Emily update x
Hey all. So, unfortunately Emily seems to be having clusters every month. They last about 24 hours. We spend all night up with her and it's so exhausting, can't even imagine how exhausting it is for her 😫. We have also noticed that we both smell burning before each seizure starts. Which is weird.
Both of us have gotten good at spotting super quick when she's about to seizure. I've even woken up in the middle of the night and grabbed her because I just felt her move strangely next to me.
She's currently on phenobarbital, potassium bromide and she has melatonin to stop her pacing. The melatonin has worked well to help her sleep like a log each night, in bed with us of course 🤩.
I also have her near us so we can't be there when she seizes. We did have her admitted for 24 hours, we had tests done, and that cost us £500 and everything (bloods) came back as normal. Her meds cost an absolute fortune too 😫. But whatever she needs! 🐕
She's also on rectal diazepam, the max dose for her weight to break the cluster seizures but unfortunately it doesn't work. Nothing works to stop them short of sedating her but we can't sedate her every month. That would be sh*t for her health.
We are going to try her on Levetieracetam (Keppra) and I've heard from a number of ppl with epileptic dogs that this does work to stop clusters occuring. So hopefully fingers crossed this will work. We are going to add it to her already existing medication regimen.
Our aim is to stop the cluster seizures happening. I don't want her brain going through that many seizures in 24 hours. I worry one day it will damage her brain and she will not come back from them the same. I also want her to have a long life and these clusters will eventually not allow for that.
So if we can find something to stop the clusters that will really improve her quality of life.
At the moment she's happy, she's not in pain through these seizures, she gets stressed and disorented but she's not in pain,