Miscanthus Bedding!
WHAT IS MISCANTHUS….Miscanthus is a perennial grass with bamboo-like stems that can grow to heights of 13 feet in one season. It has a spongy inner core that absorbs liquid. Because of its incredible deep roots, it is considered one of the world’s best carbon-sequestering grasses.
VET RECOMMENDED….Miscanthus bedding is dust extracted which helps your animals breathe easier. It also ensures YOU don’t inhale dust while making the bed and mucking out.
BIODEGRADABLE….100% biodegradable and compostable. It breaks down into organic matter much quicker and can be incorporated back into the soil
MORE ABSORBANT….Miscanthus bedding is far more absorbent than wood shavings and this means the bedding lasts longer and is more cost-effective in the long run. You remove only the wet material with a much higher degree of accuracy. This also makes mucking much quicker while also resulting in a much smaller muck heap for disposal. Absorbs 4 times its weights and reduces risk of thrush. Reduces waste disposal volumes and cost by 30-60%. Miscanthus bedding remains at the same quality from the day you purchase and it does not rot like other types of bedding
REDUCES FLIES AND SMELLS GREAT….It improves the smell in your stalls and significantly reduces flies and animals don’t eat it because it is unpalatable.