Silver Linings Rescue

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  • Silver Linings Rescue

Silver Linings Rescue We are a foster based rescue supporting senior pets by finding homes, providing education and resources to pets over the age of 8 and their people.

To make a monthly donation visit:

A REMINDER- Just a minute could mean life or death. LEAVE THEM AT HOME!!

A REMINDER- Just a minute could mean life or death. LEAVE THEM AT HOME!!

🚨 Extreme heat alert this week in Indiana! 🚨

Make sure your pets stay safe by keeping them hydrated with fresh water and providing a cool, shaded spot for them to relax. When taking walks, be mindful of hot pavement that can burn their paws. And remember, never leave your pets in a hot car— even a few minutes can be life-threatening. Let's keep our furry friends safe in this heat! 🐾❤️

IndyVet Emergency and Specialty Hospital
Online Checkin:

We missed National Dog Day, but that's okay. Suki will forgive us if you post a picture of your furry friend below!

We missed National Dog Day, but that's okay. Suki will forgive us if you post a picture of your furry friend below!

ALERT!! ALERT!! ALERT!! With rising temps this week, it's up to YOU to keep your dog safe. Leave them at home, take shor...

ALERT!! ALERT!! ALERT!! With rising temps this week, it's up to YOU to keep your dog safe. Leave them at home, take shorter walks in the morning or evening and find interactive things to do INSIDE your home.

Did you know that fans don't help keep dogs and cats cool? They don't sweat the same way humans do, so a fan doesn't help. In an urgent situation, cool damp towels can help an animal cool down. If you think it is an emergency, please call your vet!

Nellie Update 8/23/24Nellie saw the vet for a check up.  1st. She is happy, eating well, loves car rides and going to Ca...

Nellie Update 8/23/24
Nellie saw the vet for a check up. 1st. She is happy, eating well, loves car rides and going to Cascade park. Penny cooks her chicken and beef with vegetables and it's mixed with fresh pet food.

Her appetite is very good. She is happy to see us and heads straight to our car for rides. If the window isn't brought down She will howl her wishes to us. We have a dog walker for walking in the evening as well.

2nd. Dr Craig did another chest xray and the abdominal mass has doubled in size. This is most likely a cancerous mass and Nellie would not survive any surgical interventions. At this time Nellie is happy. That is what matters. All her days are filled with love, great food, multiple water bowls filled with fresh water, shade, wind in her face, good rides and walks, ear scratches and belly rubs. Dr Craig feels her days are more limited. He said she will let us know when it's time, but that's not today. We are just living in the present. I have decided to monitor and once I see 1st sign of pain, we will allow her to journey on with her only knowing love and kindness.
If anyone wishes to suggest anything for a bucket list, please share. Anyone who wants to contribute to her hospice care is welcome to.
1st Pic, Nellie at park, 2nd pic is Nellies special trick. Avoiding peas. Lol.

Great news! Meika's surgery was successful and benign so with clear margins, she should not have any recurring masses! T...

Great news! Meika's surgery was successful and benign so with clear margins, she should not have any recurring masses! This is fantastic news!! Dr. Cody and his staff at Furry Friends Veterinary Hospital Bloomington, IN treated her so well! Thank you for taking such good care of our little lady 💜💜💜


Vaccinations are important! Parvovirus can be deadly and it's more common than you think in our area.

Meika update: Meika had her spay and mass removal on Friday and has done well over the weekend. She felt up to enjoying ...

Meika update: Meika had her spay and mass removal on Friday and has done well over the weekend. She felt up to enjoying the amazing weather we had Saturday morning so we sat out in her favorite chair!

Test results will be in within 7-10 days, so we will know more about the abdominal mass at that time. Fingers crossed 🤞🤞🤞.

Thanks to everyone that donated on her behalf! We appreciate it more than you know ❤️

Nellie Update  8/10/24Nellie has finished her carafate for her tummy, but we will monitor her closely to see if any issu...

Nellie Update 8/10/24
Nellie has finished her carafate for her tummy, but we will monitor her closely to see if any issues arise that makes us think she needs to stay on it. She is still getting pumpkin puree with boiled chicken breast mixed with her kibble and enjoys eating both breakfast and supper.
She goes on a shorter walk in the morning and April takes her for longer walk in evening. She is getting medicated shampoo with baths about once a week to 2 weeks (April and Penny bath her) and loves a belly rub anytime she can get one.
She stops by my van in the morning wanting to go for a ride, so she will get to go to park tomorrow for an outing with me and I sure hope she enjoys it.
As I have mentioned. Nellie has a large mass in her abdomen which can not be removed. I check her Gums every day and they are pink (check for bleeding this way) and we all monitor her food intake, which is still good. Bm is good (monitor as mass may affect it). Penny and Jan are so faithful in cooking her chicken breast that we mix with her food as a treat and extra protein.
I do a quality of life survey when I see her in the mornings as she is a hospice foster and regarding eating, hygiene, pain, mobility all are good. I and Jan have both noticed she's not as exuberant last couple of days. Prior, she would see me coming and come to kennel door, occ howling a greeting; but Friday and Saturday, she sat on her blanket and watched until I had kennel door open, then came to greet me, tail wagging. She still loved her walk and after a few steps looked like her happy self, but I am monitoring the situation very closely. I see no pain and she loves her scratches behind the ears. --Kathy
Nellie says hi to all!

Beware the dangers of taking your furry friends to the lake!

Beware the dangers of taking your furry friends to the lake!

Blue-green algae intoxication can be fatal to our furry friends. But don’t worry, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center has all the information on keeping your pets safe.

Today is Annie's guessed Birthday.  She's probably 2 yrs old.  Annie was dumped with Bo and the most shy fearful dog I (...

Today is Annie's guessed Birthday. She's probably 2 yrs old. Annie was dumped with Bo and the most shy fearful dog I (kathy george) think I ever rescued. It took six weeks of reactive leash training just to get her to vet. She slowly learned that I was a safe place. That she could enter a doorway without being hit. That food and water was always available. A car ride meant pup cups and hikes; not being dragged and dumped. I can't thank Rob enough for continuing what I started doing with her. Wish Miss Annie bo bany a happy birthday!!

Nellie Update Nellie has been enjoying her food, eating kibble with cooked chicken breast in morning and evening.   She ...

Nellie Update
Nellie has been enjoying her food, eating kibble with cooked chicken breast in morning and evening. She loves her kennel and while she didn't use a dog bed, she can be found resting on the blankets Penny Black put out for her. She loves having the fan blowing her direction. She goes on a short walk in the am and Aoril has been hired to feed and walk her in the evening and they go on long walks.

She uses her nose while walking, so when I go out I'm hiding some treats her her to track and find. It's a great game. Jan and her husband have taken Nellie on rides and walks with their hunting dog Snow. They seem to enjoy each other's companionship.

Health wise, Nellie seems stable currently. She's gotten a medicated bath and the red skin looks much better. She has been on prevention medication and will be getting next dose in August. I put her on carafate to protect her stomach as she was passing some mucous and that has cleared up. Her ear infection and eye infection has resolved and she is not tilting her head anymore and eyes very clear. Her abdominal mass is hard to gage as I do not want to press it as it could bleed with too much pressure. But I do not notice it feeling larger and it does not seem to be causing pain, which I am monitoring for. I do a life quality check on her every morning and currently she's passing all sections well.
Pics of a recent walk

Meika wanted me to thank everyone that donated to her spay and mammary mass removal with histopathy. Together we raised ...

Meika wanted me to thank everyone that donated to her spay and mammary mass removal with histopathy. Together we raised $532!! We have scheduled it for August 9th. We will keep everyone posted on the results.

UPDATE:  8/10/24  I have him in my care, he was adopted from white river shelter in 2013 at age of 3yrs, making him 13 t...

UPDATE: 8/10/24
I have him in my care, he was adopted from white river shelter in 2013 at age of 3yrs, making him 13 to 14 yrs old. He was chipped, but I never heard from prior owners. I'm calling him Bubby. I believe if he had not been pulled off the highway that day by my friend, Becky McNear, he would have died, he was so ill. He had a significant head tilt and I got him into Dr Royers office and was seen by Dr Rice. He has a severe dental infection. most likely causing the head tilt, as well as his stumbling to the right and weakness. After 10 days of strong antibiotics and prednisone, he is much improved. He still exhibits the tilt some but not nearly as severe. His breathing is more normal just occ fast, his strength is much improved, he is house broke and when out in the back yard, he plays with a couple toys and runs in spurts. He is able to go up and down my back stairs without me helping or carrying him. Bubby had burns on his pads from the hot asphalt and with bag baln ointment, they have healed up.
He wants to be close to me (I have couple of mini doxies who guard my bedroom door) so he sleeps on a bed outside my door, but he is venturing into my room more often. At first I hand fed him canned food, but now he can eat it from a bowl, but until his dental, I am keeping him on canned food. He loves being brushed and is such a good boy. As he had a chip, we didn't vaccinate or check for heartworm but now his hold is over I will have both done with his dental, which is a must. the bad breath has improved. but still present when he coughs. Anyone who wishes to donate to help offset his vet needs would be much appreciated. Ty for following his story. Kathy

Original post:
Police said to dump him at the park. I am full.
A friend has him in her car but can't take him home. Kat

**Courtesy post**Sheeba is a five year old cat whose owner has been hospitalized, leaving her all alone. Sheeba is an in...

**Courtesy post**

Sheeba is a five year old cat whose owner has been hospitalized, leaving her all alone. Sheeba is an inside cat who is UTD on vaccines, litter box trained and spayed. She has not been around other animals, so her ideal home would be where she is the only child. She is fine with human siblings, though.

Contact Becky at 812-279-0156 for more information or to meet this lovely Tortie girl!

We LOVE hearing about success stories from folks that have adopted Silver Linings Alumni! Here's Murphy with his brother...

We LOVE hearing about success stories from folks that have adopted Silver Linings Alumni! Here's Murphy with his brother Charlie. We think they're commiserating about the humans telling them not to chase deer! 🤣

Madison is not in our care, but she was taken to the Bloomington shelter after her owner was admitted into a senior nurs...

Madison is not in our care, but she was taken to the Bloomington shelter after her owner was admitted into a senior nursing facility and unable to care for her any longer. Please contact the shelter for information.

Meika was dropped off at the Morgan County Humane Association with a euthanasia owner request. She is 8 years old. They ...

Meika was dropped off at the Morgan County Humane Association with a euthanasia owner request. She is 8 years old. They contacted Silver Linings Rescue and we were able to pull her since we were already over that way rescuing Nellie. She has a mass on her abdomen and she isn't spayed. She clearly has had puppies, and her son was dropped off with her, but was adopted.

In foster care she has proven to be such a sweet little girl! We can't imagine why anyone would drop her off with a euthanasia request, but we aren't here to judge anyone. We are all lucky we were able to pull her! We need to raise money for her mass removal and spay and histopathy so we can tell if we masses are benign or malignant.

The quote we received from the vet is $700 so if we can just raise a little bit of that to offset the cost, that would be ideal! We know this little lady deserves a second chance and she has a lot of life left in her!!

If even half of our followers donated $5, that would MORE than cover her surgery!

Nellie Update 7/16/24Nellie is doing wonderful at her kennel.  A volunteer attempted to move Nellie into her fenced back...

Nellie Update 7/16/24

Nellie is doing wonderful at her kennel. A volunteer attempted to move Nellie into her fenced back yard but Nellie had anxiety as can be seen in dogs that have lived in a confined space for a long period and was taken back to the temporary fosters kennel. Jan has decided Nellie is going to stay with her rest of Nellies life!

Nellie is quite happy there and Penny is taking her for walks and breakfast and April is taking her for walks and dinner to help the foster. I am helping aswell when i can. Nellie loves her people and smiles and greets all with a good tail wag.

Nellie, as mentioned when we took her into silver linings rescue, did not have any vetting most if not all of her life. The first vet who saw her at time of transfer to our rescue noted a large mass that is felt unable to be removed thus making her a hospice foster. The vet also noted the poor condition she was in and stated prognosis was guarded. She would be shocked to see how Nellie has transformed in such a short time. We needed to lift her into van and she was very weak upon getting to her kennel. Currently, she loves to go on walks with her nose to the ground, bark at squirrels, and lay in her dog house.

Penny got her into her vet, Ellettsville Veterinary Clinic, as her ear infection was still present. She is on eye drops and ear drops and no longer walks with her head tilted. Unfortunately, he also palpated the mass, obtained xray which revealed a very large mass, and agreed it's not operable, and she is still considered a hospice foster. Our goal is to give her everyday: food, walks, companionship, and love for remainder of her life. The mass will be determining factor Unfortunately. And we are watching her for a quality of life to enjoy each day to the fullest. Thank you to Penny, Jan, and April for your love and care for Nellie, who is one of the sweetest and happiest girls I've ever seen.

Thank you Sarah McCue for your donation for Nellies care, as well as the donation and support and donations we received from Jon and the Amish Roofers. Kathy

1st Pic was day we got her. Rest were from 7/15/24.

Thanks to our 23 supporters who raised $68.62 for Silver Linings Rescue through Kroger Rewards! Community Rewards is eas...

Thanks to our 23 supporters who raised $68.62 for Silver Linings Rescue through Kroger Rewards! Community Rewards is easy to use, the more you shop, the more money our organization will earn!

Want to join the awesome supporters? Log on to your Kroger account and locate Community Rewards. You can now choose our rescue (our organization number is BJ537) OR support another organization by searching by name! Obviously, we hope you choose us, but we just want to be sure those Community Rewards don't get left behind!

Most people work and feel they don't have time or energy for their pets, but that is no reason to abandon them at the sh...

Most people work and feel they don't have time or energy for their pets, but that is no reason to abandon them at the shelter! The shelter staff are overworked and kennels are FULL. Plus, imagine your confusion if your family took you somewhere strange after you were used to a life with people that cared for you, no matter how much, to a loud place full of barking dogs and cages!
Just like fireworks, you would probably be scared and confused.

Never forget, the shelter exists because of people.

Time and time again, pet owners give up their pets to shelters due to feelings of inadequacy. Reasons such as working full-time, limited living space, and lifestyle guilt are often cited for surrendering their cherished companions. However, we have an important message for you: You should keep your pet.

On average, Americans work 8.49 hours per day, with some working even longer hours. Among them are students who are committed to their studies. While it would be ideal to spend all our time at home with our pets and loved ones, this scenario is uncommon. The concept of the "perfect home" is rare for most pets, but to them, your home, family, and the time you share are what truly matter. If you decide to give up a dog or cat to a shelter, it's unlikely they will find someone who can be with them more than you. They are likely to end up in a new home with a family that is away just as much as you are. You should keep your pet.

We frequently hear that pets need more room to run. While this may be accurate, your pet might also be perfectly happy with an additional 10 minutes during their walk or spending a bit more time at their favorite sniffing spot. Given the choice, they would prefer a bit less activity time over being confined in a kennel for most of the day as shelter staff work hard to find them a new home. Go for a little longer of a walk. You should keep your pet.

There are numerous ways to enhance your pet's quality of life while aligning with your lifestyle requirements. Don't overlook the benefits of enrichment activities. Engaging in puzzle toys, brain games, training, or even short 10-15 minute sessions can help keep your pet active and content. We are happy to share games and enrichment ideas to help you along. You should keep your pet.

Owning a pet is a lifelong commitment, and we understand that various circumstances can unfortunately lead to pet surrender. Animal Shelters across the country are in crisis. There are more pets than people able to adopt. While we understand the guilt of working and small spaces, please consider the alternative. A life stuck in a small kennel, limited contact with people, limited exercise, and the grief of losing the family they love so much.

You are enough. You should keep your pet.


The dogs were good again this week!!

Update :  Nellie has been in Silver Linings' care since June 26th and lovingly cared for by Penny Black, and we hired a ...

Update : Nellie has been in Silver Linings' care since June 26th and lovingly cared for by Penny Black, and we hired a wonderful dog walker, as well as Jan, who is letting us use her empty kennel for a couple weeks.
We still need a special person to step up and give Nellie a home where she is loved for remainder of her life. The vet did find an abdominal mass and did not feel Nellie would survive an abdominal surgery, so it is unknown what the mass is, therefore Nellie would be considered a hospice foster. Vet did say she could live a couple years if not cancer.

1st Pic is when she was signed over to us. Rest is from today, the 4th (6-26 to 7-4)
Look at her smile. She is doing great on leashed walks, barks only when she sees people she loves coming to her kennel.
We have her on joint supplement, multi vitamin, heartworm/ flea/tick prevention.

Cutest little face.  Taz says happy 4th of july!!Please put your pet's inside this evening as some, like Taz, need sedat...

Cutest little face. Taz says happy 4th of july!!
Please put your pet's inside this evening as some, like Taz, need sedated and confined due to extreme fear of thunder and fireworks.
Have fun and a great 4th today and this weekend!!

Urgent need for a foster with either large kennel or fenced back yard.  Nellie is a senior hound who was living in a hom...

Urgent need for a foster with either large kennel or fenced back yard. Nellie is a senior hound who was living in a home built cage for most of her life as she wasn't a good hunter. She will be considered a hospice foster as she has an abdominal mass that we cannot safely remove. Vet said she could live for couple years with it and ultrasound did not point to benign vs cancer.

We want Nellie to live the remainder of her life being loved and having her needs for food and water met. SLR will pay for her food and any vet needs. She has been doing very good and not using bathroom in kennel so she may be easy to house train if someone wanted to try. Her current foster could only keep her 2 weeks as they are getting ready to go visit grandchildren for several weeks. Nellie barks when she sees us coming to kennel to walk her but otherwise just enjoys laying in her dog house.

Please share if you cannot foster. That is most helpful. Nellie is thriving in her new kennel, getting stronger and everyone describes her as "just the sweetest dog". She will be going back to the vet next week for recheck and more medicine for a stubborn ear infection.
She is currently in Bloomington Indiana.

1st Pic is day we got her 2nd and 3rd pics are day she went to new kennel. She's a loving senior girl looking for a safe place to spend her golden years. .

Update.  I have a temporary foster for 2 weeks so im getting her Friday morning.  She will go straight to vet for evalua...

Update. I have a temporary foster for 2 weeks so im getting her Friday morning. She will go straight to vet for evaluation and vetting. Will need flea, tick, heartworm prevention as well as treatment for skin issues and assessment of her personality. Once settled she will go for spay. Fosters and or donation would be much appreciated. I will need a forever home so cont to share. Kathy

Please help Nellie. This situation is untenable for all parties involved. With the heatwave, Nelly is in danger of overheating. She is still in this homemade crate outside just waiting for her family.

🐾 Meet Nellie: Your Future Furry Friend in Need! 🐾

Hello friends! Silver Lining’s Rescue needs your help to find a dedicated foster home for a very special girl, Nellie. This sweet 10-year-old hound dog has had a rough start, spending an extended period of time in an outdoor kennel. Now, she deserves a warm, cozy place to call home. ❤️🐶

Nellie needs to be spayed and have a full senior medical panel to ensure she's healthy and happy. The rescue is sponsoring her medical expenses and giving $500 for on-going care.

We don't know how Nellie is with kids or other animals (including dogs), so she would do best in a patient and understanding foster home willing to give her the space and time she needs to adjust.

Nellie is currently in Seymour, but don't worry if you're not nearby—we can arrange transport to get her to you.

If you have a quiet place and a big heart, please consider opening your home to Nellie. She deserves a second chance and a comfy spot to relax and enjoy her golden years.

If you’re interested, drop us a message for more info or to arrange a meet-and-greet with Nellie. Let's give this lovely lady the love and care she needs! 🏡💕

If you aren't able to foster, please share!

We shouldn't need to post this, but unfortunately it bears repeating.

We shouldn't need to post this, but unfortunately it bears repeating.

‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️PSA ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

⚠️🚙⚠️ Despite the warnings, hundreds of dogs in the U.S. die every year after being left in a hot car. Someone you know may need to read this very important message. ⚠️🚙⚠️

SIX MINUTES is all it takes for a dog to overheat in a hot car.

Your dog could suffer serious injury or die in a matter of minutes if left alone in a car.

• The temperature inside a closed vehicle left in the sun can double within 12 minutes.

• At least 75% of the temperature increase in a closed vehicle occurs within 5 minutes of closing the vehicle, and at least 89% of the temperature increase occurs within 15 minutes of closing the vehicle.

• Temperatures exceeding 104˚ F can lead to death or serious injury for the occupants.

• Temperatures in a closed vehicle sitting in the hot sun can reach 160˚F and above. An animal will suffer immeasurably and may die before the temperature reaches 150˚F.

• Even when parked in the shade, the vehicle temperatures can exceed 104˚C.

• Leaving windows down more than 2 inches on an unattended vehicle will not prevent a car from reaching extreme temperatures.

• Even if the animal is revived, they can die due to severe internal organ damage.

Your dog trusts you to have their best interest at heart ALWAYS.
Please don't risk their safety.

If you are not taking your dog inside your destination with you, PLEASE leave them at home where they are comfortable and safe.

*****copied from Bless the Bullies*****

🐾 Meet Nellie: Your Future Furry Friend in Need! 🐾Hello friends! Silver Lining’s Rescue needs your help to find a dedica...

🐾 Meet Nellie: Your Future Furry Friend in Need! 🐾

Hello friends! Silver Lining’s Rescue needs your help to find a dedicated foster home for a very special girl, Nellie. This sweet 10-year-old hound dog has had a rough start, spending an extended period of time in an outdoor kennel. Now, she deserves a warm, cozy place to call home. ❤️🐶

Nellie needs to be spayed and have a full senior medical panel to ensure she's healthy and happy. The rescue is sponsoring her medical expenses and giving $500 for on-going care.

We don't know how Nellie is with kids or other animals (including dogs), so she would do best in a patient and understanding foster home willing to give her the space and time she needs to adjust.

Nellie is currently in Seymour, but don't worry if you're not nearby—we can arrange transport to get her to you.

If you have a quiet place and a big heart, please consider opening your home to Nellie. She deserves a second chance and a comfy spot to relax and enjoy her golden years.

If you’re interested, drop us a message for more info or to arrange a meet-and-greet with Nellie. Let's give this lovely lady the love and care she needs! 🏡💕

If you aren't able to foster, please share!

Low cost microchips!!

Low cost microchips!!

The City of Bloomington Animal Shelter and the Monroe County Humane Association are excited to announce a month-long partnership to provide reduced fees for microchip services to pet families within our community.

UPDATE! Milo has a foster family! Thanks to Emily Dutton and Kentuckiana Pug Rescue -KPR❤️🐾This is a courtesy post. Plea...

UPDATE! Milo has a foster family! Thanks to Emily Dutton and Kentuckiana Pug Rescue -KPR

This is a courtesy post. Please contact Allison [email protected] if you’d like to know more about Milo.

Milo is 8 or 9 years old. Birthday is April 4th. He would be better as an only dog but does good with our kids and long as they don't pull his tail. He would be perfectly content to snuggle up with someone for the day. He likes to hang out outside in the summer but isn't a fun of being cold. He is such a sweet boy.



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Mission & Information

We envision a world where all senior dogs and cats live in healthy, loving, and supportive environments.

Our Mission is to support senior dogs and cats by finding homes, providing education and resources, and encouraging healthy relationships between people and their pets in and around Monroe County, Indiana.

Silver Linings Rescue, a 501 (c)(3), was formed to support both people and animals. For many senior people, their pet is the strongest constant in their life. It is the reason they get up each morning. Their pet is their confidant and provides a huge source of joy and purpose. But seniors can often be at risk of losing their beloved pet for a variety of reasons. From housing issues to pet care costs, mobility challenges to needed medical care, balancing the senior person's needs with the pure joy and companionship a pet brings is an important issue facing senior people in our community. And as animal shelters continue to be full, we can contribute to the solution of lightening the shelter's burden by actively looking for those senior people in need of support to keep their pets our of shelter and in loving homes. Silver Linings Rescue helps problem solve, finds resources and, when needed, provides hands on support so that both the pet and the person stay together.

We are also actively developing a Senior to Senior matchmaking program to match senior people with senior shelter/rescue pets and provide ongoing support for both.