4 hour trailer ride.

If you have decided to proceed with colic surgery, your horse is now being prepped for surgery. Then entire abdomen must be clipped, the feet cleaned, and the mouth rinsed to remove any residual feed material so that it does not end up in the lungs. There is a team gathered around him for this and intravenous catheter placement. Large bags of IV fluids are used, and medications are given prior to surgery. A nasogastric tube is left in place until after surgery. Soon, he will be taken into the surgery area.

Once anesthetized and gently lowered to the floor, he will be placed on a padded table, using hobbles and a hoist system. Your horse will be placed on his back and secured to the table. A ventilator will be used to deliver anesthetic gases and breathe for him, and other equipment will be used to monitor blood pressure and oxygen levels.

Once the surgical area (belly) is surgically prepped, a heavily gowned surgeon will place a full body drape prior to making a 10–12-inch incision on the mid-line of the abdomen. Then, a full abdominal exploration will take place to determine the problem; much of this is by feel as many structures cannot be pulled into plain view.

Colic surgery is a great physical undertaking. Heavy segments of bowel must be pulled out of the abdominal cavity and emptied and re-positioned. Once a diagnosis has been made, the surgeon may need to discuss the problem and prognosis. You should be prepared to euthanize your horse on the table, as some lesions are not reparable, or may exceed costs that you are able to incur.

Once a diagnosis has been made, repairs must then ensue. This may be as simple as placing the intestine back in its normal position, i.e., a partial torsion or twist, or some other displacement. Also, damage intestine may need to be removed, a blockage of sand or other foreign objects removed or fluid moved out of the small intestine into the cecum. Surgical time ranges from 1 ½ to 4 or more hours. Once the intestine has been repaired and replaced, the abdomen is painstakingly closed with heavy suture. Post recovery, which is assisted, he will be taken back to his stall where post op care will begin.

Survival rates for many types of colic surgeries are high; however, things can go wrong at many points of the process. Very ill horses may have trouble surviving anesthesia, horses can be injured during recovery, and for horses with complicated conditions the first week after surgery is critical, requiring intensive medical care, including large volumes of intravenous fluids. The horse is monitored frequently, every 1-4 hours, day, and night, to adjust treatment and look for early signs of complications.

Hospital stays can vary from a few days to a few weeks, depending upon the initial surgical problem. Complications include abdominal or incisional infection, laminitis, colic recurrence, reflux, and many others. For many horses, the intensity of treatment gradually reduces prior to discharge at 5-7 days post-surgery.

Once the horse is home, there is usually about 4 weeks of complete stall rest, followed by 4 weeks of stall rest and hand-walking. This is followed by 4 weeks of turn-out in a paddock. They must not be allowed to move faster than a walk until the incision has gained sufficient strength to bear the weight of the organs and movement. The diet may be modified, and other specific treatments may be given to you.

There is a general belief that colic surgery is often not successful. More than thirty years ago, that was true, but anesthetics have improved, along with surgical techniques. Many types of colic surgery today have a good prognosis; however, you should remember that despite the investment of a great deal of time and money, fatal complications can occur. Think about all of this before you ever get into this situation.

Dr. Brian Burks is the owner/veterinarian at Fox Run Equine Center, a 24-hour medical-surgical center near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is board certified by the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (Equine Practice). This certifies him as an expert in all categories of equine practice.

Fox Run Equine Center


(724) 727-3481

Your horse's health is always our top priority.


🌼Spring break March 25-28🌼

🌸It's almost spring break at Ride On Ranch! It's time to sign up for Lessons, camps and clinics for next week! We will be doing four camps/clinics during the week in addition to lessons in the afternoon/evening!🌸


🌻Text Tierra at 5:03-459-7754 or PM me here To reserve your space!🌻

🐎🌷Monday March 25th: Basic Horsemanship Camp🌷🐎
From 9:00 a.m. To 4:00 p.m.
Great for beginners or newbies !
$100 each

🌺🐮Tuesday: cow camp🐮🌺
From 10:00 a.m. To 2:00 p.m
Exclusive to students of Ride-on Ranch and or Elevate Horsemanship
Basic cow working maneuvers and games
$60 each

🪻Wednesday : classes🪻

🐴Intermediate and advanced classes:🐴
$50 each/ $80 both
🏄10:00 a.m.: Class on balance
🥇12:00 p.m. : Horse Show Horsemanship

🎠3:00 to 4:00: Whinny Wednesday🎠
Introduction to horses ages 2 to 12 years old
Horse painting and lead line rides

💐🏇Thursday: Barrels and Poles Clinic🏇💐
From 10:00 to 2:00 p.m.
$50 each
Clinic taught by Corinne Dimmick

⁉️Reservations required! Lesson horses available! Sign up now to reserve your spot where the sun is always shining! ⁉️

Text Tierra at 503-459-7754

I will post each Flyer in the comments for easier reading!

Opening for training in Hillsboro, Oregon. Elevate Horsemanship has a reputation for having a zealous environment with p...

Opening for training in Hillsboro, Oregon. Elevate Horsemanship has a reputation for having a zealous environment with people who are passionate about horses. I have openings in my program to take in training horses ranging from Ground training, legging up, to performance training. Keep your horse in tip top shape and mental condition this show season with Elevate Horsemanship.
If you have been looking for a team to go and compete with this year, We will be attending a handful of awesome shows from now through November! I can also haul out horses to these events for exposure. If you want your horse and on our action, make sure you reserve your training space now so you will be ready!

⁉️Have you ever wanted to School your horse or Re-Ride the pattern when it doesn't go quite right? Come school your patt...

⁉️Have you ever wanted to School your horse or Re-Ride the pattern when it doesn't go quite right?

Come school your pattern work at Ride on Ranch on March 9th. This pattern practice will be divided up into 5️⃣ minute time slots with just you and a judge with the option to school or receive marks per maneuver. Warm up will be available from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. with our first Rider starting at 10:05 a.m..

To reserve your 5-minute time slot, click this link and choose as many spaces as you need. If you would like an extended time period, you may book two blocks consecutively.


You will receive confirmation for your reserved space after your venmo or Paypal payment has been received.

You can also reserve your space by texting Tierra at 503-459-7754. Please feel free to PM, call or text with questions. This is a great opportunity to school and review your final touches before Showtime!


Ellie riding Patriot on the flag for the first time 💚

Going to have a weekday clinic next week for those getting ready for the show season upcoming. We will have space for up...

Going to have a weekday clinic next week for those getting ready for the show season upcoming. We will have space for up to 8 per class. We will be riding the OHSET patterns for 2024. $20 per pattern or 50 for All three. Text to reserve your space!

I've heard a lot of folks out there who have been wanting to make the jump and start their journey with horses! Here is ...

I've heard a lot of folks out there who have been wanting to make the jump and start their journey with horses! Here is your sign! Offering these deals through Christmas Eve this year for current clients who have friends interested in riding lessons, or for those who have been on the fence about the first step! I have a few openings in my program as we move into the new year, claim your spot now while we still have the space!

Come elevate your pattern work at Ride On Ranch ! Great opportunity to get your horse out in a group setting and work on...

Come elevate your pattern work at Ride On Ranch ! Great opportunity to get your horse out in a group setting and work on their pattern skills. We will be doing a Western equitation pattern in the first group and a ranch riding pattern in the second group. Feel free to sign up for one or both. Schooling is encouraged! This is your opportunity to work through some of your pattern problems before the show season kicks up again!

$30 per person, $10 for haul in and if you need a school horse, I have them available for lease as well!

Who would want to make a day of this at one of their next events?

Who would want to make a day of this at one of their next events?

Looking to try something new with your horse? Want to rope till your arm falls off? Whether you've been ranching a lifetime or are just trying it out, you're invited to Oregon Horse Center's cow schooling day!

Who is thinking stock horse this year?

Who is thinking stock horse this year?

🎉2024 Clinic & Show SCHEDULE
We so appreciate each of you that are part of this organization!

Holiday themed trail Course! We will have lots of obstacles with some that are more classic and some that are unique. RS...

Holiday themed trail Course! We will have lots of obstacles with some that are more classic and some that are unique. RSVP to reserve your spot! School horses available for lease!

We will also have a table for those who would like to share their favorite holiday treats

Available for a show lease in Hillsboro, Oregon. Great horse for a confident rider who wants to dabble in the Ranch Hors...

Available for a show lease in Hillsboro, Oregon. Great horse for a confident rider who wants to dabble in the Ranch Horse or compete in Pleasure, equitation and hunt seat. Please contact me for more information or for an application!


Happy Halloween! 🎃🍭🦄






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