Esbilac for puppies & KMR for kittens is WORTH the extra $$.
Discovery last night: PetLac is made from cow's milk and is thinner. Many puppies can NOT tolerate cows milk. The thinner formula causes my puppies to aspirated some milk even in new slow flow ni***es.
Had 2 "fading puppies" yesterday. Listless, not eating- tube fed but one vomiting PetLac. I switched to Esbilac and after 2 feedings both fading puppies have perked up. (had less than half a can Esbilac on hand -was given 2 cans of PetLac which is why I use PetLac)
I am not sure how I missed this in ALL my research & a couple trips to the vet. Both puppies I took to vet were said to be fine just malnourished. I have lost several puppies and entire litters to fading slowly one at a time - NONE of the "fading puppy" guidelines have helped.
I pray I found the answer to saving more puppies in my care. My heart string can not take much more. All the lost sleep is worth it when the puppies live.