GFF Pets Foster Care

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GFF Pets Foster Care Our family fosters baby pets for our local SPCA. We wean them & provide a great start in life. Adoption via SPCA of Livingston

Here you can watch them grow, see available puppies, or watch your baby progress until he/she is ready to go home with you.

Esbilac for puppies & KMR for kittens is WORTH the extra $$.Discovery last night: PetLac is made from cow's milk and is ...

Esbilac for puppies & KMR for kittens is WORTH the extra $$.

Discovery last night: PetLac is made from cow's milk and is thinner. Many puppies can NOT tolerate cows milk. The thinner formula causes my puppies to aspirated some milk even in new slow flow ni***es.

Had 2 "fading puppies" yesterday. Listless, not eating- tube fed but one vomiting PetLac. I switched to Esbilac and after 2 feedings both fading puppies have perked up. (had less than half a can Esbilac on hand -was given 2 cans of PetLac which is why I use PetLac)

I am not sure how I missed this in ALL my research & a couple trips to the vet. Both puppies I took to vet were said to be fine just malnourished. I have lost several puppies and entire litters to fading slowly one at a time - NONE of the "fading puppy" guidelines have helped.

I pray I found the answer to saving more puppies in my care. My heart string can not take much more. All the lost sleep is worth it when the puppies live.

Looking to SUPPORT and CONNECT with RESCUE GROUPS and VOLUNTERS FOR ANIMALS. As a volunteer, I see the need for more sup...


As a volunteer, I see the need for more support. So, I will start adding things here. If you need or want to provide support post here. If you know a support group or rescue or other tag them here. I will post helpful info here and accept the same from others.

Rescue groups rehome animals among many other wonderful things. I am looking to connect all the groups together so we can each do our part and support each other. Hope this helps us all.

Volunteers are vital to allowing rescues to support more animals. You can always donate goods or money, however, giving your time would be helpful. If you are bottle feeding or have experience follow here.

Volunters needed for Feeding, housing, kind words, transportation, adult fosters, trainers, walkers, supplies, and other ways.

This is why I do this. Our pets deserve a chance at a good life. It is too much for one to do alone.

This kitten was brought to me after it's 2 litter mates died due to an issue with mom. The litter was found wild on someone's property. Let lady tried to reach out for help, but was turned down due to too many cats and it needing bottle feed. Eyes infected and very skinny. Seems to have a will to want to live. He has a home when he is weaned. Some people have tried to bottle feed, run into issues and give up. If that is you let me or others help you to learn and be confident in your abilities. Main thing is remember, these babies will for sure die without a volunteer to feed them. I make mistakes, often it just was not meant to be, but I will try. However, I can not do this alone.

Again, just looking to provide support and connect.

This little girl changed my world. Taylor is doing so good now, better than ever expected. She is living a "normal" life...

This little girl changed my world. Taylor is doing so good now, better than ever expected. She is living a "normal" life now. She eats regular dog/puppy food and drinks water from a regular bowl. Is now 6lbs and full of LOVE and LIFE in her furever home.

lf you followed her story she would have died had I not learned how to tube feed a newborn puppy. She would have died had several (too many) newborn puppies before her not already died in my care making me determined to seek knowledge and support. I say this because I now realize where that journey was taking me. I live in Polk County Texas where not much is open after 5pm or on weekends. We have NO emergency vet nearby, paying for the emergency vet is NOT practical for most of us even if we did drive that hour plus to the nearest one. Even if you can the money, most vets do not care for or have much experience in newborn pups. Most with issues are euthanized becauae of the expense, lackbof knowledge, and abundance of unwanted pups/dogs in our area. Still, I have heart to help any animal I can. That being said, I do not have the means to save them all. (Financially or time wise). I am committed to doing my part. WITH YOUR HELP, Together we can make a difference for as many as we can.

THIS PAGE WILL NOW PROVIDE SUPPORT in the form of knowledge and connections to as many as we can.


13 weeks and Taylor is doing great!!!

Received 5 more puppies yesterday appears about a week old-eyes still closed. Also, my last litter of 9 has only 3 that ...

Received 5 more puppies yesterday appears about a week old-eyes still closed.

Also, my last litter of 9 has only 3 that survived but doing very well. Eyes opened on Sunday. One turning from black to chocolate coat.

Got 2 older ones about a week ago that are eating soft foods and playing so about 4 wks old now i would guess.

And our success story Taylor has learned to bark. Now 10 weeks old and no neurological defects noted while on omeprezole.

One tired but HAPPY foster here...

Donations accepted. Some have ask what they can do to help. So, here are some items needed, frequestly used, and desired...

Donations accepted.

Some have ask what they can do to help. So, here are some items needed, frequestly used, and desired to help me help the newborn pups in my care. 432 Stevens Ln, Livingston, TX 77351


Taylor fun!!!

9 new born puppies in this litter needing bottle feed.Umbilical cord still on all of them. One cord is still very moist....

9 new born puppies in this litter needing bottle feed.

Umbilical cord still on all of them. One cord is still very moist. So, they are less than a day old. Story we got was they were dumped and left to die. My gues by markings and size, lab mix pups. For now the are ALL fed and sleeping. However, another sleepless night ahead of me. 8 girls, 1 boy. 7 black with small white on chest and 2 brown bear colors.
This may be alittle selfish of me... I always pray for the pups to make it and do everything I can to make that happen, but this time I pray for more -- praying for an easy and healthy litter as my last few have been such a challenge with too many losses. Getting them this young puts them at a higher risk from the start.

My broken heart needs some success stories to fill it back up.

Look who finally made 1 pound weight class. GO TAYLOR! She is 8  1/2 wks old. She drinks from the hamster bottle, eats f...

Look who finally made 1 pound weight class. GO TAYLOR!

She is 8 1/2 wks old. She drinks from the hamster bottle, eats fresh pet cubed, trained herself to use potty pad, plays more hours than sleeps during the day. Cleft palate and hydrocephalus can't stop her progress today. Love this baby girl! Praying she continues as a mild case, either way she is already a successful story as she is living life as a happy puppy.


New litter born yesterday with a mom unwilling to care for them, so, I will do my best as always. 4 boys and 2 girls I think. Will be up most of the night feeding....

Love them already


Taylor is now 8 wks old.

She is now able to drink water from a hamster water bottle with few sneezing fits as it only puts out a amall amount of water per lick. This is huge for her!


Update on Taylor after special Vet appt: Cleft palate may not need surgery as she gets older due to it is not too bad. Unfortunately, most of her symptoms have been exacerbated or caused by her hydrocephalus that we did not know she had. Hydrocephalus naturally gets worse between 8-12 weeks old in pups. Seems she may have a mild to moderate case hopefully. We will need to find a special neurologist in Texas asap so we can try to treat this condition with medication - she has started on steriods and omeprezole to decrease CSF production. Many hydro pups do not live past 8 to 12wks. Regardless, we will do our best to give her a good puppy life and pray she beats the odds. Every day seems to be better for now...

Vet Shelly DeBoar and the entire staff at Michigan Road Vet in Indianapolis on 96th st. were more amazing than we thought possible. They showed immense amount of caring for the animals their and our Taylor. Highly recommend this vet!!!

I know she is "just a puppy" but prayers appreciated for her comfort and continued milder symptoms.


More Taylor FUN!! So happy she feeling better.

Taylor is healing well. Updat 1.65 lbs in last 2 days aince she started eating on own again. I do still tube feed water ...

Taylor is healing well. Updat 1.65 lbs in last 2 days aince she started eating on own again. I do still tube feed water as she can not swallow the thin water due to her cleft palate.

Taylor was super sick with aspiration pneumonia. She did not eat on own for 8 days, i tube fed her some blended kibble but her stomach would not hold much without her vomiting making the aspiration worse again. Weight dropped to skin and bones at 11.4 oz. She got Amoxicillin. I kept her hydrated and her nose clean as I could. She had thick mucus plugging her nose often causing her to gasp with each breath.

I had the help of an amazing, caring vet that called me daily to check on Taylor and give guidance. Could not have done this without Vet Shelly at Michigan Road Vet in Indianapolis.

Mixed pics of better day today and some bad days of mattered eyes and nose plugged up. Our poor baby girl is better!

I believe we found the right food... Royal Canin is $$$$ but Taylor ate it like a champ without coughing. I did a flash ...

I believe we found the right food... Royal Canin is $$$$ but Taylor ate it like a champ without coughing. I did a flash soak and drained it well. (Means fast soak about minute in warm water) I believe she will be able to add some weight now. She ate till her belly was huge huge. Lol. Will control that better tomorrow. She was able to eat the fresh pet but coughed some every meal. I tried several other brands and they were mush. She did great with this new food. Taylor is one happy full puppy!!!


Taylor's progress: She is playing and active. Not gaining the weight i want but she is gaining. 11.65 oz today. Trying a new food tonight, Royal Canine. Currently able to chew fresh pet kibble some and swallow without too much difficulty. Still can not drink water/thin liquids. New stand up water bottle shows to deliver tomorrow. Feeding tube for hydration

Taylor is precious!!!

Taylor's Photo Shoot                        5 wks old, 11.65 oz

Taylor's Photo Shoot
5 wks old, 11.65 oz


Taylor is thriving in spite of her cleft palate and right hind swimmer leg. Here is a video of a new feeding technique I was taught by a great lady from "The Bottle Brigade." The idea is for her to swallow small pieces of SOFT food without chewing. Swallowing the soft food whole helps her keep ot out of her cleft palate hole. I am using Freah Pets small dog food bites cut in half. Knox gelatine blocks for hydration are in fridge finishing up. Made of water, chicken broth, and knox unflavored gelatine. I am tube feeding and adding Nutrical to the puppy milk for calories. She is gaining weight and thriving so far. Also, videos of her playing in her new kennel area. I believe she needed more space to build leg muscles and balance. She has a straight stiff right back leg making it harder to walk on the paper. So, I put down a towel for traction. She plays with some of the toys, paws my fingers in play, shakes the toy puppy, cuddles the unicorn, and rolls the balls. She has a heating pad in left front corner of kennel under the unicorn. She loves her unicorn and kennel area.

Update: (formally Britney) It was discovered that Taylor has a cleft palate which is why she could not suckle from birth...

Update: (formally Britney) It was discovered that Taylor has a cleft palate which is why she could not suckle from birth. Taylor's cleft palate is from the back of the hard palate into the soft palate mainly with a small opening near front of hard palate. Meaning she can not eat and drink normally with an expensive surgery to close the hole. A cleft palate is a hole between upper mouth plate and nose cavity causing food/fluids to go into the nose and lungs. After much research, I am trying new things to find what works to increase her weight and decrease risk of aspiration. You can see in the last pictures the soft food stuck in her cleft palate. And the other picture is of Salvia filling the hole in palate. The food makes you see it much easier.


Good morning from Brittany


Woke up feeling defeated after our loss yesterday. The encouraging comments from you ALL and the church sermon today gave me encouragement that I must enjoy the journey God gave us. Some of the journey prepares us for future challenges we would not have a chance surviving without the preparation. I did enjoy this journeyand have learned so much!!!

We love helping our pets!!! Today, I want to show you a different kind of help we have had the joyous opportunity to provide.

Meet Hope: she was used as a bait dog. SPCA ask us to try and bring her out of her shell. They said she would not come out of a corner in her cage at shelter after months.She loves us and comes to us, but not strangers. After, 3 or 4 months with us, she will sometimes come take a treat from our hand. As you see in video, she will run first but comes back. Slow but good progress.


Our Eleanor just passed. I am super 😔 😢 💧....


Eleanor and Brittney are going well.

Eleanor is recovering well, still has some shortness of breath and mucus in nostriles but significant improvement from yesterday. I put her back on oxygen after this clip as she grunting too much.

Brittney as you can see is doing very very well. She Å•emains tube feed and is 225gram this morning. She wants to eat all the time. She is a normal active as this what we want to see from all pups.


Proud of myself: I have expanded my abilities to help significantly over the last weeks. My knowledge and emergency care equipment at home has grown. I lost 5 out of 10 in my last litter for "no good reasons that I know of." I have been bottle feeding for many years losing only a few newborns. I was lucky I guess. Now I made it my mission to improve my knowledge and abilities to care for neonates so more puppies can survive. The ability to tube feed has been a HUGE game changer for me. Brittany (formally Alvin) was my first and is thriving, but still does not suckle so probably would not have made it without the tube feeds. Nebs and oxygen for Eleanor has proven to be life saving. I learned to burp puppies, take blood sugars, keep logs, and use gas drops and probiotics on puppies. I learned to coupage puppy lungs and use infant bulb syringes on puppies. I learned chicken and chicken broth is a good optiin for picky eaters. I feel blessed with my research and learning. The vet told me I had done way more than they would have, so keep doing it and that was such a huge compliment as I wanted to make sure I was doing ALL I could to help neonate puppies thrive at home. I can not save them all, but I am proud to say that I am more prepared and more well equiped now to be the game changer for those puppies need. I will continue to seek knowledge and resources to help.


Update on Eleanor: She is doing alittle better in some areas. It is too early to say for sure, but looks like she will live. Looks like aspiration pneumonia sign and symptoms. Lethargic majority of the day, but arrouses some. Moves a lottle on own. Hates tube feeds but keeping her hydrated and nurished with them. Albuteral can be dangerous for infant pups in larger doses so only using small amounts. Has bouts of respiratory distress that are decreasing in frequency, length, and intensity. With each I do a couple hours of oxygen. Albuterol nebs about 2-3 times a day when looks really bad. Like today when had all the mucus coming out nose. The picture is a small amount of it. She sneezes frequency to get it out at times. Infant bulb sucker used but is much larger than puppy nasals. Ordered a nose frieda. All in all, looks like she may pull through.

Sad reality of fostering newborn puppies.  Up to 40% do not live to 4 weeks old. Eleanor (formally known as Theodore) we...

Sad reality of fostering newborn puppies. Up to 40% do not live to 4 weeks old.

Eleanor (formally known as Theodore) went into respiratory distress last night. Neb and oxygen given and was better after 4 hrs. Antibiotic shot at vet this morning and keep praying. Back in respiratory distress again. Oxygen back on. My heart aches...

On a positive note: Brittney (formally known as Alvin) remains tube feed and doing well thus far

Latest update: Simon has passed away. Update: Simon developed dificulty breathing yesterday, gasping and blue. Kind folk...

Latest update: Simon has passed away.

Update: Simon developed dificulty breathing yesterday, gasping and blue. Kind folks gave me oxygen and nebulizer for him. Antibiotic shot at SPCA. The pink color has returned and breathing difficulties come and go now. Got oxygen box and travel cup. Glad i had these options. Prayers the little on pulls through.

Now, I have realized 2 of the puppies have weak hind leg muscles (adductor muscles). One has both hind legs affected and...

Now, I have realized 2 of the puppies have weak hind leg muscles (adductor muscles). One has both hind legs affected and 1 has just 1 leg. Often called swimmer puppy syndrome. I will be learning how to do therapy to correct this for these puppies before it gets worse. Alvin has 1 hind leg affected and Simon has both.

This can contribute to the feeding issues they are having and breathing problems in the next week or 2. This is new to me, so I am learning about condition and treatment. Therapy is next to strengthen the muscles...

I have raised many bottle bany littler with few issues over the years, but these last couple litters has thrown me challenges and curve balls. After a good friend lent me her listening ear and encouraging words, I wonder what God is preparing me for. Challenges are preperation for greater things ahead.

Simon is the first to open his eyes at 13 days old. Weight 135g today. Active when hungry, sleeps otherwise....Lost a co...

Simon is the first to open his eyes at 13 days old.

Weight 135g today.

Active when hungry, sleeps otherwise....

Lost a couple grams yesterday (was 139 grams) as he has slowed down on eating possible gas/colic. So, I went back to the syringe to see exactly how much he is eating, trying different ni***es, and started giving gas drops due to relieve gas/bloating. Has been pooping okay. Today has been a better day with intake, but not great. Watching him closely. Remains daily weights.

(For those following: sorry for delay in posting. It has been exhausting with work, my daughter, and being up every 3-4 hrs every night to feed.)

My dad helping out feeding the puppies.

My dad helping out feeding the puppies.




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