Horses and Horsemanship
With 20+ years experience riding horses, packing mules, training stock, and learning from some of the world’s preeminent natural horsemanship trainers, I am excited to launch my personal business. As with many endeavors, however, there is no end to what I can learn about working with stock. I have years of experience behind me, but many, many more years of discovery ahead. The process of developing trust and a common language with horses and mules requires patience, humility, and confidence, and I have only just begun to find those qualities in equal balance.
Currently, I work with stock Lander, WY, but my work takes me all over the globe. I have packed mules in the U.S. through the Eastern Sierras and the Wind River Range in the Rockies and across the Australian High Country. I have studied with respected trainers across the U.S. and Australia and have been able to observe and compare many different horsemanship methods, slowly finding an approach and language that works best for me.
If you have general questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. If you are currently in the Wyoming or central rockies and want to specifically inquire about training sessions or clinics, contact me and we’ll get to work!