Welcome to Big Beak Parrot Toys, Strong long lasting toys made in the UK for the big birds!
These are what I make for my own birds having got fed up of toys advertised as suitable for large birds lasting only 5 minutes and my macaw suffering from metal poisoning from cheap "bird safe" toys.
Parrot toy retailers won't sell toys that last, it's not in their interest, they rely on regular turnover to make money. You know the saying buy cheap buy twice or in the case of parrots buy lots on a regular basis!
I have opened an Etsy shop that offers quality chunky safe toys.
Toys are made with marine grade stainless steel chain/fittings which are indestructible and can be reused. Locally sourced hardwoods, chunky pine and multi coloured jute rope which I find last my birds longer.
The bigger toys last even my destructive moluccan cockatoo several months. I have listed some "top ups" I use to revamp the original toys, just slip the chain through the knot in the middle of the top up and you have a new toy at a fraction of the price!
I have also made bespoke toys for people so if you have any requirements for toys to suit your bird, please get in touch.