When you are new to breeding, the first thing you will hear is that it is extremely difficult and is not for everyone.. Being surrounded by mentors and multiple breeder friends I always knew how easily things could turn to sh*t.. but you never TRULY realize it until it slaps you across the face.
To make a long story short, last night leading into this morning, I took Fran in for an emergency c-section. Thousands of dollars later, I ended up with 1 live puppy and a spayed bitch…
I am extremely overwhelmed, exhausted, sad, angry and feeling guilty. It still kind of feels surreal. The fact that this puppy is the only Fran offspring that will ever walk this earth makes me sick to my stomach. It may sound selfish but I feel like a part of Fran died on that table. Maybe I am being dramatic.. Fran is alive and well thank god.. but anyone who knows her knows how special she is and my heart is shattered that I will not be able to share the gift that is Francesca with anyone. It’s a god damn shame... However I am praying that I will be able to share her grandchildren with the world in a couple of years.
I am extremely grateful to have been able to take Fran home safely and with a female puppy.
My little miracle baby. She is a warrior. She almost didn’t make it but here she is. Alive and healthy. Both are doing very well, Fran is an amazing mother as I knew she would be. I already am so attached to this puppy… while I am extremely sad about all the babies that were lost, I am happy that Fran and I were blessed with at least one. She is the only baby I will ever be able to have from my girl.. my heart is broken in pieces and I feel like sh*t. But sh*t needs to keep moving forward I guess…
Formally introducing the only G litter puppy and the only puppy that will ever come from Fran…
Gwen vom Feuergeist aka Winnie
I am hoping that she will embody everything I had imagined for this litter because she is the only survivor.
I just know she will be everything I dream
Happy birthday Fredrick💙🎉
A year ago today you and your littermatess were just making it into the world. This has felt like the fastest 12 months ever. 365 days with what is becoming my soulmate in dog form.
Never planned to keep anything from this litter but when he was canceled on at around 7 weeks, I figured I could work him a bit and place him. Well that’s never going to happen now. He is exactly where he was meant to be and I’m so thankful! Ever since he was only a few weeks old I just knew he’d be special.. I just didnt know he’d be this special and would hold such a large piece of my heart.
For me, this dog has it all… intelligence, biddability, resilience, agression, possession, grips, fight and the list goes on..
Able to go from being a savage little monster in training who wants to fight, to lying on the couch or in bed with me while I watch tv.
He is so willing, so cooperative & compliant even if deep down he wants to put holes in me. He just always wants to do the right thing.
Training this dog has been nothing but gratifying so far.. It’s like there’s a brightly lit path and he is the one lighting the way. He is making it easy for me. Genuinely.. I feel like every training session we have, I see progress. Every session we have, it’s like HE tells me what the next steps will need to be.
I feel so in tune with this dog it’s like I’ve won the doggy lottery. I’m so grateful to be able to share my life and this sport with such a special animal💙
Happy first birthday Rickles 🎉 and to all the other F babies
Here’s to so many more🥰
Frederick vom Feuergeist
This wasn’t the video I originally wanted to post but was having uploading issues😭 had to go with a shorter video
Pickups in the snow ❄️
Pickups in the snow ❄️
Fredrick💙 so close to 10 months.. what even… the more I spend time with you and train you the more I fall in love with you! He continues to grow into such an amazing dog, maturing into everything I want and more. A beautiful soul
Fredrick💙 so close to 10 months.. what even… the more I spend time with you and train you the more I fall in love with you!
He continues to grow into such an amazing dog, maturing into everything I want and more. A beautiful soul
First dumbell throw😭
First dumbell throw😭
Some super tracks from these two today🥰🫡
Some super tracks from these two today🥰🫡
Boy you were never supposed to stay… but how could I ever let you go💙
Boy you were never supposed to stay… but how could I ever let you go💙
Little video of Fry who was here for a week bootcamp 🫡
Little video of Fry who was here for a week bootcamp 🫡
Homeboy always comes in clutch when he needs to🥹❤️
Homeboy always comes in clutch when he needs to🥹❤️
Can’t get over how big he is getting🥹 and some things never change 😈
Can’t get over how big he is getting🥹 and some things never change 😈