Tucker's Journey

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Tucker's Journey This is a page dedicated to Tucker The GSD and his recovery, progress and adventures!

Popping in to say hello quickly.First, I would like to thank Shari Seymour of Indoor Dog Pool And Fitness Centre who I r...

Popping in to say hello quickly.

First, I would like to thank Shari Seymour of Indoor Dog Pool And Fitness Centre who I regrettably missed mentioning in my last post.
Shari visited me at home when I was having challenges in my hind end. The massages were so relaxing; the red light therapy, and the laser treatments also felt sooo good. We formed a special bond. We get each other. That can be challenging for some. You should check out her business for your pup. It offers so much for us puppers!

So yesterday, my pawrents really surprised me. Allie and I attended a Canine Carnival where there were so many doggies. But the best thing was, I got to see that special gal who holds the title of my First Canadian Girlfriend - Ashley Marie of K9 FIT who I haven't seen for about 4 years (she moved away). But wow, she is still looking fine. Ashley had Meeka with her. I loved Meeka and was a VERY good boy when approaching Meeka who was quite smaller than me. Ok, back to Ashley, her facility does do much for doggos; and do you know that K9Fit was Ontario's first K9 gym. Seriously, you should look her up in you live near there.

I also had a ball with my sis Allie, seeing my other GF (I have a few); Stefanie of Pawsitive Animal Wellness. Mum picked up another round of shampoo for me. You all recall how bad and furless my skin was, well the shampoo, is the only one I use now, and works very well. Not to mention, Stefanie has an underwater treadmill for pups, can use the laser thingee, and provide massages as well. Oh almost forgot, she is amazing. If you live in Port Hope area, you should look her up.

Ok, 2 pics below from yesterday. I have to blast off now.
Until next time, stay safe and have fun!

Hello Everyone!At my last annual visit with my buddy, Dr. Dave Sutherland of Baker Animal Clinic, I was visibly uncomfor...

Hello Everyone!

At my last annual visit with my buddy, Dr. Dave Sutherland of Baker Animal Clinic, I was visibly uncomfortable in my back hind quarters, incl my legs, during my assessment. My leg extensions were not the best they have been. My pawrents mentioned I have been licking my joints, A LOT. The secret is out, I was in pain. Dr. Dave naturally, took amazing care of me and prescribed pain relief.

Fast forward, as recommended, I had a re-assessment with Dr. Karyn Jones Ajax Animal Rehabilitation & Fitness Centre, and have been attending for both laser treatments and water treadmill sessions, for a little while now. The place is great, like a playground really, so many cool balls, and such. I hear my parents say that I ma getting up easier in a more fluid motion.

I enjoy my sessions with Chris Stezik; especially how I will "nibble" his fingertips when he is holding my treat, and looking at how my legs are moving underwater. Ok, my nibbles can hurt as I am using my tiny front teeth - haha, sorry, Chris! :)

Allie has been right beside me the entire time, watching, likely grateful she doesn't need the things that I do. At her age (turning 10 in July), one may think she would have some physical issues, but she continues to amaze everyone. Thank You Suzanne Towns for my sister who keeps up with me. I am not sure I could play as hard with anyone else. Great genes I suppose. Me, not so fortunate, but I didn't exactly arrive to Ontario in the greatest shape either! :P

Anyhow, I have shared some pictures with you. I still enjoy my walks, visits to pet stores, playing with both people and other canines, visits to see my hooman family, stretching out to lay down, listening to birds, but most of all enjoying the sunny days in the backyard. I do my job, supervising the area; when my pawrents work in the yard, you know I have their backs.
I also went with them searching a park for a lost dog that was recently mentioned through Team Chelsea.

You know, I was once lost too; I was not wanted by my previous owner(s) in Texas - too bad for them; look at me know!
I have so much endless love and often feel like a celebrity. I am recognized when out at events or walks, etc. We all need to assist lost animals to get home. I do my part too.

Well, I have to get going, my daddy will be home soon. I need to greet him at the door. Mom is off now too, means I am off as well. I work in her office as supervisor!

Take a look at some pictures. The last picture is when I found out that I had been left home and Allie got to see Megan Higdon of GRÜM for a bath (damn!). Have a great day and take care!

Tucker, xo

Hi Peeps,Hope you all have been well. As per usual, things have been quite up and down with me sine my last post.  Great...

Hi Peeps,

Hope you all have been well.
As per usual, things have been quite up and down with me sine my last post. Great news though, my belly has fur again and it is definitely not so ugly. Currently, I hear that I may be dealing with some OA in my joints. It has been tough with the drastic weather changes, but I always pull through and keep on going. Will most likely need an xray sooner or later. No worries though, I have great care by my buddy Dr. Dave., and my pawrents must have a huge bank account cuz I have heard the endless charges.

Ya know, the Baker Animal Clinic peeps love me. I no longer need my pawrents to take me inside. I gladly go on my own. Speaking of, I have my 4 week allergy injection on Saturday. Looking forward to seeing my friends at Baker.

Hmm, what else, not too much, I still love to play and have really become a social butterfly (I hear my mum saying so). I really love people, and yes, definitely the ladies. I also am quite proud to be social with doggies as well. But, if there is attitude that I can sense, I will cop tude too. I just wanna be friends, no need for attitude. I do prefer the peace road.

My parents still take Allie & I everywhere they can, and I certainly enjoy the outings. I especially like he visits inside the stores; I love hearing "Your shepherd is well-behaved". Ah duh, of course I am behaved? Or, "your dog is very handsome". Again, ah duh? Hoomans are too funny. The walks around the hood and the visits to my neighbors are great too. People love to see me. They love to see Allie too.

Anyhoo, I shall be going. I know my daddy will be home very soon, and I really enjoy the love I receive when he gets here. I definitely do not want to miss out on that.

I have added some recent pics for your viewing pleasure. Sleep-play-rest-repeat.

Take care, and be kind!

Love, Tucker Paul Silliphant Donna Power

Hello Everyone.  I have been busy lately...Allie and I went with our Pawrents to drop off some props that our daddy made...

Hello Everyone.
I have been busy lately...Allie and I went with our Pawrents to drop off some props that our daddy made for a charity event to a cool place called "McDougall Manor". And, I also went to see my friend Stefanie Pawsitive Animal Wellness for another laser treatment and water treadmill session. i went on the treadmill all by myself; have to admit, I would've rather had the girl in the water with me! My mum picked up some all natural goods from Stefanie to help with my paw troubles, As you know, I have challenges due to my sensitive skin. I wear my boots very often. When in da house, I am wearing socks again as I just cannot stop licking my paws. I am VERY happy to announce that Pawsitive Animal Wellness products are working to relieve the itch and making my paw pads softer too. (a win win - Thank you Stefanie

Hello Everyone!Sooo...amazingly enough, when you are as handsome as me, the beautiful ladies come directly to you. Crazy...

Hello Everyone!
Sooo...amazingly enough, when you are as handsome as me, the beautiful ladies come directly to you. Crazy I know.
A lovely gal named Stefanie of Pawsitive Animal Wellness came to me recently, something about a mobile service.
I had to have been memorized by her beauty... I was fine with wearing goggles for laser therapy. Stefanie had me literally eating out of her hand...working with me to build up some muscle in my butt. She also couldn't keep her hands off of me, massaging my knots...she sure made me feel amazing! Here are a couple of pics.
I also threw in a pic of me and Allie cruising in the car. We are like velcro these days. Anyhoo, stay safe. I will check in again very soon.

Hello Friends - Just thought I would pop in and say hello.  I have had an amazing day so far today.  As you know, I have...

Hello Friends - Just thought I would pop in and say hello.
I have had an amazing day so far today. As you know, I have ongoing skin issues and I do need to be bathed regularly especially when I have a flare-up. Mum was able to secure a sort of emergency grooming appointment at The Pawlour with a very nice gal named Meaghan Newey. Yes, I had another flare-up.
Small world, my pawrents know Meaghan and her father from boarding their very first GSD at what was a boarding facility nearby. I hear that both Mike and Meaghan were fantastic with Koti. I have heard that Koti did not take too many people but she did take to them. Anyhoo, my dad took me to my appt today and the picture is of afterwards, when I was squeaky clean and feeling amazing. Thanks Meaghan, I enjoyed the much needed groom.

Hello My Friends! As you now it is my 7th birthday today.  I actually got a balloon from my buddy Dr. Dave at Baker Anim...

Hello My Friends! As you now it is my 7th birthday today.

I actually got a balloon from my buddy Dr. Dave at Baker Animal Clinic today. I am so impressed that they care about the environment - Reduce REUSE, Recycle; My buddy Actually wrote on a retirement balloon they had leftover from Pam Williams party! I love her so this is more than fitting.

What can I say, I was able to see the lovely ladies and of course mu buddy, Dr. Dave., who treat me so well. Unfortunately, I had to be seen as my pawrents were concerned about the very red rash-type markings up into my armpit.
Turns, out, my parents have to do even more work for me now. I seem to be allergic to my surroundings (dust mites and such). As a daily task, they will need to put my bedding in the dryer for 10 minutes before I lay on them and also to put something "fresh" down where I will sleep to prevent this,. I am hoping this does not happen again as is everyone involved.

My pawrents will also need to take care of the area until it goes away. I am such a sensitive boy in many ways incl. my skin. I am SO glad for my pawrents!! They have always wanted the best for me and will do whatever it takes for me. I am so glad that Mum caught this one early.

Happy 7th Birthday Tucker!!!!

Happy 7th Birthday Tucker!!!!

Hello Peeps!I have been busy but not doing the things that I most enjoy like swimming or water treadmill with my friends...

Hello Peeps!
I have been busy but not doing the things that I most enjoy like swimming or water treadmill with my friends at Ajax Animal Rehabilitation & Fitness Centre.
Ya see, my skin seems to keep causing some cysts between my toes; not to mention the skin break-out on my right side. Don't worry though, my pawrents have been taking care of me and we still go for walks, play time, and long drives. I REALLY love swimming and fitness but my skin must be healed first. I am thinking it won't be too long.
I have attached a couple of pictures from yesterdays drive with my "sister" Allie. It was her birthday yesterday...my "little sista" is now 9 years of age - wow! So glad she is young at heart and loves to play...Allie keeps me on my toes playing in the yard.
Talk soon, my squeaky toys are calling.
Love ya,
Tucker, xo

Hello.  I have some fantastic news to share with you peeps.I overheard my Mum speaking with my beautiful friend Kristen ...


I have some fantastic news to share with you peeps.

I overheard my Mum speaking with my beautiful friend Kristen at Baker Animal Clinic who was sharing the results of my cytology results. The tumor on my face IS benign!!!! I am so happy. My pawrents are so relieved too. Dr. Alison Grant did an amazing job, taking out 100% of the tumor and not diminishing my great looks to boot!

So, I have another interdigital cyst between my toes but don't worry, my Mum went right into action by washing the area, applying the medicated cream and socking that paw up! I have a cupboard stocked with various things if anything should reappear. I am very fortunate. I do love my sock collection.

One bummer - I have to wait even longer before I get back to the underwater treadmill with my buddy Chris Stezik. I enjoy going to Ajax Animal Rehabilitation & Fitness Centre, they treat me and other animals like gold. I have witnessed this with my own eyes. Not to mention, it is so darn fun there and they make me feel amazing. All in time, it shouldn't be too long now. I may not know the reason for the actual delay but I guess everything happens for a good reason, right?

One more thing, I am not wearing the blue cone anymore AND I was playing with Allie this morning. Wow, that was crazy; We had so much fun. I guess that means my face has healed up nicely. My pawrents are still very cautious though. I am thinking it is probably a good idea to keep watch of me. I can be silly most times.

I attached a picture of me and Allie from one of our walks in the forest across the street. Please ignore, my shaved leg. Mum says it is starting to grow back as she often stops me from licking the area. Oh, please ignore the p**p bag too. Mum put it down to take the picture.

Well, I am going to go now. My Dad is putting down sod in the yard and I need to supervise - it is what us GSD's do. Have a great day and weekend everyone. I hear it is a "long weekend".
I honestly have no idea what that means but is seems to make people happy which makes me happy too!
Stay safe and stay amazing, like me!

Love Tucker, xo

Ok my friends, I will start with the good news:I visited with Dr. Bowes at Ajax Animal Rehab on Tuesday evening this wee...

Ok my friends,

I will start with the good news:

I visited with Dr. Bowes at Ajax Animal Rehab on Tuesday evening this week while my pawrents waited outside. My buddy Chris Stezik was very busy rehabbing other dogs, so he was not able to be there with me. I did receive laser and acupuncture with Dr. Bowes and boy it was amazing. I overheard Dr. Bowes praising me to my mum over the phone. I have so much fun at Ajax Animal Rehab and look forward to my next visit. The therapy actually released some tightness in my muscles and made me walk and bend more fluidly. (I over herd Mum saying this) Amazing.

As you are aware, I visited my good friend Dr. Dave Sutherland at Baker Animal Clinic this week (Wednesday). I heard my him praising how great I was when speaking with my Mum on the phone. Dr. Dave said that I was an outstanding boy during my visit and he was able to stick a needle into the bump that is near my lip without any issue.
It makes me proud when both Dr. Dave and others at the clinic praise me; apparently unusual for dogs that look like me to be so calm(?). Dr. Dave was able to collect a get a good sample to send for cytology. Mum tells me that I am setting the bar and both she and Daddy are so proud! I not sure what Mum means about setting the bar...is this a rehab thing?

Now for some not-so-good news:

Unfortunately, the cytology results came back. I have a Plasma Cell Tumor that needs to be removed ASAP before it grows even bigger which could impact my lip and possibly make it very difficult to remove later - something about ulcerating. I am not sure what that means. I am sure if I keep listening with my clean ears, I can figure this out.

Next steps:

What a coincidence, this IS awful. I have an appt. for the tumor to be removed on the same date that I was to visit Chris for fun time. Mum had to cancel an appt. for laser and water treadmill that was slated with Chris for next week at Ajax Rehab Clinic. I am sad about this. I was VERY excited and looking so forward to having Chris work with me again.
All in time I know, but come on, now! But... I am needing to build up some muscle mass in my abs. I hear some ladies like good abs or at least a tone body and a good butt. The main goal here for me with rehab is the results for the ladies. Chris and my pawrents have different rehab goal results for me. I am a young boy after all.

Next week I have 2 visits at Baker Animal Clinic:
1. Monday - preliminary blood work
2. Thursday - lump removal

My goodness, one health thing after the other for me. I seriously just want the ongoing health stuff that has been happening since my arrival to my home to end. Not only for me, but for my pawrents the most! I am feeling like an expensive lemon. (I never knew there was such a thing). I always heard lemons to be cheap.

I have attached a picture of me. You will see how serious I am after hearing the Mum cancel my fun time with Chris and going for surgery instead. NOTE: I do not have the right side of my face as I am embarrassed.
I know my pawrents would hate to hear how I am feeling and they do at all costs (no pun intended), try to remain optimistic.

My promise to all is that I will come around - turn this frown upside down for everyone. I am allowed to have a bad day, I am hooman, aren't I? I mean, take a look at my writing skills. :P


I do know I am under the best care at Baker Animal Clinic and I certainly know that the staff have become family to me, Allie, and my pawrents. So, nothing to worry about there.

I also know that I have a HUGE amount of fans that are sending positive vibes for me from all over the globe, not to mention the prayers which I am thinking have all helped me to this date.
(thank you)

As my mum always says, it is not what happens to you, it is how you respond that shows your true character. I do keep hearing that I am quite a character, so i have to live up to that.

Thank you for reading. I have to use the yard. I will be in touch.
Oh ya, and please stay safe from this pandemic thing.

Love Tucker

Hello Friends.Thank you all for expressing your condolences for the loss of Mama Bear Hope.  We appreciate all of your k...

Hello Friends.

Thank you all for expressing your condolences for the loss of Mama Bear Hope. We appreciate all of your kind words. She really was a VERY special lady. I know she is still watching.

Hello Folks,Well, this a tough post to write but I feel I have to. "Mama Hope" has spread those beautiful Shiloh wings a...

Hello Folks,

Well, this a tough post to write but I feel I have to. "Mama Hope" has spread those beautiful Shiloh wings and has flown to Doggie Heaven. (I just know she is waiting for me there).
When I came to my new family in Ontario, Hope welcomed me into the family w/o hesitation. It was her ever so gentle, calming, mother-like nature that made me feel incredibly special. Hope shared her bed with me when I was so fragile; she just loved to take care of me. We developed a strong bond and not going to lie, I am grieving.

As Hope aged, I could see her old body starting to become fragile. I was always on the look our for hope, and often was near. I remember when all of 3 of us were playing in the yard, I saw Allie running so fast and Hope was looking the other way. I knew this was not a good situation. As I felt she may injure Hope, I charged forward and intercepted, Allie did get t-boned (sorry Allie), but I had to protect my aging Hope. I was successful.

I will miss my Mama Hope, but will move forward looking after Allie, just as she would want. I have always taken care of Allie, but I know that now is the most crucial. Although Allie is older then me (shh, she doesn't like people to know), I feel that Hope would want me to take precious care of Allie, just as she would and has done throughout their journey together.

Rest now beautiful Hope, you are in good hands, free from any pain. I love you and thank you for being the Mama I needed.
April 5 2008 - March 26, 2021

TUCKER UPDATE - MARCH 24/21Hello friends, I am here with my ear culture results and to update you on some important thin...


Hello friends, I am here with my ear culture results and to update you on some important things.

1. Today is my Hooman Uncle's Birthday. I recently got to deliver his present with my pawrents. I have attached a picture of me delivering the present. I really should've taken the gifts to him on my back (oops).
Too bad, my pawarents cannot get too close...something about "Covid". I have been wearing a mask all my life and now everyone wants to copy dogs like me? Weird. Happy Birthday Uncle Swaka! I love him and I feel he loves me too.

Happy Belated St. Patty's Day Everyone!I have a follow-up appt. with my buddy Dr. Sutherland today for another ear swab ...

Happy Belated St. Patty's Day Everyone!
I have a follow-up appt. with my buddy Dr. Sutherland today for another ear swab and for an exam. It has been over 1 week since I stopped the meds for my ear issues. Here is hoping nothing is still growing in my right ear (paws crossed). I will keep you posted soon on my most recent happenings as well as the ear culture results once they are back!! Stay tuned, I will be in touch!
Love to you all,

Tucker Update - February 24 2021Hello Peeps!I just thought I would pop in and let everyone know what I heard when Mummy ...

Tucker Update - February 24 2021

Hello Peeps!

I just thought I would pop in and let everyone know what I heard when Mummy was talking to my good buddy Dr. Dave, recently.
Well, not the news my buddy Dr. Dave, nor my pawrents wanted.

1. My right ear swab results came back and I still have that 1 nasty bacteria growing in my ear, something about a staff infection. This even after the mediation. Well, the one other ear infection cleared at least. What now?
Well, my pawrents had to pick up a hooman prescription from a pharmacy and then take it back to my buddy Dr. Dave, who mixed it with something else at the vet clinic. Wow, right? Don't even ask me the names of the medications, I just know that my right ear staff infection has become is a strong one that is resistant to most drugs. Oh Man.
Thankfully, I have a great team taking care of me. The pharmacist even wished me well when Mum picked up the prescription. My buddy Dr. Dave; No words cannot adequately describe how I feel about him. He constantly goes above and beyond for me and has since day 1. You do remember what I looked like at my first ever vet visit, right? Hint: it is a part of the page profile picture. Enough said.

2. My Chronic Rhinitis is keeping my parents up at night, not to mention causing me to be unhappy, too.
The bilateral inflammation in my nostrils has caused my nostrils to drip clear water to the EXTREME. What does this mean? I have been prescribed an anti-inflammatory to hopefully decrease the swelling which will in turn, lesson the dripping, and in turn not cause my lip to react. This is quite a big goal but we all have high hopes and are staying positive.

3. Haha!! I wanted to grab your attention - Thankfully, there is not another issue. I wanted to point out my newly found intelligence shown with my choice of words that I have been using, in case you did not notice. (all from listening to telephone conversations) Geez, If keep this up, I will become a well-educated canine. I am going to keep overhearing conversations. I feel everyone should if this is the result......keep talking Mum, and hoomans, you are of great help to my ever-growing intelligence!

Well, all for now, check out the picture of me playing with a very loud squeak toy. And, thank you for reading; please keep your positive energy and prayers for me flowing. I seem to be a handsome fella (check mirrors often), but with many health hiccups. Not to mention, I do want my dad to get a better sleep (my Mum tends to sleep better than dad), and I want to be not so grumpy.

Love you all, Tucker. xo

February 18 2021 - Update from Tucker!Hello my friends.  I am writing this morning to give you an update.I saw my friend...

February 18 2021 - Update from Tucker!

Hello my friends. I am writing this morning to give you an update.

I saw my friend Shannon and good buddy Dr. Sutherland yesterday for my check in and ear swab. My buddy shared fantastic news from looking at my ears, they look great!!! Dr. Sutherland did send off a culture swab to make sure nothing is growing inside my right ear. We can not be too sure nothing is growing, especially with the state of my right ear was in. If you remember, it was quite red and inflamed. (Phew, thank goodness I am being taken care of my buddy, Dr. Sutherland). Now we wait for the results to come back - paws crossed, all is well!!

Oh, also Dr. Sutherland looked over my paws; they look fantastic too!!! My pawrents must make sure I have my boots on for all outdoor walks! I have attached a picture of my morning walk with my Mom. I do look good sporting these boots, yes? I even have a space in the family boot tray.

I will have to give proper love and support to of GRÜM. She gave me a great scrub and bath last weekend, knowing that I was in dire need (sooo itchy). I get to see her again soon for nails. Boy, I am pretty lucky; I did mention how pretty she is, right? I really enjoy my time with her, even if her man is there. He is a very cool guy, I couldn't have asked for a better guy for her than myself!

Ok, all for now. I will chime in again soon with an update on my ear culture and other fun stuff.

Do you wear winter boots? I want to see other pups in their booties too. Feel free to share your winter pics.

Love Tucker.

Tucker Update - February 8 2021Hello Everyone; it's me, Tucker.I have had a bit of a rough go lately, but things are sta...

Tucker Update - February 8 2021

Hello Everyone; it's me, Tucker.

I have had a bit of a rough go lately, but things are starting to look better (paws crossed of course).

I had a visit with my buddy, Dr. Sutherland today. My ears are better!!! No soreness, and all infections appear to be gone. This is amazing; it means no more ear drops. Yes!! I am off all antibiotics too. Phew, less medications for me. I do have a few still but that's ok, for now.

It is important for me to visit Dr. Sutherland again, to have another ear swab culture be sent off to see if the one bacteria continues to grow since stopping the antibiotics (I really hope not). This appointment is set for next week.

I saw my beautiful vet tech friend, Kim, today. Man, I have not seen her in seems like forever. Kim is still very pretty. I swear I had hearts in my eyes. I was happy to see her, even if she was wearing a mask.

All in all, great news today. My feet are all healed up too. We are to continue with the scrub stat baths as needed. I have sensitive skin so nothing pretty smelling for me. Not to mention, no water in the ears either. We have to be extremely careful, especially if it rains.

Well, that's the update. I have to go, I have some rather noisy toys to play with. I will be in touch after my next ear culture swab thingee; let's keep positive that the nasty ear infections are fully gone.

Until later my friends,

Love Tucker




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