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John's Pet Shack We provide the Pet Protector Flea & Tick tag, prevention for your pet, providing 4 years of protect

Heart Worm – how to protect your pet from this dangerous parasiteHeart worm is one of the biggest dangers your pet faces...

Heart Worm – how to protect your pet from this dangerous parasite

Heart worm is one of the biggest dangers your pet faces when spending time outdoors. Despite many reports from vets that their particular environments are free from the threat of heart worm, the fact remains that this particular disease is a global issue. Luckily, prevention is simple, while treatment however, is a drawn-out process, full of potential complications.

How is heart worm transmited?
Heart worm is transmitted through infected mosquito bites exclusively. Prevention is extremely important because it is not possible to know whether or not a mosquito is infected. After being bitten by an infected mosquito, larva require approx. six to seven months to develop into full-grown worms. The worms then enter the arteries surrounding the heart and can grow to a length of approx. 30cm and can live for as long as seven years! Your pet can have as many as 250 of these worms in its body and they are quite easily a deadly threat. There is no other way to transmit heart worm other than through an infected mosquito bite.

What are the symptoms?
It is very difficult to recognize the symptoms of heart worm. At first, they are practically non-existent, next, as the heart worms grow, your pet will experience a slight cough from time to time. After some more time has passed, your furry friend will start to feel fatigue, and will cease to be as active as he/she was before. Once heart worm enters the later stages, your dog will experience trouble breathing and will have fainting spells due to the lack of blood circulation to the brain. Most dogs die within a few years if they are not treated.

How is an infected pet treated?
If a heart worm test comes back positive, depending on the number of worms in your pet’s body and his or her weight, a drug is prescribed which is administered either twice a month or three injections are given at once to kill off the worms. During treatment, your pet will have to rest because once the heart worms begin to die off, they will disintegrate in the body and may cause deadly clots in the arteries. Depending on the severity of your pet’s condition, treatment is administered every 15 days due to the fact that the larva reach adulthood in 14-day cycles. Treatment may last for as long as 7 months. Once your pet is infected, there is no form of prevention that can fight heart worm other than full-on treatment administered with the assistance of your family vet.

What is the best prevention?
We always advise that you do everything you can to protect your four-legged friends. Heart worm prevention is relatively inexpensive, as opposed to treating the illness, which is an extremely exhausting, lengthy and expensive process. There are countless chemical products prescribed to combat heart worm, but more often than not these are dangerous and even life-threatening for your pet. Our advice is to consult with your pet’s doctor and to continuously use the Pet Protector along with the injections prescribed by your vet. Why the Pet Protector? There are many reasons why the Pet Protector is your best form of prevention. First, our product is a 100% natural solution that protects your family member from external parasites, including mosquitoes that transmit heart worm. The Pet Protector provides 4-year protection, which is an extensive period, making it a lot more affordable that other products available.


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Everything You Need To Know When You Adopt Your First Puppy–The First YearA new puppy in the home always means loads and...

Everything You Need To Know When You Adopt Your First Puppy–The First Year

A new puppy in the home always means loads and loads of fun, love, giggles and playtime! Your new family member will also require your patience and constant training that will help him/her quickly integrate into the family and in no time at all your new bundle of joy will learn to love all of the members of your household. By asking for advice from experienced pet owners and your vet, the adaption period should be a breeze. If this is your first puppy, make sure to follow certain guidelines. The stages of growth are more or less the same for all breeds.

The First 4 Weeks
The first 4 weeks of a puppy’s life is spent with its mother and with their littermates. Their mother teaches them how to behave, i.e. where to eliminate waste. It is during this period that their eyes begin to open, their first teeth being to emerge and they begin to develop their sense of smell and hearing. It is very important for pups to spend as much time as possible with their mother during this period so that they won’t experience issues once potty and other training begins.

Week 4 to 3 Months
Although it is best to adopt a puppy within the first 3 months of life, after week 4, puppies are ready for their new homes. During this period, puppies begin to develop certain social skills, they start chewing and their coordination starts to develop. At this stage they are still quite afraid and it’s best to start with positive reinforcement training and offering a lot of love in order to help your new family member overcome their fear.

It is now time for your first visit to the vet. If it is possible, insure your puppy, especially if they are mischievous or hyperactive. Any kind of medical insurance will come in handy as it is during this stage that they start nibbling and chewing everything in sight and also when they begin to explore unknown territories.

4 to 6 Months
At four months, your pup should already be socializing with other animals. It is still very important at this stage to implement positive reinforcement training as your furry loved one is still afraid of making new friends and dealing with new situations. Soon after your pet begins socializing with other dogs, they will learn their place in the pack. During this period, they sometimes become territorial, especially when other animals are in question. This is completely normal and all that you need to do is to continue with training.

Another thing to note here is that during this period, puppies tend to start nibbling on anything and everything they can find around the house. Your furry baby’s teeth are growing now and he/she will need a lot of teething toys to help relieve the pressure felt by their gums. If you want to avoid having most of your possessions and furniture chewed on, then you will definitely need to make sure that your new family member gets enough exercise and that they have plenty of chew toys available.

6 to 9 Months
It is during this stage that your pup will start to develop sexually and it is now time to decide whether or not to spay/neuter or breed your puppy. Female pups should go into ‘heat’ at the age of 6 months, and it is important to be careful here, as they can get pregnant. Make sure to keep your pup away from males during this time.

During this developmental period, pups are still exploring and love chewing which is why it is crucial to keeping your furniture in tack that you have enough chew toys available! Your pup will continue to test their position in the family, which is why it is important to continue with constant positive reinforcement training. As your furry baby is now ready to explore outside the home, you will probably take them on walks and other family outings. It is best to get a Pet Protector Disc now and protect your pup from dangerous parasites that can carry potentially infectious diseases. Not only will you protect your puppy from fleas and ticks, but you will also avoid applying the tons of harmful chemicals found in traditional external parasite products onto your baby’s body, which can be quite hazardous in themselves, causing cancer and other dangerous diseases.

10 to 12 Months
Depending on the size of your dog, but most small dogs reach adulthood by the age of 12 months. Slightly larger breeds enter adulthood at around 18 months. After 12 months, puppies already know how to behave in their environment. If you paid attention to your pet and worked with them constantly, your pup should be fully trained and obedient. Be sure to continue with their training but even now your pup is ready to accompany you anywhere. Your beloved pet is fully-grown and now you can look forward to giving and receiving unconditional love from your furry family member!

The first year can definitely test both your own and your pups character. It will require some time for you both to get used to each other but if you follow the instructions carefully, remain consistent and keep up with positive reinforcement training, you will not have any issues with your new family member. It is, of course, always recommended that you consult someone with experience in raising dogs, especially with pups that are still developing.
To Get Pet Protector:

That's like only $17 per year for your pets protection from fleas, ticks and harmful chemicals..well worth the investmen...

That's like only $17 per year for your pets protection from fleas, ticks and harmful chemicals..well worth the investment! Don't you agree?

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I am looking for 5 MLM Affiliate Marketers
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THE BEST WAY TO HELP PET SHELTERSNot everyone is able to adopt a pet from a pet shelter. Simply put, not everyone has th...


Not everyone is able to adopt a pet from a pet shelter. Simply put, not everyone has the space nor the time to care for a pet. In this case, it is better not to adopt a pet, then to have an unhappy pet in your home. If you love animals and wish to help, there are a lot of ways that you can do this other than adoption. These ways will definitely make the jobs of those who work in pet shelters easier and will definitely make a difference. Plus, you will feel more fulfilled knowing that you’ve done something to help another.

Donating Pet Products
Most pet owners have things that they don’t use. Whether or not their dog has outgrown something or has simply moved on to something new, is not important. Shelters never have enough food and water bowls, towels, cleaning products, leashes, collars, skin care products, food, cat litter, toys. As you can see, the list goes on and on, and you probably have something of your pet’s that he/she no longer uses. Again, it is best to first check with your local shelter and find out what they need most. However, bear in mind that these consumables are definitely always welcome in every shelter.

Become Involved on Social Media
Social media is a very strong tool, especially if you wish to be seen by a larger audience. Follow organizations that protect and care for animals, local shelters, etc. Every shared, commented on, liked or tweeted post is welcome. News travels fast, and this way it’s easier to find someone who will be able to take in a shelter pet.

Provide a Temporary Home for Pets
Taking care of a pet is not easy. But, if you decide to go this route, not only will you be helping your new, temporary guest, but you will also be providing a spot at the pet shelter for a new-comer. Assisting in this way is of great help. You can even arrange with the people working at the shelter to supply you with food for the pet. Here too, social media can be of great assistance in helping to find the pet a permanent home all the more quickly.

Become a Pet Driver
Transporting pets is definitely one of the greatest challenges facing shelters. If you don’t have the time to temporarily or permanently adopt a pet, driving pets to veterinary appointments, or to their new homes is surely very helpful. Especially in larger urban areas. Literally thousands of pets need to be transported from one shelter to another or to their new home, every single day. Why not bring the pet and their new family some joy in this way. If you are taking a trip or going on vacation, you can organize with your local shelter to transport a pet to a certain destination that is along your route.

Utilize your Talents
If you possess any one skill that may be of use, why not use it? If you are a talented photographer or are good at making videos you can help pets find a home faster. Programmers, designers and others employed in the IT sector can also help by creating quality websites and advertising. There are literally thousands of ways that your talent can be used to help pet shelters. You will help them save money and to find homes faster. Many pet shelters need help with painting, minor repairs and other kinds of handyman work.

Get Involved by Helping Animals Socialize
Lots of people take their pets out for walks, jogging and so on. This is a great way to get pets to socialize, exercise and meet other people and pets. These kinds of activities will definitely help your pet remain happy, healthy and to socialize thereby making her/him better prepared for life outside of the shelter. At the same time, your pet will get the love that he/she so needs.

Support Companies that Help the Community
A lot of companies help pet shelters by donating funds of a certain amount or by donating goods. You can easily find out which companies engage in these practices. Some even help in that based on how many miles you walk your pet, they will donate a certain amount of food to your nearest shelter.

Donate Pet Protectors to your Local Shelter
Fleas, mosquitoes, other insects, even various allergies may cause a huge problem for shelters and pets. Pet Protector is an ideal solution in providing protection for pets. Not only will you protect pets from insects that can be very dangerous to shelter pets, but you will also be protecting pets with allergies and will potentially save pets from being poisoned. Pet Protector protects pets for a 4-year period, therefore safety is guaranteed! These are just some of the ways that you can help pets. It is up to you to take each of these suggestions into consideration, bearing in mind that there are many, many other ways that you can do this, it’s up to you to get creative and to come up with the best possible way that you can be a useful link in the pet care chain. Be sure that all help is more than welcome and that you will be bringing happiness to countless numbers of people and pets alike.

Everything You Need To Know About Your New Kitten – The First Year on your new member of ...

Everything You Need To Know About Your New Kitten – The First Year

Congrats on your new member of the family! But, what’s next? Adapting with a new pet can take some time, especially if you are a new pet parent. There’s no doubt that you’ll enjoy raising this new little bundle of kitty love. The first year is definitely the most challenging but this is also the year that your kitty will give you loads of attention. Consulting with your vet is most important in the first year to ensure your kitten’s future health.

The First 7 Weeks
Kittens should remain in their mother’s care within the litter for at least six to eight weeks. This is how they gain basic social skills. Between two to five weeks, kittens start to open their eyes, their teeth start to come in and they begin to use their sences of smell and sight. They start to walk, run, develop regular sleep patterns and begin to socially interact with each other. It is during this period that they begin to learn about their surroundings.

7 Weeks To 3 Months
After week 8, kittens can leave their mothers and become members of their new families. Right from the start, your kitty’s social behaviour will include hugs, licks and cuddles, which is what they learned from their mother and littermates. During this period, your kitty will become more and more independent but will still need a lot of attention and tenderness. It is now time for your first visits to the vet. This is how you will be certain that your new furry family member is healthy and that their development is on track.

3 To 6 Months
Once your kitten reaches the age of 3-4 months, they will begin to lose their baby teeth. During this period they will have a need to chew more. There is also the possibility that they will eat less. Their new teeth irritate the gums, so don’t worry about your furry baby, this will subside as soon as their new teeth are in. Socializing is very very important at this stage. They will test their relationships now, wanting to know their place in the family. This also includes other cats, other pets as well as the other members of the family, including you. They will play a bit rougher with toys and people alike, and a toy will be considered everything that moves!

6 To 12 Months
In this period, both male and female cats become sexually active. It is best then to decide whether or not to have your kitten spayed or neutered now. There is the possibility that your kitten will run away from home during this period in search of other cats. They may mate, mark their territory or even get into fights with other cats during this period. Your kitten may display ’macho’ behaviour in this period, refusing to listen to your commands. They will definitely pay more attention to their environment than listen to you at this time. Don’t be discouraged, this period is just a phase. Once your cat is fully grown, he/she will want to play with you again.

Due to potential issues with other cats, more frequent excursions outside the family home, it is best to get a Pet Protector within the first six months. Why take the risk of your cat becoming infected with ticks, fleas or a dangerous contageous disease from an insect or another cat. With the Pet Protector Disc you will be sure that your cat will not be posioned by the various chemicals found in traditional external parasite products. Especially if your cat is allergic to any of these. In the event of an allergy, chemcial products used to protect pets from insects can be fatal.

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Pet Protector Business Opportunity

Ticks - Everything you need to knowTicks are one of the greatest dangers facing our pets. Not only do they carry and tra...

Ticks - Everything you need to know

Ticks are one of the greatest dangers facing our pets. Not only do they carry and transmit harmful diseases, they are active all year round. Experts claim that ticks are active even in freezing temperatures. Therefore, long winters don’t necessarily mean that we can be less vigilant in terms of providing pet protection during these months, nor can we be careless in terms of protecting ourselves.

With the arrival of warmer temperatures, humans and pets are more active. Spending time in nature, walks in the park, socializing with other animals, are all situations that may be dangerous when your furry friend’s health is brought into question. Here are some great ways to protect your pup:

After Every Outing, Check Your Pet Thoroughly
It is the rare dog owner that can keep their dog on a leash. In nature, where there is no traffic, it is difficult to keep your pet from running around and playing with other pets. In these instances, the chances of getting ticks are greater, but even here, there is a way to protect your dog.

It may sound a bit simple but people often forget this step. It is very important to check your pet’s fur thoroughly after outings. Bacteria transmitted through Lyme disease take 24 to 48 hours to enter a dog’s blood stream. And the first symptoms appear after 2 to 5 months! This is why a thorough check is a must. Even if you are using various types of protection, these are not enough. Simply put, there is no such thing as 100% prevention and therefore, a detailed inspection is mandatory!

Pets need to be checked for ticks carefully, especially the areas where their skin is softest, such as their pits, behind, nose, even between the toes. If you find anything in any of these areas, take your pet to the vet immediately. Lyme disease is easest to treat when its detected in time.

When they are not with you, make sure that they are in capable hands
Not everyone is equipped to take care of your pets when you are away. If you have to go away on a trip or on vacation without your pet, make sure to leave him/her in capable hands. Be sure to leave your pet’s vet info in the event of an emergency. You may not be available, or your phone may be turned off. You don’t want your pet to be in a vulnerable situation without potential help.

Keep Your Dog on a Leash
We know how difficult this can be. Especially after the winter and bad weather, when outdoor walks are less frequent. This is no time to let your guard down. A good way to protect your pup is to keep them on a leash. This will prevent your pet from wandering into areas with tall grass, they won’t dig around under bushes and areas that are full of vegetation. Although this may not be your pet’s favorite type of outing, it will definitely reduce the chances of tick bites.

Use the Pet Protector Disc
Ticks are so small that it is sometime difficult to see them, especially for owners of dogs with longer hair. This means that despite being checked thoroughly, there is the chance that you may have missed a tick. To ensure both your own safety as well as your pet’s, the best thing is to get a Pet Protector. This product is the best form of protection from ticks and other external parasites like fleas and mosquitoes. It lasts 4 years, which is much longer than any chemical products. The best thing about this product is that it is 100% safe for your dog! Many chemical products are extremely dangerous for your pet, in fact, they’re practically killing your pet slowly. For years, various ’chemicals’ are poisoning your pets, damaging their kidneys, liver, and other internal organs. Certain chemical products are so dangers that people are petitioning to have them banned. They are particularly dangerous if your pet is allergic to any of the substances found in these products. For pets that are allergic, the use of chemical products can be fatal. This is why it is best to use the Pet Protector . 4-year protection from all external parasites. The best way to prevent ticks from turning your beloved pet’s body into their playground.

Now that you know more about the dangers that ticks represent and the best way of protecting and preventing an infestation, you are free to take your pet anywhere and to truly enjoy your time together out in the open.

Order Your Pet Protector:

Dear friend,I know exactly what you are going through when you try to keep your pet flea and tick-free. No matter how mu...

Dear friend,
I know exactly what you are going through when you try to keep your pet flea and tick-free. No matter how much money you spend on popular flea and tick products, those nasty pests keep coming back, and your pet is never safe; very dangerous, even deadly diseases threaten your pet on a daily basis. What’s more, the popular products you’ve been treating your pet with contain extremely harmful insecticides, which cause your pet serious health problems and can potentially poison the rest of your family!

The good news is that science has finally advanced to the point where you can protect your pet from fleas and ticks in the long run without poisoning them.

I would like to invite you to visit this website

and learn more about the Pet Protector Disc, a product which successfully repels fleas, ticks and mosquitoes for an incredible 4-year period and is 100% chemical-free! What’s more, compared to how much you would spend on toxic flea repellent products, the Pet Protector costs 20 times less!

P.S. This product is already protecting over 44 million pets around the world with great success. If you want to preserve your pet’s health and extend their life-span, then take a look at the info I’ve provided for you and go ahead and order one. Your furry friend will appreciate it!



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What Is Pet Protector

I hope I can finish this before they come back.Wanna know something, get your pet a Pet Protectorright away, we'll all b...

I hope I can finish this before they come back.
Wanna know something, get your pet a Pet Protector
right away, we'll all be glad you did!
Say goodbye to Ticks, Fleas & Chemicals!

Hmmmm, now that I have the Pet Protector I can rest peacefully for all my naps without fleas & ticks forthe next 4 years...

Hmmmm, now that I have the Pet Protector I can rest
peacefully for all my naps without fleas & ticks for
the next 4 years.

Even if you have one of these for a pet, don't sweat the small stuff, we've got ya covered!

Even if you have one of these for a pet,
don't sweat the small stuff, we've got ya covered!

Dear friend,I know exactly what you are going through when you try to keep your pet flea and tick-free. No matter how mu...

Dear friend,
I know exactly what you are going through when you try to keep your pet flea and tick-free. No matter how much money you spend on popular flea and tick products, those nasty pests keep coming back, and your pet is never safe; very dangerous, even deadly diseases threaten your pet on a daily basis. What’s more, the popular products you’ve been treating your pet with contain extremely harmful insecticides, which cause your pet serious health problems and can potentially poison the rest of your family!

The good news is that science has finally advanced to the point where you can protect your pet from fleas and ticks in the long run without poisoning them.

I would like to invite you to visit this website

and learn more about the Pet Protector Disc, a product which successfully repels fleas, ticks and mosquitoes for an incredible 4-year period and is 100% chemical-free! What’s more, compared to how much you would spend on toxic flea repellent products, the Pet Protector costs 20 times less!

P.S. This product is already protecting over 44 million pets around the world with great success. If you want to preserve your pet’s health and extend their life-span, then take a look at the info I’ve provided for you and go ahead and order one. Your furry friend will appreciate it!


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