Tail's a Waggin'

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Tail's a Waggin' Sit, Stay. I'll fetch the service to you.

* Xmas gift ideas *Are you looking for something exceptionally special to give this Xmas? Why not consider a professiona...

* Xmas gift ideas *
Are you looking for something exceptionally special to give this Xmas? Why not consider a professional photography session for them and their favourite fur baby.

These beautiful pics taken by Donna from The Goddess and Horse. She offers pet photoshoots - the perfect keepsake 🥰 I couldn't be happier with the photos of Nigel that I'll cherish forever 🥰

Find her here: www.facebook.com/equestrianartphotography
[email protected]
0466 063121

* Doggy Nails *We've all had our pooches jump on us at some point, leaving behind lovely red welts 😳 Often people rush t...

* Doggy Nails *

We've all had our pooches jump on us at some point, leaving behind lovely red welts 😳 Often people rush their pups off for nail trimming, but depending on the length of their quicks, you might not be able to get them all that short :/

Vets offer the service, grooming salons offer the service, and YES, I offer the service - with their grooming appointment

* Paws at Peace *The unfortunate part about loving our pets as much as we do, is knowing that we'll outlive them. And wh...

* Paws at Peace *
The unfortunate part about loving our pets as much as we do, is knowing that we'll outlive them. And when that time comes, we want them to go with dignity, with love, and in the comfort of their own home.

Dr Louisa from Paws in Peace offers you a kind and compassionate experience, as she supports your pet's journey to Rainbow Bridge.

I worked with Dr Lou recently and truly have nothing but faith in recommending her.

For those of you looking for at-home euthanasia for your pets, please contact Dr Lou. She is a beautiful soul

** Meet Kobi **I had the pleasure of washing this super star last week! Kobi wan Kenobi and his brother Jasper (the Beag...

** Meet Kobi **
I had the pleasure of washing this super star last week! Kobi wan Kenobi and his brother Jasper (the Beagle) have been seeing me their whole lives 🥰

Kobi has a lovely, placid nature, but used to bark at the blow drier - particularly when near his ears and face. But, thanks to regular visits and my force-free techniques, he's grown into a great Golden to groom ❤️

Not only does his coat look beautiful, but his visits are now stress-free and fun 🙌

Just another (handsome!) example of how regular visits and calm experiences lead to wonderful results. Good job, Kobi!

Another week, another load of beautiful pups coming through my door 🥰Meet Chardonnay & Teddy ❤️These two siblings (by ad...

Another week, another load of beautiful pups coming through my door 🥰

Meet Chardonnay & Teddy ❤️

These two siblings (by adoption lol) have been seeing me since they were young! Schnauzers can be difficult to groom, but Lahgottos are NOTORIOUS for being troublemakers for us groomers. But not our Teddy 🥰 This handsome man has been an angel thanks to his brilliant owners! They've always taken my advice, and by following my tips - and booking his for regular upkeep - they've maintained an ah-mazing coat!

How cute are they both 🥰

* Meet Toby *Toby is a handsome 11yo Border Collie. He's a beautiful farm boy, and isn't his coat stunning?There's a rea...

* Meet Toby *
Toby is a handsome 11yo Border Collie. He's a beautiful farm boy, and isn't his coat stunning?

There's a reason for that ;)
Toby has been coming to see me since he was a pup!

Over the years, we've developed a wonderful relationship that allows us to understand each other in a way that only comes with time. On only a handful of occasions have we had to clip his coat back thanks to the consistent and regular grooming visits.

And while he's now in his golden years, I'm able to adapt my methods to accommodate his arthritis and slower pace ❤️

Thank you to Toby's fur-parents for entrusting me with their baby's care, and for keeping up with his grooming needs 🥰

What is with this weather?! 😱 Good old Melbourne, always keeping us guessing!I hope your doggies have been staying safe ...

What is with this weather?! 😱 Good old Melbourne, always keeping us guessing!

I hope your doggies have been staying safe and warm, or happy and cool depending on the day haha

On cool and wet days, it often takes a lot longer to dry your pup in the van under the warm dryer. So always be sure to keep your fur-baby in a warm and dry space until you're certain they're fully dry after their groom 🥰

* Grass Seeds 🤦‍♀️ *Flowers are blooming, baby birds are hatching, and .... grass seeds are a-plenty! *Yuck!But what's s...

* Grass Seeds 🤦‍♀️ *
Flowers are blooming, baby birds are hatching, and .... grass seeds are a-plenty! *Yuck!

But what's so bad about grass seeds?? Well, at this time of year, they're one of the main hitchhikers to show up in your dog's coat, paws, ears, or even nose and eyes 😱 Poor things!

Here's a little article on grass seeds, their risks, and how to check for them:

"An often overlooked problem for our pets is the dangers of grass seeds. Grass seeds commonly migrate under the skin and burrow their way between a pet’s toes, in their ears, nostrils, and eyes causing infection, pain, and tissue damage."1

But how?!

"(Grass) Awns are stiff, sharp bristles that grow from grasses such as spear grass, barley grass, wild oats, brome grass and cereals (including rye, wheat and barley). They are equipped with many small barbs pointing backwards, which enable the awns to attach themselves to a dog’s fur and which only allow movement in one direction – inwards, towards the animal’s body.

Having anchored themselves to the coat, the awns work their way deeper into the fur every time the dog moves."2

"Locating a grass seed on a pet can be difficult, especially if it has made its way under the skin. Depending on how deep the grass seed has burrowed, your pet may require sedation or an anaesthetic to successfully remove it.

Signs of of (possibly) embedded grass seeds:
Pets may react differently depending upon the location and size of the seed.
Hair – If large seeds are in the hair behind the ears of a dog, there may be no sign of a problem other than matting.
Ear – A seed in the ear canal may cause your pet to shake their head, scratch at the ear, rub their ear on the floor, or tilt their head.
Eye – A seed between the eye and the eyelid may cause the eye to become red and inflamed, sometimes with discharge or tears. An ulcer of the cornea could result and possibly lead to vision loss.
Nose – A seed in the nose may cause your pet to sneeze, paw at their nose, and may result in some nasal discharge.
Skin – A pet may chew at an area where seeds have become attached to the skin, and as a result, the seed may burrow deeper or become attached the inside of your pet’s mouth.

What can I do to protect my pet?
Pets that spend more time outside, especially those living on acreage or farmland, are at most risk. Unfortunately, there is no simple way to protect your pet against grass seeds, but keeping their coat short and minimising their adventures in long, dry grassy areas will help.

If your pet does happen to frolic on lawns or parklands where seeded grass is present, physically check them over by running your fingers through their fur and checking in between the toes, inside the ears, mouth, and eyes."3

If you are concerned that your pup has a grass seed issue, please get in touch with your trusted vet

* TOILET TRAINING *With puppy season upon us, some of you are adding to your family with fluff on four paws ❤️ So, why n...

With puppy season upon us, some of you are adding to your family with fluff on four paws ❤️ So, why not share some tips on toilet training? 🥰

How to toilet train your puppy
Published by: RSPCA Australia

As a new puppy owner, one of the essential skills you need to help your puppy learn is toileting. Toilet training a puppy takes time, patience, and consistency, but by using reward-based positive reinforcement you can successfully train them to use the appropriate toileting area. Read on to find out how:

Getting started
Firstly, you need to choose an appropriate toileting area for your puppy. This should be a quiet, private spot, away from high traffic areas and distractions. Give your puppy plenty of opportunities to go outside to the toileting area.

Remember to supervise your puppy closely, especially during the toilet training process. It’s important to watch them for signs that they need to go to the toilet (such as sniffing around, fidgeting, and beginning to circle before squatting) and take them outside to the toileting area straight away. Be ready to reward them as soon as they have finished toileting in the appropriate place.

It’s important to note that young puppies often do not have full control over their urination until they are a bit older. Urination is a developmental process, so very young puppies can make a toileting mistake without necessarily being able to prevent or control it.

If your puppy goes to the toilet in the wrong place, it’s best to display no reaction. You should clean the area thoroughly with a non-ammonia-based cleaning product (these can be found at your local veterinary clinic or animal supplies store) to take away the scent and reduce the likelihood of the puppy using the same place again next time.

Reward base training is key
To make the process of toilet training successful and as efficient as possible, you need to use reward-based positive reinforcement training. Reward the puppy every time (or as often as possible) that they go to the toilet in the right place.

Remember, the reward must occur immediately after the event (within a few seconds), not when the puppy comes back inside, as the puppy will not make an association between going to the toilet in the right spot and the reward unless it is given straight afterwards. The reward can be in the form of praise (a gentle stroke/pat on the chest or saying ‘good dog’ in a pleasant tone of voice), offering a food treat, or giving the puppy their favourite chew toy. This will reinforce the behaviour and encourage them to repeat it in the future.

As part of the reward-based training, you can teach your puppy to associate a verbal cue with toileting, which can help you encourage them to toilet appropriately in the future. Pick a word that you will use as the verbal cue, for toileting and repeat this word every time you take your puppy out to toilet.

Practice makes perfect
Consistency is key when using positive reinforcement. Stick to a regular toileting schedule, take your puppy to the same toileting area, and use the same verbal queue every time. This will help your puppy understand what is expected of them and make the training process easier. If your puppy is successfully toileting, gradually increase the time between toilet breaks to help your puppy adjust to longer periods of time.

It’s essential to remember that every puppy is different, and some may take longer to learn than others so it’s important to stay patient and not get frustrated with your puppy. Instead, focus on rewarding your puppy for good behaviour and creating a positive and supportive environment.

If you are having difficulty toilet training your puppy, it may be helpful to consult with an accredited behaviourist or a trainer who uses reward-based training.

In addition to toilet training, it's important to provide your puppy with plenty of exercise, socialisation, and mental stimulation. A well-exercised and mentally stimulated puppy is less likely to become bored and engage in undesirable behaviours, including toileting indoors.

By following these tips and being patient and consistent, no doubt you are on the right track to successfully toilet training your puppy.

Meet Kobe the Cavoodle

Meet Kobe the Cavoodle

** IT'S PUPPY SEASON **The warmer weather is here, and that means PUPPIES!!While I specialise in special needs grooms, I...

The warmer weather is here, and that means PUPPIES!!

While I specialise in special needs grooms, I also offer puppy grooms, ensuring your new bundles of joy start their grooming journeys on the right paw 🥰 With my force- and fear-free techniques, I'll make sure your fur-baby's tail is a-waggin 🥰

Want to know more? Shoot me a message 🥰

How adorable are these cuties? I love my job!

* GROOMING TUTORIALS *We invest a lot in our doggies. We shower them with toys and love, buy premium foods, pay for pupp...


We invest a lot in our doggies. We shower them with toys and love, buy premium foods, pay for puppy preschool and obedience.... but we don't often take the time to learn how to maintain their coat 🤔
Let's be honest: when you bought that oodle breed, you didn't do it with a bald dog in mind 😱

Well, cue the superhero music because, never fear! Tail's a Waggin' is here!

I would like to introduce my Grooming Tutorials 🥰

Learn how to CORRECTLY bath, dry, and brush your dogs to maintain their coats between their grooming visits.

I come to you, and together we'll bath, dry, and brush your dog. I'll show you the basics of managing the coat of your chosen breed. How to work on knots in long coats, manage skin on short coats, and work on your dog's confidence and comfort when having their heads, ears, paws and tails touched.

Learning these skills will help your dog dramatically, allowing your chosen groomer to GROOM ❤️

Interested? Simply shoot me a text to book a time :)
Charged at $100/hr as per my usual grooming fee schedule.

** Please note: These are not formal grooming courses. We won't be using scissors or clippers. This is a one-on-one customised visit in which I teach you the basic skills to maintain your dog's coat between professional grooms :)

* IT'S SPRING! *Leaves are budding, birds are nesting, and it's about to get busy in the grooming world!Spring is when t...

Leaves are budding, birds are nesting, and it's about to get busy in the grooming world!

Spring is when the weather warms, we spend more time outside, and we realise that our pups need a clean ;)

My books are starting to get a little busy, but don't panic! I still have some spots left this week and next :D

If you've been thinking about booking a visit, shoot me a message

** GROOMING RATES **Since it's a common question, I thought I'd pop up a post so you can refer back to it when needed 🐶G...

Since it's a common question, I thought I'd pop up a post so you can refer back to it when needed 🐶

Grooming rates for 2023/2024:
$100 per hour incl GST, for a minimum call out of one hour.
Existing clients will incur minimal (if any) changes until 2024 ❤

What can you expect from my services?
* 18yrs grooming experience
* Force-free grooming
* FEAR-free grooming, to build a positive experience for your dog
* Patience, compassion, and understanding - for you AND your pet
* And the highest quality products and equipment brought right to your door

Hi all, and welcome to Tail's a Waggin'I'm Sarah, and with 18yrs of grooming experience under my belt, it's safe to say ...

Hi all, and welcome to Tail's a Waggin'

I'm Sarah, and with 18yrs of grooming experience under my belt, it's safe to say I've helped thousands of doggos look their best!

I've loved every moment and have gained so much knowledge, not only about grooming our beautiful four-legged friends, but about my grooming direction moving forward. I've gained experience and maturity that only years of dedication can bring, and now I want to support the dogs who need my experience the most: special needs pets.

My heart is happiest when working with senior dogs, shy or timid dogs, and helping to rehabilitate dogs who have had bad grooming experiences in the past. With regular force-free grooming, I've seen once-terrified dogs bloom into dogs who are EXCITED to see me and jump in the bath! That is what gets me up in the morning

Puppies first grooms are so important… It needs to be a calm, patient,pleasant experience with lots of Lovin for them…We...

Puppies first grooms are so important… It needs to be a calm, patient,pleasant experience with lots of Lovin for them…Wesley and Ollie both nailed it… ❤️❤️❤️

The B team have brought this little bundle of joy to the world….the sweetest little thing and soooo smart..❤️❤️❤️ Bless....

The B team have brought this little bundle of joy to the world….the sweetest little thing and soooo smart..❤️❤️❤️ Bless..🐾🐾❤️❤️

Your a star Olive…⭐️❤️… O for short…First baby in house.. 🤫❤️🤣We all love you … 😘❤️

Your a star Olive…⭐️❤️… O for short…
First baby in house.. 🤫❤️🤣
We all love you … 😘❤️


What a life…❤️❤️❤️🤫

Time for some happy snaps

Time for some happy snaps

This weekend we had the privilege and trust to have Tex stay in our waggin resort.🤫❤️.  What a pleasure it’s been…❤️🐾.  ...

This weekend we had the privilege and trust to have Tex stay in our waggin resort.🤫❤️. What a pleasure it’s been…❤️🐾. French and British…🤣🤣🐾❤️.
Beautiful boys…❤️🐾

Cindy ❤️Little Cindy came home from her breeder with fleas. At just 12wks old, (and tiny!), chemicals, flea collars and ...

Cindy ❤️
Little Cindy came home from her breeder with fleas. At just 12wks old, (and tiny!), chemicals, flea collars and flea washes are a no.

We sat and removed ever last flea by hand, gave her lots of cuddles, and trimmed those sharp little nails.

I'll only ever do what's best for your pooch - not what's fastest or easiest. That's what you get from 18yrs of experience

Bear and Peanut ❤️❤️🐾🐾Big boys now but will always be wittle…🤫🤣👍

Bear and Peanut ❤️❤️🐾🐾
Big boys now but will always be wittle…🤫🤣👍

Welcome baby Jack 🥰This tiny little man is only 4 months old, but he was oh-so brave for his first haircut…..❤️🐾

Welcome baby Jack 🥰
This tiny little man is only 4 months old, but he was oh-so brave for his first haircut…..❤️🐾

Groodle Meg has grown into the most beautiful girl to groom, and our new boy, Chino the Schnoodle, is still deciding whi...

Groodle Meg has grown into the most beautiful girl to groom, and our new boy, Chino the Schnoodle, is still deciding which parent he'd like to take after 🤫👍 🤣 He's looking more schnauzer than poodle at this stage ❤️❤️

Today Mum took me to work with her… such a treat to finally meet the gang… Lenny, Poppi, Nelson, our new addition 5 mont...

Today Mum took me to work with her… such a treat to finally meet the gang… Lenny, Poppi, Nelson, our new addition 5 month old Gus & Aura…
One street, one house for everyone to visit and play… ❤️🐾. I was so busy I didn’t get the best photos but you get the idea of the day from my journey home…🤣🤣👍🐾🐾🐾


Another year gone and I thank you all for your kindness support and loyality❤️
Watch this space as I post 2023 changes in coming days...
IN REFLECTION OF 2022 I hold a very heavy heart with the loss of soooo many in the last six months....It's really been devastating.😢
We can't stop it and like us their time comes but none have gone without quality of life thanks to you....Bless❤️
RAINBOW BRIDGE🌈🌈 has welcomed:

Byson & Lolia together, Laney, Roxy, Monty, Bruce, Emma, Hoot, Charlie, Reeba, Peggy, Ralphie, Panda, Nutter, River and soon Memi muffin.... I know I've hugged and kissed a few more knowing time was very near... I also apologise to any I've missed..
A special relationship and story with each and everyone....
Watch the link to rainbow bridge below as you find comfort knowing the beautiful place they are now waiting for you❤️🌈
Below a copy to reassure you of THE GIFT we talked about that you were so brave to give....
Let's never forget and love the next generation as much as the last


Your giving me a special gift,
so sorrowfully endowed
And through these last few cherished days
your courage makes me proud

For real love is knowing, when your best friend is in pain
And understanding earthly acts will only be in vain

So looking deep into your eyes, beyond into your soul
I see in you the magic, that will once again make me whole

The courage that you possess is why I look to you today
To do this thing that must be done for it's the only way.

That strength is why I've followed you, and chose you as my best friend.
I've loved you all these years, my partner till the end..

Please understand just what this gift your giving means to me
It gives me back the strength I've lost and all my dignity.

You take a stand on my behalf, for that is what best friends do,
And know that what you do is right for I believe it to.

So one last time, I breathe your scent, and through your hands I feel,
The courage that's within you to grant me this appeal

Cut the ties that hold me here, dear friend and let me run
Once more strong and steady, my pain and struggle done,

And don't despair my passing, for I won't be far away
Forever here, within your heart and memory I will stay.

I'll be watching you, your ever faithful friend.

And in your memories I will become youthful once again...


https://youtu.be/5GurFKhK34UGet the tissues for this one ..... The beautiful story of RAINBOW BRIDGE🌈🌈...You hear me tal...


Get the tissues for this one .....
The beautiful story of RAINBOW BRIDGE🌈🌈...
You hear me talk of it so here's a link in memory 2022...
It goes with the post above...

Beautiful story of the Rainbow Bridge set to pictures and moving music.

A very MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄 to all my amazing fur babies and families…Thank you for your loyalty and look forward to seeing...

A very MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄 to all my amazing fur babies and families…
Thank you for your loyalty and look forward to seeing you all 2023…
Keep Safe in the festive season….

Bowie at 5 months old had her first haircut today….❤️🐾.  As previous post mentioned, correct brushing is important! So k...

Bowie at 5 months old had her first haircut today….❤️🐾.

As previous post mentioned, correct brushing is important! So kudos to Bowie's Mum who researched techniques and did an outstanding job! 👍🤗👏

We also did big brother, Harley.

First fur child, five kids later 😍 You are amazing, buddy!
The Watson Family rock…😘❤️

Merry Christmas 🎄🎅😘❤️

Wet days means wet walls in the trailer and deshedding a dog means clean up time can take as long as the dog but beautif...

Wet days means wet walls in the trailer and deshedding a dog means clean up time can take as long as the dog but beautiful puppy Sadie was more than happy to chill and keep me company after her first big deshed today…. Welcome to the family Sadie❤️🤗🐾. You certainly set a standard for your brother Sam to follow…🤣🤣👍

Our next generation of Waggers just keeps growing with Teddy’s first groom today…Amazing work from him and fantastic eff...

Our next generation of Waggers just keeps growing with Teddy’s first groom today…Amazing work from him and fantastic effort from his family to keep him matt free and get the ground work in for a top result…. Meanwhile our big Groodle pup Barney continues to be a winner…👍❤️🤗
Well done families keep up the good work…👏👍🤗🐾🐾

Welcome Biscuit to the Waggin family… 5 months old and such a amazing boy for your first groom…❤️❤️🐾🐾 It always special ...

Welcome Biscuit to the Waggin family… 5 months old and such a amazing boy for your first groom…
It always special to start off at the beginning but especially with loyal clients of many years prior…🤗😘
We look forward to your outstanding progress Biscuit…🐾🐾😘

That first introduction to grooming was exhausting…🤣😘❤️…Bowie your beautiful and I get to keep your family after many ye...

That first introduction to grooming was exhausting…🤣😘❤️…
Bowie your beautiful and I get to keep your family after many years and see you grow while the human kids head to teenage years… ❤️❤️😘😘.

Big pats to our new puppies Harvey after jumping in the bath at his second wash and outstanding work from Monty after hi...

Big pats to our new puppies Harvey after jumping in the bath at his second wash and outstanding work from Monty after his 3rd groom….
Both on the road to many years of Tail’s Waggin’…
Starting young with good habits and enjoyment of grooming…❤️❤️🐾🐾😘😘

Meet Guss…14years old now ❤️. Lost an eye, multiple teeth and his senior years brings a little dementia and higher anxie...

Meet Guss…14years old now ❤️.
Lost an eye, multiple teeth and his senior years brings a little dementia and higher anxiety to blow drying…..
Gussy has travelled from Essendon to Granny’s for the past 7years after multiple traumatic experiences from grooming….Not only does he now have a beautiful coverage he manages his grooming without going home and hiding under the bed for days…😢😉👍
It takes patience, love, care and time to establish that trust and senior dogs need the stability of knowing and trusting there groomer…. They also deserve to keep their dignity 🐾🐾
I’ve never actually met Guss’s family so I hope you guys enjoy seeing this post and thanks for the privilege of loving your little man….❤️❤️❤️

Meet Spencer 🥰When I first met little Spencer, he didn't have the beautiful long locks on his ears and tail that you see...

Meet Spencer 🥰
When I first met little Spencer, he didn't have the beautiful long locks on his ears and tail that you see now. He had a poor start to his grooming life, and he learned to behave badly to get it over with.

Since joining the Tail's a Waggin' wagon, he's been met with lots of patience, persistence, and regular grooms, and he's overcome his fears! 🥰

We’ve both worked so hard together - and we still have work to do! - but it's been so rewarding to see him finally sporting a beautiful coat and so proud of himself ❤️

Great work today, little man 😘🤗❤️ Onwards and upwards!

A very extra special part of years of care and loyalty.   Our beautiful girl Mia who has made it to 17 comes for sleep o...

A very extra special part of years of care and loyalty. Our beautiful girl Mia who has made it to 17 comes for sleep overs.
She’s amazing and Nigel and I love having her as we know her wonderful family get to do what they need knowing she is safe, loved and stress free….
I’ve been so blessed to have so many beautiful fur babies and families look after me…. Thank you…❤️❤️🐾

How sexy is Texy….🤗😘❤️

How sexy is Texy….🤗😘❤️

❄️ OODLES in Winter ❄️Cavoodle, Groodle, Labradoodle, Spoodle, Bordoodle, Schnoodle, Moodle, Digeridoodle, or any other:...

❄️ OODLES in Winter ❄️

Cavoodle, Groodle, Labradoodle, Spoodle, Bordoodle, Schnoodle, Moodle, Digeridoodle, or any other:

As a groomer, I love them all! 😍 So I wanted to share a tip for their coat:
A good weekly brush in between their 6-8weekly grooms will keep their coat schmick! By keeping their hair well brushed, it means a fantastic groom each time :D WITHOUT regular brushing, you're left with the options of "short shave" or... "short shave" when their grooming day comes around.

And NO ONE likes a shaved bum in winter 😱🤣

A shout out to my loyal oodle owners: I’m so very proud of your dedication and hard work between visits! Great work👏👏


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00





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