Hills Equine Saddle Mapping Tool

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Hills Equine Saddle Mapping Tool Sharing a new way to check saddle fit


Many of you know that I ended up pretty sick right after July 4th. After a week of constant coughing I went to dr. She decided not to test for covid, but that I had Viral Bronchitis. Another 1 1/2 weeks It turned into nasty sinus infection and she put me on antibiotics. I truly didn’t give a rats ass if I ever left the house again. Slept alot, fatigue, aches and pains seemed tripled of what I normally have.

This is my first week back in the field working on horses. And I’m finding I missed it!!!

August is pretty full and already booking September dates. Give me a shout to get on my calendar!

Hills Equine Integrative BodyWork Services

Keep your eye open - I will be having an August Sale on the Hills Saddle Mapping Tools!
Hills Equine Saddle Mapping Tool

Who wants a Fathers Day Weekend Sale?

Who wants a Fathers Day Weekend Sale?


I have been alot of calls where people are not leaving messages. I am going to assume those are spams and won't call back.

If you did call me and left a message and I didn't get back with you - please assume life got busy and nag on me! I'm not ignoring you on purpose. June has been busy between my Equine business and other things going on; that it may have slipped my mind to get back with you.

Hills Equine Integrative BodyWork Services

Hills Equine Saddle Mapping Tool


Did a recent saddle fit for a lovely lady who is baffled about why her horses have started recently bucking or not perfo...

Did a recent saddle fit for a lovely lady who is baffled about why her horses have started recently bucking or not performing well under saddle.

My normal routine is to study the saddles themselves first – looking for oddities like uneven seats, any kind of crookedness, or saddle failure of some sort.

Then we get into the nitty gritty – taking pictures of the horses back and then checking for body soreness. I don’t usually just settle on any one thing and say this is it – but will try to come up with ideas about causes and possible solutions. (I’m not giving veterinary advice)

Unfortunately sometimes it seems as if what I see does create more questions (and confusion) than what I meant for the owner – and leaves them a bit frustrated because it may have set them back a bit in their plans.

Let me share some of what I saw during the session.

We checked over the saddles – there was one I gave a nope to – it just wasn’t an even saddle in through the bars. The others – depending on which back it was used for could be used with attention given to pads.

1st horse – unknown reason for throwing bucks in. He is a paint and is used as a lesson horse. This guy was sore in the lumbar area – and with pictures I could see his rib cage is lifted on his left side. This also could be seen with using the mapping tool which showed how uneven his rib cage has become.
My suggestion was bodywork. We discussed that she could probably use a treeless saddle for this horse with proper padding.

2nd horse – ridden only by the owner and her young son, both are using her custom made saddle. This mare was super sore in her lumbar region. The mapping tool was fitted to her and then to her saddle – which showed a bad case of rocking. When we placed the saddle on the mare the back was lifted off the lumbar by several inches with clearance in the shoulders. NO clearance through the center of her back – leaving the saddle to rock back and forth on her back. Since this saddle was CUSTOM made for this beautiful girl I can only assume in the two years since; her back underwent a lot of changes, as she was custom fitted in person.

3rd horse – will throw bucks after a right hand barrel turn. Her rib cage was lifted and bulging more on her right side – so when she makes her right turns she is getting pinched throughout her right side rib cage. Again – this one needs bodywork also.

The unfortunate thing is when there are issues that are not resolved with proper bodywork care the issues don’t go away.

Normally when I walk into a barn and see the horse has major issues I won’t do a saddle fit and WILL strongly recommend bodywork – get that horse pain free and then I’ll do the saddle fit at a later date.

It’s just the right thing to do for the horse.

Hills Equine Integrative BodyWork Services

Hills Equine Saddle Mapping Tool



Wednesday and Thursday were jammed packed with busy-time.  Some of you will recognize this guy and yes - he’s learning h...

Wednesday and Thursday were jammed packed with busy-time. Some of you will recognize this guy and yes - he’s learning how to use the mapping tool and learning other details that I look for in proper saddle fit and details of the saddle itself. Thrilled to work with Greg and Jill!

The horses that I worked with Wed evening and Thursday were a joy to work with and I enjoy helping identify issues they are having, and helping them to feel better.

The Hills Equine Saddle Mapping Tool has been steadily doing well with sales and I’m taking the next scary step with patent work. This has now been over two years in the planning, designing, and manufacturing with many revisions to make the Mapping Tool easy enough for anyone to use to help figure out issues with saddle fit.

Hills Equine Integrative BodyWork Services

I spent the weekend learning from  Jillian Kreinbring who has a fantastic teaching style  and tons to learn!   As an equ...

I spent the weekend learning from Jillian Kreinbring who has a fantastic teaching style and tons to learn! As an equine bodyworker and saddle fitter I find there’s always always always room to learn! I feel so blessed to be able to attend as I’ve heard of her for quite awhile. This class was about Functioning Anatomy and learning more about eyeballing to recognize issues, which was perfect to add to my learning!
Oh! Abby Hills went with me!

Hills Equine Integrative BodyWork Services is well represented at the Jillian Krienbring clinic today! Abby Hills and my...

Hills Equine Integrative BodyWork Services is well represented at the Jillian Krienbring clinic today!
Abby Hills and myself are in leraning mode!!!


One of my goals is to give the owner homework to help keep their horse comfortable and to provide rehab. This validation came through yesterday so I know I’m on the right track.

****I just wanted to thank you so much for teaching me! I have noticed a huge difference in his demeanor when bringing him into the barn. I do the myofascial release before ever ride and he’s no longer dancing around or pawing while trying to groom him or tack up! ****

Hills Equine Integrative BodyWork Services

Send a message to learn more

I worked on a couple horses yesterday and did saddle fittings too.The first was a beautiful mare that I’ve seen before w...

I worked on a couple horses yesterday and did saddle fittings too.

The first was a beautiful mare that I’ve seen before who the owner says needs bodywork and saddle fit, but not sure what’s going on with her as she has become difficult to brush, becoming defensive with brushing or most touching. Her stride is off, but hard to really detect, but definitely off. My mind instantly thinks to PSSM or similar. We talked about supplements that she’s on, and Vitamin E is my main go to for issues like this, but owner is already supplementing her with quality products.
She had her vet coming that afternoon.

I did a pre check that I often do before bodywork where the horse tells me what hurts and she was all teeth when my hand was by her girth area, which is the ascending pectoral muscle.

So I usually do bodywork before saddle fittings, but this time something nudged me to do saddle fitting first. We examined the saddle used on the mare, and it seems symmetrical, so on to the mare. I see that she’s got high/low in her withers but the feet look even with no indication of long toe low heel. I went ahead and set up the mapping tool on her, didn’t like the way it seems to lay on her back, so I redid all the spine sections and the first section down each rib section. Again it set up a little off. I began to realize it was actually following her spine and rib cage.

She gave me that huge clue when I gently tried to palpate her ascending pectoral muscle, and with having used the Mapping Tool it showed her ribs were offset. The left side appeared to be “larger” or up and the right side appeared to be “smaller” or dropped on the right side. Her spine was actually crooked too. For those saying she needs a chiropractor – consider the muscles need to be massaged so the skeletal processes return to their normal position. This girl is certainly having issues in her sternum and ascending pec muscle. Plus she has “knots” in her lumber region, another possible sign of something affecting her saddle fit.

This is another example of the Mapping Tool value! I could see the withers are not even, and the spine was offset a bit, so always need to make sure the feet are standing square and weight is evenly distributed. But the Mapping Tool FORMED to the back and ribs while offset really shows HOW that saddle sits on the horse. The Mapping Tool showed the gap under one side of the saddle and the other side touches the back. I think you can picture how that is going to feel while the horse is ridden in her saddle.

Owner will be looking into a different pad that is not so thick, nor as long. In this case it is possible the pad has caused issues digging into the mare’s hips. In the mare’s case we will make fit changes, and massage and support the other areas and natural changes will follow.

Owner got a number homework details to do with the mare and I will return in a month.

Hills Equine Integrative BodyWork Services


Crazy crazy busy the past 10 days. Something like 16 horses seen between Ootsburg, Racine, Dodgeville, Mt.Horeb, Fort Atkinson, Friesland, and Fall River.

Getting back into the groove, with coming out of winter and having all the winter cruds that’s going around. I swore I would be better with booking days off in between my visits. March historically is my busiest month, so I tell myself I think I’ll be able to slow down a bit, by April (Or not - the saddle fitting has been taking off like crazy too)

I appreciate each and everyone of you. And I just had a thought - all the appts in past 10 days have been repeat clients or barns! Except one! That is awesome!

I thank each and every one of you!

Hills Equine Integrative BodyWork Services


Hills Equine Saddle Mapping Tool


Hoping all my Southern Wisconsin friends are safe in the after affects of the tornado and storms that just rolled through! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


I have been seeing and hearing that a lot of horses owners, trainers and other professionals are using PEMF machines and massage blankets to replace hands on bodywork.

Let’s talk about the Power of Human Touch in Bodywork and Why PEMF Machines and Other Devices Can't Replace It!

In the world of bodywork and therapeutic healing, there's one element that no machine or device can replicate – the incredible power of human touch!

While PEMF machines and other innovative devices offer their own unique benefits, they simply cannot replace the profound connection and intuitive healing that comes from the hands-on approach of a skilled practitioner. Here's why human touch is irreplaceable in the world of bodywork:

🌟 Sensitivity and Intuition: A trained therapist possesses an innate ability to sense and respond to the subtle cues and energy patterns of the human body. Through their touch, they can identify areas of tension, pain, or imbalance that may not be apparent to a machine. This sensitivity and intuition allow them to tailor the treatment to the individual, providing personalized care that promotes holistic healing.

🌟 Heat and Swelling: A therapist's hands have the remarkable ability to detect even the slightest increase in temperature or swelling in a horse's body. By gently gliding their hands over the horse's muscles, joints, and limbs, they can identify areas of inflammation or discomfort. This invaluable insight helps them tailor their treatments and interventions to alleviate pain and support the horse's overall well-being.

🌟 Balancing the Body: Just as they can detect heat and swelling, therapists can also feel imbalances in a horse's musculoskeletal system. Through their touch, they can identify areas of tension, tightness, or misalignment that may be affecting the horse's movement and performance. This allows them to develop targeted treatment plans to restore balance, improve flexibility, and enhance the horse's overall athletic ability.

🌟 Responding to Feedback: Horses, like humans, communicate through non-verbal cues. A skilled therapist can pick up on the horse's response to their touch, such as subtle shifts in body language, muscle tension, or relaxation. This feedback helps them adjust their techniques and pressure to ensure the horse's comfort and optimize the effectiveness of the treatment.

🌟 Emotional Connection: The power of touch extends beyond the physical realm; it also nurtures emotional well-being. A human touch carries warmth, empathy, and comfort that can have a profound impact on a person's mental and emotional state. The therapeutic relationship formed between a practitioner and their client creates a safe space for emotional release, relaxation, and healing.

🌟 Adaptability and Customization: Unlike machines, human therapists can adapt their techniques and pressure based on the unique needs, preferences, and comfort levels of each individual. They can adjust their touch, speed, and intensity to provide a tailored experience that promotes relaxation, relieves pain, and enhances overall well-being. This level of customization is essential for effective bodywork.

🌟 Connection to Energy Flow: Human touch has the power to influence the flow of energy within the body. Skilled therapists can channel their intention and energy through their hands, helping to restore balance, release blockages, and stimulate the body's natural healing mechanisms. This energetic connection is a vital aspect of many bodywork modalities and cannot be replicated by machines alone.

🌟 Holistic Well-being: Just like with humans, the therapeutic touch of a skilled therapist contributes to the horse's emotional and mental well-being. Horses can experience stress, anxiety, and tension, and the compassionate touch of a therapist helps promote relaxation, trust, and a sense of security. This holistic approach supports the horse's overall health and happiness.

🌟 Healing Presence: Beyond the physical techniques, the presence and energy of a compassionate human therapist can create a profound healing environment. Their calming presence, soothing voice, and genuine care contribute to a sense of safety, trust, and relaxation. This nurturing environment enhances the therapeutic benefits of the bodywork experience.

While PEMF machines and other devices have their place in supporting and enhancing bodywork, they should be viewed as complementary tools rather than replacements for human touch. The art and science of bodywork require the intuitive, empathetic, and skilled touch of a human practitioner to truly unlock the transformative power of healing.

Thank you for the wise words Meghan Brady!!!


Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! I had a very successful sale on the Hills Saddle Mapping Tools and have been busy with making sure everyone got the answers they needed. Big shipments went out today!
Having my dreams be realized, has far surpassed my goal of retiring and playing with horses! I have much to be thankful for!

Thank you everyone!

Here's an example of some of the saddles I've seen over the past couple  years.  So many reach out because they have a h...

Here's an example of some of the saddles I've seen over the past couple years. So many reach out because they have a horse who just "doesn't act" right under saddle. And frequently the horse has some physical issues, they may be built a bit asymmetrical, have high/low syndrome, thoracic sling is tight, twisted ribs, hips are a bit subluxated, ect.

Lets focus on saddles - holy moly - what do you think? These are saddles from my fittings.

Hills Equine Integrative BodyWork Services

Hills Equine Saddle Mapping Tool

From saddlefitting.us

Twisted saddles are becoming more common for a variety of reasons.
- The widespread use of heat-malleable plastic trees, which are extremely popular now due to being incredibly cheap to make and their easy adjustability.
- Improper care and storage (either at the factory where they are made/stored/built or by the rider). I see many brand new saddles of various brands twisted straight out of the box, and saddles being stored on top of one another in tack rooms.
- Using cheap materials for the tree. Even though the tree is the most important piece of the saddle, many consumers still shop only for the outside of the saddle. There is no impetus for brands to lose profits buying higher priced materials.
- Poor workmanship/lack of quality checks at factory where the trees are made or the saddles are built. Symmetry should be checked and rechecked and checked again at each step of the process.
- Supply chain issues such as getting quality materials or getting skilled labor since the lockdowns. Many of the older, experienced saddle makers retired in 2020.
- The prevalence of tree machines. Trees become asymmetric any time we use a tree machine, and especially if the saddle is adjusted many times, purposely adjusted asymmetrically, if the machine is not suitable for the brand, and/or has no safeguards for symmetry.
- Using saddles on asymmetric horses and/or by crooked riders. Don’t underestimate the strength of the girth, the circumferential pressure it applies to the tree, and how the tree is shaped by the forces it is sandwiched between (especially if it is “easily adjustable” by a tree machine). Make one or both of those crooked, or different from the shape of the tree, and the saddle will begin to take the new shape.
Saddles can be asymmetric due to a twisted/warped/broken tree or if the panels are attached asymmetrically, but only the latter can be fixed (but sometimes new panels must be made if they have been stretched crookedly).
🚨 You cannot bend a crooked tree back to symmetry.
During your next appointment, ask your Fitter to teach you how to check your own saddle for soundness, symmetry, and unevenness in the panels. Then check it frequently.
Store it on its own padded rack in a temperature and humidity controlled environment.
Limit the amount of times your saddle goes in a tree machine, and make sure the Fitter always drops the panels to ensure the most symmetric adjustment.
If you or your horse are asymmetric, work on creating symmetry outside of riding through groundwork and gym work.


Pay attention to January 29th.

I will offer a HUGE ONE DAY sale on the Mapping Tools!! If you've been wanting one - that will be the time!!! It will never go lower than on my BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

Hills Equine Saddle Mapping Tool

Just got this noticification in from Dodge County Sheriffs dept.

Just got this noticification in from Dodge County Sheriffs dept.

What is so cool about the Hills Saddle Mapping Tool is that you can fit it on ponies to check their saddles OR put in on...

What is so cool about the Hills Saddle Mapping Tool is that you can fit it on ponies to check their saddles OR put in on draft horses to check THEIR saddles for proper fit! And the horse with shark fins and horses that are mutton withered! And all in between!

The Mapping Tool fits them all!

Saddle Shopping? Take a Mapping Tool that’s fitted to your horse with you, to make sure that saddle you want to buy is going to be a good fit. Eliminate your constant buying and returning ill fitting saddles!

Reach out for details!

Hills Equine Integrative BodyWork Services  had a fun learning day recently about proper use of the Hills Saddle Mapping...

Hills Equine Integrative BodyWork Services had a fun learning day recently about proper use of the Hills Saddle Mapping Tool. We learned about things to look for with the horse, with the saddle, cinching, among a few other things.

Here Claudia Korpita is using her skills to help this grumpy fella and his owner understand why this saddle is causing issues. They came up with a couple solutions to try.

Thank you for sharing Claudia Korpita!

For anyone concerned about purchasing a Saddle Mapping Tool and using it properly we now have a private support group fo...

For anyone concerned about purchasing a Saddle Mapping Tool and using it properly we now have a private support group for owners only. All those who owns one is invited into the group!

Hills Equine Integrative BodyWork Services

A Certified Saddle Fitter who is using the Hills Saddle Mapping Tool and is able to tell you how you saddle fits and why...

A Certified Saddle Fitter who is using the Hills Saddle Mapping Tool and is able to tell you how you saddle fits and why it doesn’t!

This gal took the words right out of my mouth!

~ Have you ever wished there was an easier way to determine how your saddle fits on your horse?~~ Have you wished there ...

~ Have you ever wished there was an easier way to determine how your saddle fits on your horse?
~~ Have you wished there was an easy way to purchase that new saddle and KNOW it's going to fit?
~~~Have you been told your saddle fits your horse but you KNOW there's pressure points?
~~~~Have you ever wished there was an easy way to keep track of the topline and document the changes?
~~~~~Have you ever wished there was an easier method to know WHERE to put those shims that you know will help your saddle fit better for your horse?
The Hills Saddle Mapping Tool has many uses for fitting your saddle on your horse. Map your horse, document the measurements, and take the Mapping Tool to the tack store, tack sales, that private seller, and place in the saddle and know immediately if that saddle will work.
The Saddle Mapping Tool can help you determine where the gaps are in the fit, or where it's tight, help you determine if that saddle will actually work for your horse.
The Hills Saddle Mapping Tool will be having a 3 day Halloween Sale Friday - Sunday. If you've been wanting a Mapping Tool here's your chance to get one at 35% off. I will be posting to the public on Friday. Send me a private message if you would like one!!!

Again - shoot me a message for info! 920-988-4156 or PM me.

Hills Equine Integrative BodyWork Services
Hills Equine Saddle Mapping Tool

It’s sad that there isn’t a standardized method of measuring in the saddle world.  Two similar descriptions will result ...

It’s sad that there isn’t a standardized method of measuring in the saddle world. Two similar descriptions will result in a vast difference on the same horse. Using the Hills Equine Saddle Mapping Tool will help you get through that.

I have Rentals available if you are saddle shopping! Put it on your horse in the proper position, adjust all the rib frame sections and the spine sections. You can document the gauges or keep the Mapping Tool in this position. Take the Mapping Tool into any tack store and place into the saddle to see how that saddle will fit on YOUR horse! It’s easy!

I also have Mapping Tools available to purchase!

This is what frustrates me about the saddle industry. Both of these saddles are "full quarter horse bars" with 7" gullets (as correctly measured between the concho's and listed as such by the manufacturers). But clearly the difference in flare and bar angle is huge! Saddle on the right is a Martin and the saddle on the left is a Charmayne James by Cactus. Why can't we buy saddles by bar angle????? **edited to say - I didn’t take this pic - found it on FB about 4 years ago from someone who forwarded it. The original mastermind is Jenny Barnes - I found out from her posting here that she took the picture. Hats off to Jenny for trying to educate folks to begin with ❤️ so 𝙉𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙚𝙙!

We have a new color!!!!Hills Equine Integrative BodyWork Services

We have a new color!!!!

Hills Equine Integrative BodyWork Services

I've been getting alot of calls and messages about checking on saddle fitting.  This is happening for various reasons - ...

I've been getting alot of calls and messages about checking on saddle fitting. This is happening for various reasons - see down below for a couple of ideas on saddle fit. Here I utilized my thermography plus my Mapping Tool to help show more of what I feel and can see.

These visuals really help when the rider is baffled because they were told their saddle fits the horse; either by a saddle fitter or the dealer who sold them that expensive saddle.

I decided to train and certify in Saddle Fitting because there are so many times the horse is sore due to ill fitting saddles. Plus I have certifications in Thermography too!

Hills Equine Integrative BodyWork Services
Laurie Leverich Hills

Last night I got a text message from a well known instructor, who has my Saddle Mapping Tool.  She is well known in the ...

Last night I got a text message from a well known instructor, who has my Saddle Mapping Tool. She is well known in the Equine Massage World - but is learning about Saddle Fitting.
Using a Saddle Mapping Tool helps take the GUESSWORK out of saddle fitting!

Hills Equine Integrative BodyWork Services

Laurie Leverich Hills

Give me a shout to get yours!

Maxine blew antifreeze this time.  🤔🤔🥺

Maxine blew antifreeze this time. 🤔🤔🥺

Are you rehabbing your horse?  His topline has grown weak for some reason?   You can use the Hills Mapping Tool to “read...

Are you rehabbing your horse? His topline has grown weak for some reason?
You can use the Hills Mapping Tool to “read” your horses back and document those changes during his rehab! Helps you find those areas that may need a shim here or there, and make sure you are paying attention to any bridging that's going to sore your horse.

So your goal is to develop your horses’ back because for whatever reason he has lost topline muscle. Whether he has been out of work, or he was in a poor fitting saddle or you recently changed your riding discipline. Having a starting point, and then documenting every month or three, this will give you a visual in how his back is changing. Using the Hills Mapping Tool with the Chart Documentation is a great way to keep track on how his saddle is fitting during these changes!

(This pony is being fitted to check on the fit of the pony saddle - so I raised up the back "ribs" to have them out of the way)







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