Got to go visit Baylee today... though the weather decided to play some tricks today 😅
Pulled in the driveway and it started pouring. We waited it out though and had a nice ride! Camille rode her first and showed off what they had been working including FLYING lead changes! I think it's safe to say we are all very excited to see where this mare goes in the future! I got on and had a really nice ride just figuring out all the nice new buttons. Plus with the cooler weather than last time I was able to do a bit more. Sadly didn't get to see her jump like I had hoped do to all the rain. I'm really excited about how well Baylee is doing with Camille! Her trot is AMAZING and once I figure all the correct buttons out, I think BayBay will be a Dressage 👑QUEEN👑 And her jumping is coming along nicely too! I think she enjoys a bit more height cause it does challenge her. Overall saying I'm pleased would be an understatement. Can't thank Camille's Mustangs enough for bringing my girl along so far!
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