Obi played a little nosework tonight. He was a bit confused at first but was all about it once he figured out that finding the smelly thing = cookies!
Practicing leave it. We haven't worked on this recently so I wanted to see if we still had it
Just this week Obi graduated to 6 weaves!! Full disclosure- he is only successful maybe 50% of the time but I am so happy with his progress and seeing him find so much joy in the game of agility!
Some training tonight working on rear end targeting and command discrimination with sit, down, stand, spin and twirl
The boys found a toad!
(No critters were harmed)
Wednesday 8/9 went to another park and saw TWO dogs (before this video was taken). We kept our distance and played look at that and snuck in a few tricks to get his mind off the dogs when he was able to focus long enough for that. He started to bark at one point but we ran the opposite direction as the dog and he was able to recollect himself. Then both dogs left and I took this video. Very proud of how he was able to come back and engage with me after all of the excitement!
Tuesday (8/8) we went to a park with a creek and once again were the only ones in the park (saw a few people walk by but no dogs). Obi played in the water and ran around in the field before we worked on some obedience skills. Everything was going beautifully until some birds started swooping by at Obi height and he decided to chase them across the field (yes I dropped the leash because I was unprepared for that). I caught him and then tried to re-engage but he was way too excited. We sat in the shade and played look at that bird but he was still unable to focus on any training or take treats so I took him farther away from the excitement and did some place work on the cot u til he was calm, then we took the cot back to the field and did place work there for a minute before going home.
Monday (8/7) night we were the only ones at the park at first (while I took this video) which was great because obi was pretty relaxed and able to focus on training. We actually went for a short walk on some of the nearby trails since the park was so empty. That was nice but obi got a bit worked up just from the excitement of being on a trail with so many smells and wildlife skittering about. When we came back from the trail there was a dog playing fetch between us and the car so we sat atop the hill and played look at that until the dog moved on. He was more interested in sniffing where the dog had been than engaging with me so I got his cot back out and worked on "place" until he was calm again.
Its zoomie-o-clock at this house!
Paying that recall bank because Obi chose to chase birds at the park and ignore me until I stomped his leash 🤦 evidently I need to proof this away from home more.
Mom's trying to do yoga? Seems like the perfect time to loudly wrestle on top of her 🤼♂️ only until she starts recording though
Video description: First, Obi practices nosework. Katie sits next to some cardboard egg cartons. only one egg carton contains the scent anise. Obi is encouraged to sniff all of the egg cartons. the carton with anise has kibble on top of it to reward Obi whenever he smells the anise. Gradually Katie will move away from having the reward pre-loaded and will instead wait for Obi to signal that he smells the scent. for now, he is still learning that scent = reward and no scent = nothing, just keep sniffing.
Next, Obi practiced giving Katie a kiss on the cheek. he boops his nose to her cheek and relieves a reward. He seems to like this trick!
Finally, Obi practices stacking rings on a base. he is very good at retrieving a ring back to Katie but does not try very hard to aim yet. Katie tries to help guide the ring onto the base and rewards Obi any time the ring touches the base when he drops it. She also asks obi to watch while she stack the rings on the base, giving him a treat each time it lands on the base.