Ninja HH (Nixon van't Meulenhof x Andoctra HH, v. Indoctro) made his show ring debut this week! He had a really nice outing for his first time going anywhere and put in some solid rounds, including the win in the $500 Young Hunter Stake 5 and under. Congratulations to owner Cross Creek Farms Inc. and rider Michelle Parker!
At 9:10 tonight, on day 339, this guy made his appearance (Rahotep de Toscane/Contefino)! Extremely thankful to have one on the ground safe, sound and healthy 🙏.
A little schooling time for this young mare. "Though she be but little, she is fierce!" 🌶🚀
Unprecedented HH (Untouchable 27/Caresino/Corrado I)
Krown Jewel HH (Emerald x Andoctra HH, v. Indoctro) looking super in her first class of the week yesterday! Owned and trained by Laura Roesing , ridden by Lincoln Roesing.
The next generation!
2024 colt, Echo Bluff HH (Emerald/Kannan/For Feeling)
Everyone is happy to get back outside today!
From foal to sport....only takes all of our blood, sweat and tears!
My favorite fall colors 🍁🍂😊
First group weaned today. The moms: "Ok". 😅
Four-year-old baby Meatball, and her trainer, having a lesson with Candice King today. So much positive feedback on this little mare...we're all really excited about this one! 🤞🙏
Meatball is actually Unprecedented HH (Untouchable 27/Caresino/Corrado I) 😁
The joy and excitement of being released into a new pasture 😁
Morgan Gutzman Barb Crabo Kaitlin Karch
It's taken a while for Lucky Sevens HH (Calido/Indoctro) to mature, both physically and mentally, but this sweet girl is headed in the right direction. She was also dealt a rough hand with a case of Lyme disease that really physically affected her, and a prolonged treatment and recovery period. But she's been back under saddle for a few months now and is really coming along! So many thanks to Alex McCool for her patience and kindness in getting this girl going again.