
Buddy Check out our awesome BLOG and find out what life is like with a Border Collie. Fun and frustrating in equal measure!

We had SO much fun welcoming our new members last night into our reactivity training and coaching membership confident d...

We had SO much fun welcoming our new members last night into our reactivity training and coaching membership confident dog, confident you.

Everyone had their own individual but also very similar challenges. And the real emphasis was on just being able to walk down the street without any fear. A peaceful and calm walk. I so resonate with that and so many of the struggles. We can’t wait to help everyone with that and it all started last night ❤️

The membership is just £17 a month till the end of December before it goes up to £25 so now is the best time to join. Everything is on replay and we’ll be shaping everything around you, our founding members! So come join us! Link in bio or head to:


If you have a dog that’s‼️ Reactive to people‼️Reactive to dogs‼️Anxious and barky 🥹Just generally struggles with the wo...

If you have a dog that’s
‼️ Reactive to people
‼️Reactive to dogs
‼️Anxious and barky
🥹Just generally struggles with the world and every day and life for you is like ‘OMG’

Join us and we will help you!


No more feeling isolated in your struggles, or those judging looks when out and about.

For just £17 a month (crazy founder price) myself and my dog behaviour bestie are going to help you and your dog become a confident team! Between us we’ve helped hundreds of dogs including our own. So we get it!

We will be running two sessions a month

1 x training session (we will even get your dog involved) with strategies and training to help your dog get cool with the world.

1 x training session to go through any questions or anything that’s cropped up.

Private coaching group.

We make it fun for you both.

We start on Tuesday with a Christmas special, strategies for Christmas time (visitors and more) AND we start muzzle training. Which is so so important.

If you want to watch our webinar sharing our top reactivity strategies too then dm me I’ll send you a link before it expires on Tuesday.

If this sounds too good to be true it isn’t 😂

Join us here www.ontheball.dog/confidentdog

Comment ‘yes please’ and ill send you the direct link 🫶

Morning cat and dog cuddles! I do remember this being a goal. Buddy is so so good around the cats now. Not bad for a ‘ch...

Morning cat and dog cuddles! I do remember this being a goal. Buddy is so so good around the cats now. Not bad for a ‘chasey’ collie. Training pays off 💪

Looks like Buddy wanted to snuggle next to calm. Good choice buddy!

PS have you ordered the number one bestselling dog training book on amazon this week? Check out my stories!

Just everything about him looks amazing and so so well! 🥰🥰🥰 My heart hurts at how happy I am I still can’t quite believe...

Just everything about him looks amazing and so so well! 🥰🥰🥰 My heart hurts at how happy I am I still can’t quite believe he’s pretty much back to himself.

Buddy update! We are so so thrilled with his progress. So much so that we will start to gradually reduce the steroids at...

Buddy update!

We are so so thrilled with his progress. So much so that we will start to gradually reduce the steroids at the end of this week and see what happens.

There is a concern that there are oesophagus and tummy problems -
As being on two types of gastro meds has all but stopped his regurgitating. If you’ve not seen a dog regurgitate before it’s really not nice. There was one day he couldn’t stop and that day I was worried we were near the end. 😢

But wow he’s doing great! Back to eating his favourite dried chews and no sick. Added more complex foods in and keeping them down.

His eye is healing nicely - he deffo has no feeling on that side of the face, must be so strange for him.

He’s been through so much the last 6 months - we all have! Its mentally exhausting yet it’s taught us so much.

He really is my dog in a million.

Oh and he’s put nearly a kilo on in a week and had a lovely trip to say hello to the team at today.
He loves to go in for reception treats now! 🎉🎉 Second home 😂

Cuddles with buddy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Cuddles with buddy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

More great days with the one eyed floofball long May they last!!Steroids seem to be doing a good job                    ...

More great days with the one eyed floofball long May they last!!

Steroids seem to be doing a good job

Buddy is feeling well enough today to steal toys from Jacks room and bring them to me to play with…😂😂

Buddy is feeling well enough today to steal toys from Jacks room and bring them to me to play with…😂😂


In this week’s AbsoluteDogs TV Episode, we discuss:Is your dog WORRIED about noise, movement or the world in general? Are they REACTIVE to strangers or other...

Buddy says hey!He’s still got his head tilt.He’s had a great day! Looked so well. This evening though he looks a bit pan...

Buddy says hey!

He’s still got his head tilt.

He’s had a great day! Looked so well. This evening though he looks a bit panting/sick and has just fallen asleep on the sofa. Maybe too much trying to be busy again today. He’s a hard one to please. Needs his rest but has obviously got a bit more energy to burn than normal and thinks that he’s well!

Steroids have got him very hungry! 😂

Restful night lets hope and we will have a chilled day tomorrow. 🤞

We had the call about the biopsy results Good news is no cancer, inflammation or infection was found. Still doesn’t answ...

We had the call about the biopsy results

Good news is no cancer, inflammation or infection was found.

Still doesn’t answer what’s been happening. And can’t rule out these things. Still don’t know why the sudden regurgitation.

I don’t want to send him back for more tests right now as he needs some recovery time and he had a seizure just last week coming out of a sedation.

Yesterday was a very good day.

So we plan to keep on with and up the steroids, add antibiotics to be sure and keep up the anti sickness.

In the hope it solves whatever is going on.

I spoke to someone who has 23 years of auto immune diseases yesterday too and she said it doesnt typically look like one but agrees with us treating it as such@and hope he keeps improving.

He’s so strong. He’s he’s not ready to give up yet.

I hate speculation but sometimesit’s all you can do ❤️❤️

Buddy had a tricky day yesterday but it ended well with him settled.After a great Mother’s Day perhaps he overdid it and...

Buddy had a tricky day yesterday but it ended well with him settled.
After a great Mother’s Day perhaps he overdid it and then felt the effects yesterday?

I don’t know. But he was up from 4.30am and was sick nearly all day. It was a worrying one he was exhausted and collapsed at one point when he got up too quickly,
but eventually come the evening he was able to keep some food and water down and we got all of his meds in him,
and he had a really good night and has woken up much brighter.

Results weren’t ready yesterday. But we should deffo get them today. 🤞

Here’s a picture of my little ray of sunshine. One day these two are going to be the best of friends. It’s such a shame he’s been so unwell almost the whole time she’s been with us - when she arrived they started off having a lot of fun!

Can’t thank my vets and our specialists vets enough.

Not only is buddy a complicated case, he also doesn’t like being handled by strangers, and everyone has been incredible at his co-operative care listening to his needs and putting their trust in me.

His eye is healing up so beautifully but the realisation of loosing an eye has just hit me today. I feel a real unfair loss for him. But I have to keep reminding myself that the pain has gone, and that he will hardly notice and adapt so quickly.

Cuddle your dogs today! We never know what’s around the corner. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Great morning so far 🎉🎉Kept his steroids down last night. Kept food and meds down this morning. And now happily chewing....

Great morning so far 🎉🎉

Kept his steroids down last night. Kept food and meds down this morning. And now happily chewing. The steroids do perk him up and feel a little like they are plastering up the problem but he feels good and is happy so I’m happy.

He’s also being very good about having the cone on when he needs and so far has left his eye alone ❤️❤️

Buddy UpdateHe’s struggling to keep food and water down today. We’ve tried a different anti sickness med and that seems ...

Buddy Update

He’s struggling to keep food and water down today. We’ve tried a different anti sickness med and that seems to be working so keeping everything crossed.

Sadly the biopsy wasn’t ready today there are more slides and tests they want to do on it so we are looking at Monday now. So just got to keep him calm and keep some food and water down, and some pain meds, till we (hopefully) get our answer.

The eye is still looking great and healing up nicely ✨✨✨

My little ray of sunshine ☀️

My little ray of sunshine ☀️

He had a great night sleep. Had his meds and settled down in his pen.His eye is healing beautifully. He’s not happy he h...

He had a great night sleep. Had his meds and settled down in his pen.

His eye is healing beautifully. He’s not happy he has a cone on 😁

No news yet - probably going to be Monday but staying hopeful we hear today 🤞

Buddy update🌈🌈Buddy was at Dick Whites overnight for more tests. We also found out that he’s got significant nerve damag...

Buddy update🌈🌈

Buddy was at Dick Whites overnight for more tests. We also found out that he’s got significant nerve damage around his eye, caused by whatever it is that’s attacking him.

Sadly, the only course of action was to remove his right eye. It was a shock but it was the kindest thing as he would have been in a lot of pain. The logistics of even attempting to save the eye would have been so stressful, and the likelyhood of saving it small, all the while he would have been in pain.

He’s in amazing spirits this evening and needing to be told to rest 😆

He had a bone biopsy yesterday and it’s our last hope of finding out what is causing all the damage as so far, all treatment has failed.

We won’t stop until we are told there is nothing else we can do, or Buddy’s quality of life is clearly bad.

This is him having a snooze this evening (the bad eye is the other side)

And here is a video of him enjoying playing with a chew on Tuesday night before he went for the operation. 🥰🥰🥰

Just a day or so now for the results to come back and hoping it’s something we can attempt to treat. 🤞


How will you give your dog the gift of disengagement today? 🎁

"Disengagement is arguably the biggest gift we can give outside of optimism" 💖
- Tom Mitchell

Crufts 2023 you didn’t disappoint. It was amazing to meet so many likeminded dog owners who want the best for their dogs...

Crufts 2023 you didn’t disappoint. It was amazing to meet so many likeminded dog owners who want the best for their dogs. More Gamechangers to add to the hundreds of thousands of us from around the world!

Lovely to meet those of you that recognised me too and thank you for asking after Buddy. So super sweet.

And we were by far the brightest stand there 🥳🥳❤️🧡💚💙🔥🌈

Roll on Crufts 2024!


Does your dog or cat really enjoy being pet? You might be surprised!

For many people, stroking a cat or dog is a truly wonderful experience. It can help you feel happy and relaxed and promote feelings of contentment and companionship.

But do cats and dogs always enjoy it?

Some cats and dogs love to be stroked and petted and will seek out affection from anyone willing to offer it. Others actively dislike it or find it worrying. Even the friendliest of dogs and cats don’t necessarily enjoy being approached and touched by strangers.

Some dogs really enjoy pets from members of their family but feel very uncomfortable being petted by strangers. Other dogs love to be fussed and stroked by everyone.

Cats can be pretty selective too!

Never assume a dog or cat is going to want to be stroked by someone they don’t know (or even by someone they do know!). Getting consent, and being sure that consent is ongoing, is so important.

Waiting for your pet to come to you and initiate attention means you know for sure that they are participating willingly. It’s also a great idea to stop every few seconds to make sure they are still enjoying the experience. They’ll make it obvious if they want more by leaning in or nudging you to continue. Always let your dog or cat move away if they’ve had enough or start to feel uncomfortable.

Animals also have preferences about where they are comfortable being petted. Just like people, every animal is an individual, but here are some things to keep in mind that will help everyone stay safe and happy:

🐾 Cats typically prefer to be stroked around the face.
🐶 Dogs may feel most comfortable being stroked on the shoulders and chest area and under the chin.
🐾 It can help to get down to their level. Leaning over an animal’s head can be very worrying for them.
🐶 Stroke in the direction of the fur, not against it.
🐾 Always ask permission before approaching a dog or cat you don’t know.
🐶 If the animal’s owner says “no”, always respect their request. You probably wouldn’t want a stranger hugging you either!
🐾 Always give pets a choice to interact. Letting them approach you to initiate contact is the best way to be sure they are consenting.
🐶 Stop petting every 3-5 seconds and allow your pet the option of showing they are still enjoying your attention and participating willingly.
🐾 Interactions between animals and children should always be supervised.
🐶 Having a healthy respect for an animal’s boundaries will keep everyone safe and happy.

If you have permission to pet, these are the areas cats and dogs are most likely to enjoy being stroked. Always check first, because every dog and cat is different!


Today or never, that's my motto! - Mary Poppins

 are going to be at crufts! So so excited can’t wait to go and see them. We have so many tug e nuff toys! 😂 Amazing for ...

are going to be at crufts! So so excited can’t wait to go and see them.

We have so many tug e nuff toys! 😂 Amazing for training my high energy dogs!

If you want to check them out head over their website and use code BUDDY for 10% off 🎉🎉

So an update for buddy’s amazing followers! Buddy has been having good and bad days. He’s on a lot of antibiotics for 6 ...

So an update for buddy’s amazing followers! Buddy has been having good and bad days.

He’s on a lot of antibiotics for 6 weeks and pain meds if I can actually get them in him.

The bad side of his face keeps randomly inflaming then going back down.

Vets have no idea why. There could be an auto immune response happening so we are considering steroids if that doesn’t calm down.

You can see it happen in real time and he pants and looks very sick and comes for cuddles its very sad and usually won’t touch food for 12 hours or more after - not great when he’s on so many meds that he needs. 😔

But when he’s having a good day he’s a fluffy goofball as you can see.

Not wanting to shock you but this is the extent of the muscle loss. He has no muscle on that side now it’s all bone it may never come back. But we don’t care. So long as he’s happy and well.

Let’s hope the meds keep working and the inflammation calms down. 🥰🥰🥰🥰

To own a dog like Buddy is such a privilege. To go through life and know what it’s like to have that sort of relationshi...

To own a dog like Buddy is such a privilege.

To go through life and know what it’s like to have that sort of relationship with a sensitive dog. To go to the ends of the earth for them.

To want to understand them. To enjoy spending time with them.

To know that they love you more than anything else in the world.

He’s home and he’s getting better.

We think its a nasty bacteria that worked it’s way onto his organs. Which was a worry. But the CT scan today showed they were either gone or reducing.

He’s responding well to the meds.

The inflammation caused muscle loss on his face which he might not ever get back. But he’s still gorgeous!

He’s had a bit of a journey this week.

We are all emotionally drained and shattered!

I’ve had to do scary things I didn’t want to like hold him while he was jabbed 4 different times in just over a month!

Drive on the motorway to collect him and bring him home - twice.

He also had an allergic reaction to something and we have no idea what, which scared the life out of me as his eye closed up I thought he was going blind.

And don’t ask about the cats…just don’t 😱🤣🤣🤣

It’s just another massive part of our journey together.

Our beautiful ball of fluff has had a hard time lately and to get to the bottom of it we needed to CT scan. He was incre...

Our beautiful ball of fluff has had a hard time lately and to get to the bottom of it we needed to CT scan. He was incredible when the sedation went in! One teeny growl. So proud of him.

The results came back with a number of things going on - too much to go into detail.

We can’t say for sure what’s causing his illness right now but the results come back today or tomorrow and we hope they will tell us more🤞

Best case scenario it’s an aggressive infection that’s spread through his body which is treatable with great medication (and of course lots of love and care!)

Please send lots of positive energy this way! ⭐️ 🌟 💫

Please send lots of positive energy this way that my little fluff ball is healthy and it’s an easy fix 🥰🥰🥰🥰

Please send lots of positive energy this way that my little fluff ball is healthy and it’s an easy fix 🥰🥰🥰🥰

It’s been a while! Buddy is a bit poorly right now and we are still trying to get to the bottom of it. So he’s going for an MRI soon. Heres a happy pic of buddy looking healthy and well! Setting the intention that there is nothing sinister and it’s an easy fix! Good news is he’s perky and playful again and getting his spark back.

Send lots of lovely vibes his way 🥰🥰🥰🥰




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