I do want to acknowledge we are missing pictures of Sequoia, Sage, Livie and our random joiners/petsit dogs. You are included in spirit but I only took these pictures in the last 2 weeks as a spur of the moment idea.
I want to thank you all for some great memories in 2024. Though it has, like every year suffered tragedy of loss, the difficulty of seeing friends move away, retire and some just not being able to work out. We have also experienced the joy of making new friends, going on walks with owners and other dog owners, letting them see the joy of the pack, and having new dogs join our happy little group. Like I always say, this is my lifes purpose, my ikigai, and I am so grateful to all of you for your support. I look forward to all the new adventures that 2025 brings and hope that we can all experience the happiness together.
Baby Maverick, chasing down big, ol' baby Kona. I honestly don't think Kona stands a chance
Our girl, Jordan likes her boys young and feisty. Arlo fits that description, so it's a DANCE BATTLE!
If you can't beat 'em, climb on top of them. Dodo has the right idea with his bestie, Juniper
One of the last walks we had with Emmy Loups. Even with the sickness, she could still find pleasure in the little things, like walks around the pond, watching the geese, and nibbling on that sweet, sweet grass. We miss you Em ❤️🔥
I'm getting dizzy watching Olivia and Livie throwin' paws.
I don't.... How do you..... Can someone describe this for me and I'll just pretend like this is normal.
Cobo and Arlo, giving as good as they are getting in the cool breeze
I've been slacking real bad on uploads, so let's get a couple videos of the last year out. Oniner, the hottest couple on the beach, rolling down the red, sandy carpet