Turn on sound if you would like to hear the soothing sounds of this brook.
The Village of The Lee England
The joy of Housesitting: you'll see things most tourists will never see... Enjoy The Village of The Lee, England classified as AONB Area of Natural Beauty. This Dickensian Village brought us great joys.
(Turn on volume)
#2 Walk the World with Judy & Janet: Bloomfield CT
Today we take you on a 13min stroll through Filley Park in Bloomfield CT, a sweet neighborhood park. We love that it's quiet and peaceful, perfect for mindfulness, meditation and self-care. As we rarely see anyone else here this stop is ideal if you need a place to take your Pandemic walk. It has both a short loop walk through the woods and some water fountains and benches on the pond side which sits along the road. We let the geese entertain us and find ourselves refreshed afterwards.
#1 Walk the World with Judy & Janet: Valedmarsvik, Sweden - a Ten minute forest walk.
Our first, Walk the World with Judy & Janet video: Enjoy this contemplative walk through nature, about 10 minutes, no naration. Escape to the lush, soothing nature of the undeveloped forests on this brief gentle walk. Feel the sunshine and fresh air all around you. Enjoy the outdoors while staying at home!
Judy and Janet invite you to a forest walk (walk in separate video)
Intro: Walk the World with Judy and Janet: We invite you to enjoy a quiet walk along a path through the forest in south eastern Sweden. The actual walk video had to be loaded spearately - so just look for it.
Snowing in England - we are so happy!!!
HAT-A-DAY thanks to the collection of hats made available by our thoughtful homeowners!!
Janet loves and in my opinion, looks good in a variety of hats.
We discovered a bit of early American History while on a house sit in Dorking, England (in Surrey)!
Last week we were finishing up a house sit just outside Dorking, England (about 25 miles south of London) when we came across the former home of William Mullins. Mullins and his family were among a half dozen Pilgrims from Dorking who sailed to America on the Mayflower back in 1620. William, his wife and youngest son all perished shortly after arriving in the New World.
Fortunately, their daughter Priscilla faired much better. Priscilla is heralded as one of the founders of the United States of America. She married, John Alden and together they had 10 or 11 children. Among their notable descendants are US President John Adams, US President John Quincy Adams, Orson Welles, Marilyn Monroe, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Dan Quayle.
The former home of Mullins now houses a great coffee shop called, of course, Mullins Coffee Shop. We had a lovely breakfast and enjoyed a good cup of coffee! If you are ever in the area, we highly recommend a stop in at Mullins Coffee Shop for the history and the food!
Christmas at the Royal Albert Hotel
My Christmas 2019 - Memories to last me a lifetime - Christmas Show @ The Royal Albert Hall.