Equine Gutflush was made out of a love for horses and the motivation to fix a big problem. When we were breeding and training horses we had a number of colic’s. Normal practice was to call the vet, he would say to give the horse Banamine and walk them. When I worked for a vet, we had evaluated hundred’s of horses who were referred with the worst cases of “colic.” It was recognized that most of the horses had explainable causes for their irritability. So when we started having more colic’s at our ranch from medical (mobile vet would come out) to surgical (load the horse up and take them to the vet school or clinic). We felt that there had to be a better way to help horse owners advocate for their horses and themselves.
My stallion, Thunder went in for colic symptoms after being in a parade on July 4th. He went to the hospital and went in for colic surgery - but they did not have to cut anything when they went in and was recovering to go home. He was being monitored and still being given continual belly taps afterwards. This is where my beautiful horse went from coming home to going back into surgery because he was blowing up, literally in front of my eyes. So after the vet school belly tapped my horse one to many times and caused “Peritonitis” - in a horse is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the protective membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and covers the intestines is punctured.
Well, a horse going into surgery once is bad enough, but twice in the same day is a death sentence. The vets could not find the pinhole and they put him down during the 2nd surgery. We worked with people in the horse & human world that used conventional medicine to a more integrated approach, being the most holistic approach to colic treatment possible is how, Equine Gutflush was developed. The results have been 100% successful in leading to horses surviving a medical colic. If you act quickly to give EGF will stimulate the digestive tract walls, speeding up a bowel movement(s), by emptying the intestinal tract. EGF is like having a medical vet in a bottle - EGF reverses the signs of colic. Meaning whatever brought the colic on to begin with (Gas, Sand, Mild Spasmodic, Impaction, Dehydration) - EGF turns it around.
Equine Gutflush used at the first signs of a colic will save the horse. The reason you want to reach for EGF first is so a medical colic doesn’t go into a surgical. (You don’t want to give any Banamine because it slows the motility of the gut down - which is not good when your horse is colicking). EGF is the only product that helps your horse recover quickly from a medical colic. Longer time is needed if a drug was given first, but it will work through the drugs.
EGF can sit on your emergency colic shelf until you need it to help save your horse. If your horse is dehydrated, EGF rehydrates the gut area.
If your horse has gas, EFG helps to get rid of the intestinal gas, abdominal bloating and distension symptoms.
EGF acts as a Antispasmodic to treat symptoms such as pain and spasm. So when the muscles in the intestinal wall spasm, or uncontrollably contract, it can cause abdominal pain, EGF acts by alleviating those muscle spasms. EGF will advance and dislodge a sand impaction through the intestinal tract and out. EGF proved effective in clearing colonic sand, removing sand from their colon so the horse can relieve themselves. The ingestion of sand can cause weight loss, diarrhea and acute or recurrent colic in horses Sand colic occurs when your horse ingests sand when eating or grazing. Ingestion of sand can result in problems in their GI tract and abdomen. The issues result from the accumulation of sand in your horse's stomach which can lead to impaction.
EGF breaks through a f***l impaction, which is uncomfortable and potentially dangerous. F***l impaction is a condition where a horse is constipated and has caused dry matter to build up in the intestines and bowel. This blockage may become very large and solid, until it is simply no longer possible to pass it on it’s own. This causes pain & discomfort, and potentially stretching the intestines dangerously. The sooner action with EGF is taken to correct the problem the better. The longer the problem persists, and the more severe the impaction, the more severe the symptoms will become, until eventually they simply cannot be ignored.
Story: Horse owner calls that her friend’s horse has been colicking for 4 days - seems impossible. She has a bottle of EGF and brings it to them after 2 vets have been unsuccessful in treating this horse with Banamine and tubing it. She calls back to say that EGF worked - that it was the only thing that helped this horse to evacuate / p**p. She called back to request and order another bottle for herself and the neighbor whose horse she just saved. She uses EGF on her horses successfully to clean her 5 horses out quarterly. She lives in FL where there is nothing but sand.
PREVENTION of colic is the key and we have done farm studies, the research for over 20 years now and found that: Equine GutEssentials + has worked successfully in keeping horses colic free. We couldn’t ask for anything better than this!
Website provides more about these life saving & colic prevention products.
Colic Solved: How to prevent horses from getting colic & what to do if they did.
We can honestly say that: “We don’t care if our horses eat on sand”!
We can make this statement with much confidence, because we have had horses on EGE+ for over 20+ years without even one colic episode and living into their 40’s. Yes, you do have to give EGE+ daily - it keeps the parasite load down and acts as a internal cleanser, taking the sand right out of their systems. But the biggest being is that it reduces annual vet bills –decreased colic and mortality! This study was started with a conventional vet and many caring horse enthusiasts those many years ago ...
Equine Gutflush is a four ounce life changing oral formula that you will give slowly to your horse as you watch them swallow it. You will listen for gut sounds on either side and monitoring vital signs, after letting your horse drink this powerful formula to help save your horse during a colic episode. You give the EGF first before you ever call your vet - time is of the essence and you are the one holding your horses life in your own hands now. (Do not give the Banamine as it will slow the gut motility down) Once you see EGF work to bring your horse back to normal - you will be confident in EGF and your own abilities to help your horse in the future. We wanted a product that worked anywhere and empowered the horse owner to be able to treat a colic quickly. EGF has the respect of horse enthusiasts and reliability that it works. EGF is the only product that has two doses in one bottle if you catch a colic early - within the first hour then give a 60 cc dose. If you catch it after one hour or your not sure than use the whole 4 oz. bottle (2- 60 cc doses). Better to relieve the symptoms quickly and save your horse. Always have two bottles on hand at all times so you never get caught without it, when you might need it most!
You only have 8 hours to help Save Your Horse.
Equine Gutflush is a powerhouse of a product. As a horse professional or enthusiast, you have the capability of accomplishing something by acting quickly with EGF and saving a horse from colic. EGF has helped the horse community to have the confidence in this product and themselves when they administer it, that it will work on a medical colic with 100% success rate. Having to be your own vet is necessary at times, not knowing how long it will take a vet to reach you. Equine Gutflush has been a game changer for years now for all who have it in their emergency shelves to use when needed.
EGF has been to the depths of the rainforest with medical doctors that wanted EGF to take with them to use on the horses and donkeys that took them to the missions they were helping. EGF is in rural ranches where it would take a vet 3 hours plus to get to them or they don’t have a vet that comes that far at all. EGF has been on show grounds because it doesn’t test and horses colic when their away from home, go on to compete and win after the colic episode has passed.
We believe in these two products (Equine GutFlush & Equine GutEssentials) and it is because of the love of horses and the loss of one very special stallion named, “100 Proof Thunder” many years ago and vowing that there had to be a better way to deal with colic. There is a better way to help a colicking horse with these two life saving & prevention products. As a horse enthusiast you will never have to worry about colic because you can now prevent it with EGE+ or treat it with EGF. Equine Gutflush was developed to make it possible even for new horse owners or even a child in the horse world to give it easily and safely with the bottle it comes in, even if a more experienced person is not present. EGF has taken the scariness out of treating a medical colic to making all of us feel empowered to help heal our inconsolable horses.
More horses have lived because of EGF. We all have taken upon ourselves to help our horses because we feel comfortable with Equine GutFlush. EGF’s name has gained strength and the quality of the product over the long term has gained recognition from professionals and enthusiasts in the USA and abroad.
If you’ve heard of it or not: Help Us Get the Word Out.
We would like to Thank-You all who have bought Equine Gutflush & Equine Gutessentials! I know your horse you love will be with you for a long time because of your actions. Think of it with these two products you will knock out colic from your herd forever -
Note: The blinding fatigue that a horse owner experiences with an inconsolable horse is a very powerful thing and it definitely helped motivate us to change the world of colic for horses everywhere. Sometimes you have to be your own vet!
Story: Horse’s have recurrent colic when they have an ulcer. EGF will take care of the colic but the horse will colic again soon (in the following week). You can use the EGF again, but you must treat the ulcer either with omeprazole or naturally. Easy to check for by palpating the girth area, if the horse turns to bite you they have an ulcer. Not eating even for 6 hours may predispose a horse to stomach ulcers, which highlights just how important regular eating patterns are to their well-being.
Note: Veterinarians go on more colic calls than anything else, I know as I worked for a veterinarian. Colic calls alone are the majority of the businesses. Wouldn’t it be nice if this was never a factor on your farm or ranch. Now it can be!