A message from Animal Control Officer Chuck McCleary:
"Just in the last month alone the Animal Control Office for the City of Strongsville has responded to three different situations where a deer has gotten entangled in some form of netting in residents' back yards.
In two of these situations, the ACO had to untangle the deer, putting everyone and the animal involved in harm’s way -- not to mention the stress and possible injuries to the animal.
The third was not so fortunate. It died a horrifying death, entangling itself so bad in a soccer net back drop, it was hard to determine the exact cause, but it appears that its antlers broke off along with a section of its skull from trying to release itself.
Unfortunately, this will not be Animal Control's only calls with scenarios like these. PLEASE do not leave your sports nets of any kind set up when not in use, including hammocks, volleyball nets , soccer nets, football nets, baseball nets, badminton nets , loosely woven lawn furniture, and even clothes drying lines, to name some of the more popular culprits.
PLEASE keep this in mind and inform neighbors and friends alike of this very realistic and grueling human/wildlife conflict."