Don't forget to get your entries in for our Lottery Bouquet! Your donations will go directly to helping Starlit's Strays TNR kitties!
Today is World Spay Day and since our mission is spay/neuter, what a purrfect day to open up the raffle for our lottery bouquet!
We were generously donated $150 of lottery tickets and are raffling them to help with community cat colony care, cat/kitten food, medical costs, and all the expenses that come with TNR (trap, neuter, return).
Included in the bouquet is $150 worth of lottery scratchers, some cute kitty kicker toys, a spay/neuter magnet, and a TNR decal! The raffle closes at 1:00pm Tuesday, March 11th and we will draw for a winner at 5pm Tuesday, March 11th!
$10 donation = 1 entry
$15 donation = 5 entries
$20 donation = 10 entries
Please make sure your name for the drawing is noted however you choose to donate. Facebook donations always come through as anonymous so make sure to let us know if you donate that way. If you want to mail a check, send us a message and we can give you our mailing address! If you win the raffle, we can ship to you, in Missouri only.