When your trainer is kinda 🤪 but you roll with it because you know her crazy is part of the process....
Charlie boy is a year old cavapoochon with a lot of trauma. Sweet boy is extremely nervous, and startles with everything! Kellie has been helping him work through things as he learns to be confident, react or not react appropriately, all while learning basics! He is doing extremely well during his behavior modification Intensives and he's not even halfway through his customized program!
Way to go, bud!! We are so proud of you!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
#ffdt #intensive #goodboy #cavapoochon #dogtraining #iowa
“Your dog is not a robot.” -Kellie 🙃
If you’ve heard Kellie say this (a Kellie classic), you know that she is very passionate about this. We do not train for robotic obedience, including service dogs! If you’re looking for robotic obedience, we are not the trainer for you. We would love to talk to you more about why we have chosen to train The FFDT Way.
Hear from Kellie:
“Even the most highly trained service dogs should not be trained into robotic obedience. Dogs are living beings that have the ability to think, feel, and choose for themselves. We want the dog to choose to serve and obey because they have been taught correctly and want to do what’s right. To train robotic obedience in your dog breaks the spirit of the animal. Combining canine behavioral science and techniques with canine psychology and emotion is key.”
(Excerpt from FFDT’s upcoming book “The FFDT Way”)
#ffdt #iykyk #theffdtway #yourdogisnotarobot #
End of the year/new year updates from Kellie at FFDT!
Scheduling updates
Workshop updates
Group train updates
Let's train!!! 🐾
We are excited to announce that we have partnered with Lexi Frederick - Awareness Matters for the first annual Puppy Winter Pageant-Virtual!
For just $30, your pup can win big: crowns, titles, certificates, awards, and ribbons! Make it a full experience and add optional categories!
Let's have some fun this holiday season!
Registration closes 12/20/2024
Register here: https://bit.ly/winterpuppypageantvirtual
Last training tip of the day! There is so much that can be said about these ones!
As always, let us know if you need support in these things! Thanks for following along! We will drop more advice and tip videos soon!
#ffdt #dogtraining #iowa
More dog training tips and advice for this holiday season, and always! As always, please reach put to us for help with any of these tips and tricks!
#ffdt #dogtraining #reallifedogtraining #iowa
Dog advice for the holiday stress. 💚🖤🤍
Kellie will be dropping tips and advice all day today, so share, follow along, ask questions, and let’s have the best day ever.
#ffdt #dogtraining #iowa #holiday
Oliver and Evrett doing "mindful stomping" with Echo, SDiT, at a recent lesson. We loved that these "three boys" were such good buds!
Shout out to kids_lead for the mindfulness stomping! Kids Lead
#ffdt #ffdtservicedogprogram #autismservicedog #redfoxlab #servicedogsiowa #servicedogintraining
Mama and dog professional plea!! Huge Safety concern PSA!
Let's take care of each other 🖤
#ffdt #dogtraining #iowa #safety #mama #takecareofeachother
Q&A: Lessons --> Training Minutes
+ Early Access Black Friday and then actual Black Friday deals!