Teach Your Dog to Open and Close a Door
Step 1: Tie a bandana or cloth around your door. Tell him to tug it. Wait until he tugs the door open, then click and treat.
Step 2: Keep doing this, eventually saying, "open" whenever he tugs the door open. Click and treat every time.
Step 3: After your training session, he should be able to open the door at your command.
Teaching Your Dog to Close the Door:
Step 1: Put your touch stick on the door.
Step 2: Each time he touches it and moves the door a little, click and treat.
Step 3: Start waiting until he has pushed the door closed. Click and treat.
Step 4: Do this until he will close the door each time. Click and treat generously when he does this!
Step 5: Start saying "close" when he closes the door. After repeating the action several times, he should close the door at your command.