Red says thank you for his advent calendar Finer Forage - Naturally Better Horsefood Day 1 was a success 😀
I thought about posting this yesterday but I decided not to as it was tea time. For anyone that hasn't seen an abscess exiting out of the coronary band here is one popping out. There was also a little bit tracking under her bar. She will hopefully feel better now it is coming out.
It is always good to have a think about why a horse is abscessing, it is sometimes difficult to figure out but for persistent abscesses in one location veterinary imaging may be helpful. This horse has known chronic laminitis issues and a defect in her hoof in this location which has allowed something to track up there. Her hooves are looking improved from when I first met her and she is generally a lot more comfortable but there are still weaknesses for things to get in. Previous veterinary imaging of her hoof didn't reveal anything further. I will post some pics of the improvement in her hooves in another post 😀
Happy Friday. The lovely Feller with his quite literally rock crunching hooves, his owner said he broke one in half on one of his walks out 🤣. He is only 3 and massive. He is doing brilliantly after recovering from some ailments and his hooves are looking fantastic. 😀
New surface for our ponios on top of relaid mud control mats. With hopefully better drainage on this bit now 🤞 So far not getting kicked about too much. It is nice to have different surfaces for horses to walk on but they need to be suitable for the horses hoof health. 😀
A lot of my equine clients have me well trained 🤣 I will post pictures of this beautiful girl's beautiful hooves later. 😀
I am very grateful for my wonderful client today. I was a plonker and left my hoof stand on her yard. Without hesitation she offered to meet me half way so I didn't have to drive all of the way back. I have ace clients 🙏