Thank you so much Jim for setting up a station for our 6 newly released flying squirrels!
And then there was this in our yard one evening.
Revonda found an injured great crested flycatcher injured in the road and sent it to us. What a privilege, beautiful bird! A few days later, Lisa and Kathy released it, or at least I think they did, it was so fast! Didn't even thank us for "all the fish".
Great job everyone!
Our starving Starlings thank us today with a seemingly orchestrated song! 🎶🎶🤣😂
#starlings #wildliferehab
I Have Found a Baby or Injured Adult Song Bird
It needs your help if:
It is injured such as bleeding, limping, not moving, has difficulty breathing, very thin, weak or deformed.
If it is a nestling, not all feathers opened and not old enough to walk or perch and it is out of the nest.
Is Cold to the touch, wet, shivering.
If the Mother is dead
The animal has been in the mouth of a cat dog or other predator.
It is in a dangerous place.
If the nest has fallen.
If you need to find a local wildlife rehabilitator please use this link. Locating Rehabbers.
What to Do
See age references below
If the nest has just fallen you can make a nest out of a hanging basket with drains, and hang near where found--but out of the elements. Watch from a distance to be sure the parent can find them. If the area is unsafe you can gradually move the hanging basket further away as long as the parents are finding it.
If a nestling has been on the ground long it should be warmed and hydrated first before putting back in the nest. Please call a rehabilitator for instructions on rehydrating, as it will cause harm if done improperly. See more below.
If the bird is a fledgling leave it where you found it if it is safe and unharmed, able to hop. Provide additional camouflage such as twigs or shrub. Move away and watch for mom to feed it. You may move a fledgling a short distance as long as the mom can hear it. You can continue to move it if necessary, as long as the parents are finding it.
Check on the bird and watch for signs of deterioration. DO NOT feed. You want it to be hungry and calling for its parents.
It is a myth that the mother will not return if you touch the baby bird. You may touch it to return it to the nest or help it.
Look for more in the same area if you have found a baby. Baby Birds are found for several reasons. Often because of wind or rain damaging the nest or sometimes because the mother has died and not returned to feed them and they begin to hop around in search o