Sad news I’m afraid:
RIP my beautiful soul mate, Mabel, my wee bear. She didn’t quite make eight years old.
Hemangiosarcoma struck her down so rapidly, as it does to so many beautiful young flatties.
It was all so quick. I knew she was not quite right, last night. Today I checked her over and her gums were white. I knew that was a very bad sign
Sarah, the Vet scanned her tum this afternoon, and it was full of tumour and blood. The tumour was at least 6” x 4”.
It was kinder to let her go than try and remove it .. she was such a special friend
Gut instinct is amazing isn’t it. Most people go to the vet when the dog has collapsed and is having an abdominal crisis.
Mabel and I shared a unique bond, I knew she was trying to tell me all was not well.
The tumour and blood pooling was bubbling ready to blow .. I couldn’t let her go on and suffer the inevitable extra pain and distress.
I rang Mr D. to discuss he agreed she should leave us now. He was utterly devastated and couldn’t come into the vet and say goodbye.
It’s just so shocking .. I loved that wee girl so much.
Sarah doubts she would have survived the anaesthetic for surgery as so anaemic. Plus once she was opened up lord knows what else she would find.
Had she survived the stress of surgery the prognosis was about six months. It was not something we were prepared to put her through.
It’s one of those awful things where they are really sick with zero symptoms and when the symptoms start they are disastrous. Hence the term abdominal catastrophe.
It was all so quick. Sarah said leaving her for a couple of days even, would have caused the catastrophe with more pain.
Hattie is staying close to me. I’ve brought some of Mabel’s glorious hair home for her to sniff. She is quite apprehensive at the moment. She has never been an only dog. But there will be no more…