Mile High Hamsters

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Mile High Hamsters Some sweet Syrian hamsters to add some love and entertainment (so much entertainment) to your family! There is no way I will do that).

They also make wonderful class pets :)

(You only need a license if you breed 200+ of them.


This sweet boy and a few of his cousins and siblings are ready for new homes! šŸ˜


I canā€™t bring myself to move them to feed them. šŸ˜


It has to be hard being so cute!


Lady Birdā€™s litter is wildly unimpressed with their first vegetables.


Barbara Jr. and Theodore welcomed a litter today! Weā€™re busy over here!


Lady Bird and Lyndon welcomed their first litter today! I name the parents after (some) presidents and First Ladies, and I also just realized that I inadvertently paired the hamster version of the Johnsons together. šŸ¤£ Seems fitting for a July litter! šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø šŸŽ†


Harry would like to take a moment to remind you (in case you have any of his offspring/nieces/nephews/buddies) to keep them away from drafty windows or cold spots in the house during this cold snap! They can go into hibernation and recovery is very difficult! ā¤ļø Stay warm, everyone! šŸ¹


Of all the hamster moms, Patsy wins the Mother of the Year award. She escapes daily (she has superhamster strength), but she always comes back when called. Today, however, she really had enough and when I went to find herā€¦

I mean, how did she even get into the food canister?!


May all of your Thanksgivings be asā€¦ Eleanorā€™s. So thankful to all of you for your support over the years! šŸ¹šŸ¦ƒšŸ„•


Sheā€™s really going to town. Thanksgiving prep?! šŸ¹šŸ¦ƒ


Patsyā€™s babies are gorgeous!! Plus, theyā€™re 5th generation Mile High Hamster babies thanks to their dad.


Eleanorā€™s babies - such busy little bugs!


One of the two litters born over the last 24 hours ā¤ļø

I spend a lot of time with each baby hamster. Clearly, I had an influence on baby Franny, a new third grade class hamste...

I spend a lot of time with each baby hamster. Clearly, I had an influence on baby Franny, a new third grade class hamster. She loves both Starbucks AND Ohio State. A true hamster prodigy.


Abe-igail has five adorable sweet and cuddly babies left! Although they are her babies and Georgeā€™s nieces and nephews, theyā€™ve never once run off to live with the cat for a week or attempted to take up residence in my wall for three weeks. They know better.


Hungry Hungry Harry šŸ¹


Meet Lyndon. Heā€™s been escaping every night for the last week and a half. Thankfully, when I go to round him up the following night, he crawls out of wherever heā€™s been and comes right to me. He refuels and sets out again. Unfortunately, heā€™s exhausting me and now has a lid. He may also now have a few more kids as he occasionally visits his lady friends on his travels šŸ˜‘


These three sweet boys need homes! šŸ˜ Yes, their eyes are red, but itā€™s their soul that matters, right? šŸ¤£


Little runt update - look how far heā€™s come in just a few days of extra care!! It was looking pretty grim for him, but heā€™s a tough little guy and is much stronger and more active now šŸ˜


Youā€™d never know that I had fed them a few hours ago too. Hungry beasts.


Thelmaā€™s originally huge litter had a rough time. We are down to three healthy ones and this tiny runt. Heā€™s getting some extra attention and has graduated from licking water off of me to now learning to use the water bottle! Good job little buddy! šŸ„°


Donā€™t even get me started on how I now have four litters of baby hamsters.

Sure, this one was planned, but the second and third werenā€™t. Thanks, not-so-sterile Franklin.

But congratulations to Abe-igail (thought she was a boy at first and named her Abraham) and Lyndon on their first litter.


Wellā€¦I didnā€™t even know this mom was pregnant, but that DOES explain why she kept escaping and getting into the the dogsā€™ cookies. Guess those were some pregnancy cravings?!!

And also, oh crap, because another mom is also about to pop which will make four litters. šŸ˜¬ Darn it, Franklin!!


These two litters are growing like crazy!!


Thelmaā€™s babies are getting slightly cuter, and Polly and Franklin (turns out heā€™s NOT sterile šŸ˜¬) welcomed their first litter today! Itā€™s going to be busy around here soon!


Instead of enjoying the Kenny Chesney concert tonight, Iā€™m home with a little stomach bug andā€¦catching George with a NEW lady friend. I donā€™t even know how he got in here. šŸ«£


Oh my, Thelma! You and Harry always manage to produce quite the litter. Hereā€™s to hoping your bin doesnā€™t tip over like it did with the last litter leading to a 4+ hour hamster hunt again. Let me know if you want to be added to the list for Thelmaā€™s second litter šŸ˜šŸ¹


Tonight, I found George in his new lady friendā€™s cage. (Sheā€™s not a fan, btw.) So I put the little a-hole back in his cage and waited. Make sure to watch the video to see George come to the devastating conclusion that he cannot, in fact, fly. šŸ¹šŸ¦…

This is George. George was a class hamster at the end of the year. George escaped and was living in my walls for three w...

This is George. George was a class hamster at the end of the year. George escaped and was living in my walls for three weeks. George was discovered chilling on my guest room bed last night (causing laundry). George is in big trouble. Donā€™t be like George. EDIT: Immediately after posting, I went to feed George. George escaped again. I donā€™t know how. George is an a-hole.


While itā€™s never the outcome we want, sometimes a mom has to thin her litter due to stress (thank you, neighbors shooting off fireworks for hours on end) or simply not having enough milk for a larger litter. However, Patsyā€™s remaining four babies are healthy, growing, and very active! Their eyes just opened so now exploration of their surroundings can begin! šŸ˜


Patsy and Theodore have a litter of babies that look nothing like either of them. Hmmm. šŸ¤Ø


These little baby boy hamsters are ready for their permanent homes! They just moved out of momā€™s bin because she was DONE after nursing her litter of 11 šŸ¤£ Contact me if interested!


Congratulations, Patsy and Theodore! šŸ˜ Canā€™t wait to see these ugly little things grow up!


Facing interrogation for his behavior this past week.

Also under interrogation is my useless cat who let him live with her for a week.


All but two of these little peanuts are available! Theyā€™ll be ready for adoption next week!


Thelmaā€™s (very, very hungry) little ones are ready for homes!


Itā€™s ! Would one of these make a good addition to your family?


Look at this determined little guy! šŸ¤£

He finds himself to be quite handsome.   šŸ˜

He finds himself to be quite handsome. šŸ˜


I can truly relate to this baby hamster. šŸ¤Ŗ




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