Well, where do I start with this one?! Here’s a little update about our Guide Dog Puppy - RUBY…👀
When I lost My Tinkerbell in January it absolutely broke me. I felt like I would never be happy again, never smile again, never want any more dogs again but here I am almost a year later with 5 dogs that I didn’t expect to have..🧚🌈
One day I visited White Rose & saw the Guide Dog stand. For some reason I thought it was a good idea to sign up to be a Puppy Raiser. Passed all the assessments with flying colours and within a few weeks along came Ruby..🐾
From the minute I held her in my arms for that very first time, I was instantly worried about how I was going to give her back after 12/18 months. At the time I genuinely thought I was doing a good thing but as the weeks passed the bond between me & Ruby just got stronger & stronger..🥺
Ruby has attended all her classes & smashed her training in the sense of she has an amazing temperament & brilliant behaviour, HOWEVER… she is not comfortable when they put her in a restricted situation on a lead or harness to work.
Ruby has attended many training sessions & had a behaviorist involved to see if there’s anything they can do to support her with this but she’s still not happy with it. Therefore they have decided it is in her best interest to withdraw her from the system & permenantly rehome her with me - where she belongs!!! 🖤
I can’t tell you all how relieved/happy, over the moon I am that she won’t be getting taken away from me & I’ll get to love her forever and give her the bestest life she deserves!! 🥹
Everything happens for a reason. She was sent to me to train to be a life changer for someone else but on this occasion, she turned out to be a life safer for me..
I love you Ruby-Do!!