Had the first ride on pixie a few days ago she will be up for sale in march this weather has not been playing in my favour sadly 😂 Also found out she’s about 11-12 and she is stock horse x quarter horse
Little man’s first time down the road with the company of Luna who kept him confident and brave. We had no dramas and he really enjoyed it and had a lot of fun. Sometimes all you need is an old bomb proof mare to show the young ones the ropes and thank god i have 2 beautiful old mares
#brumby #brumbyhorse #brumbylivesmatter #quaterhorse #oldmaresrock #oldmare #oldmaresarelove
This young man’s first time with a saddle on and he really impressed me. No explosions or negative reactions he just took it in his stride and was more then happy to have it on
With all this wet weather we have had and not being able to ride I have decided to still do lessons on rainy days they will just be theory lessons 😁 you can start learning more then just how to ride the horse🐴
The connection between person and horse is the key to a great relationship. If your horse can’t trust you with his or her life you won’t be able to reach your goals 🐴🐴
Trot pole workouts for fergus and Clara this morning absolutely beautiful 🤩
Babe having a roll after her lesson this morning. it’s a hard life for a fat old girl
everyone meet brax he is the new horse in this pack for a while. he’s a 1.5 year old brumby and he’s going to take a lot of work but that’s why i love my job 🥰 i will be posting his journey a lot 🐴
it’s amazing how much a horse will do when you take time and create that unbreakable bond 🥰🐴
hello everyone I am offering lessons again! 🤗
I have available a 30 minute lessons for any young kids or beginners and i have 1 hour for more experienced kids or adults!
I also have a new service, Learning Horse Care!!
It’s all about teaching you how to care for your own horse one day!! It includes learning how to halter, rug amd unrug, groom and wash, etc.
Check out my page to see about prices and to enquire for these services
Fergus is doing amazing in his training with young riders.
Babe taking good care of my youngest sister as she learns to barrel race today in her Western saddle