This most wonderful non-danger noodle was making her way across the pasture this morning. What a beauty. Did not let the dogs touch her. She went all the way through the barn, out the other side of the pasture and off into the woods. Hoping to see her again!! ❤️❤️❤️
Flynn's freedom run!! Turned him out with the herd this morning 😍
Flynn when he first got here today. He is so little! But too big to be a mini. Look at that little prance!!
Ahhhhh this boy!!! Charles LOVES to go outside (only with supervision of course!!) and feel the sunshine and grass... he was most likely always an outdoor cat before he came to us. My girls at work Rachelle and Amanda take him out and sit with him on pretty days, and you can see how happy he is. ❤️❤️❤️ We love this old guy so much!!!!
Sparkle Pig lets it be known when dinner time is near! And I better put down that phone and start dishing it out if I know what's good for me!! 😆
Well, I was going to introduce you all to two newbies to New Hope today, but I can't seem to get a word in edgewise!!! 🤣🤣🤣
More info to come!!
Harley -- ooof -- says to tell you -- ow -- good morning. 🤪🤪😆
But Sara... I just filled that... 🤣😍
Summer time and flies... Or lack thereof! One of the things we do here is we feed Simplifly from February thru October. I used to also use fly predators, but I never really saw a big help from them. My neighbor also uses Simplify, otherwise it wouldn't work. I feed Springtime Garlic to the horses during the same months, and the real benefit that I see from that is a huge reduction of flies on their bodies and heads. Their lower legs are still prone to getting flies, and so I do still fly spray them daily. I have used fly boots in the past (Shoo fly are the best in my opinion!) but this year haven't needed them so far.
I have huge fans in the barn (with enclosed motors for safety). So they can go in and out as they chose to the comfort of the fans.
So what are you all doing to keep the flies to minimum and your horses comfort to a maximum? Always looking for more options!!
Also, nothing that I know of works against horseflies. But at least the small biting flies are being controlled.
It's been a while since I posted Eddie Lizzard! Eddie is a Schneider's Skink. He came to me about 17 years ago. And every single day since he came -- every. single. day. -- he has attempted to eat me 🤣🤣🤣 You gotta love his determination!! Here he was this morning getting some mealworms.
He is shedding right now, so yes, there is some shed laying around him. He had just gotten out of a soak in his water; being a desert type fellah, he doesn't soak often. He is far past his natural expiration date but he's still going strong. He took a longer break from eating this past winter than normal, and had me worried, but once he decided spring was here he snapped back into it with gusto!! Love this guy. Glad he stayed so small, or I'd have been breakfast long ago. ❤️❤️❤️
This fool Scooby.
He does this every day, multiple times a day. He thinks it's hilarious (apparently). What he does is, he gets as close to the gate (or the fence) as possible and starts teasing the dogs. He ENTICES them to charge at him full force, and then he kicks the gate or hits it if they back off. He also sticks his head over and swings it at them!!! Has he been bitten? Yes. Did that stop him? No.
Hey guys! I don't think I ever told you all about this kitten. Her name is Sashay, and she came from a really awful hoarding case. She was born with neurological issues, and one of her eyes never developed. Despite this, Sashay is a super happy, playful girl who can get anywhere she wants... it just takes her a while!!
My hope had been to get her into a wonderful home, however, the one thing Sashay can't do is get herself in and out of the litter box. She uses pee pee pads in front of the box for the most part, but not always. So she has stayed with us at work and really just been such a joy to be around. She LOVES the other cats and she makes sure that they play with her on demand!
One thing that has come up is that her underdeveloped eye has been getting recurring infections, and so it is time to have it removed. I'm hoping we can raise the funds for this! Can you give us a hand with this little cutie pie? 🥰🥰🥰
This. THIS is the kind of emotional blackmail that those darn folks over at RACC send me. I want you all to see just how that wicked Christie Peters person ropes me in... Just look at this. How can I resist??? How can I POSSIBLY resist those growls?? How can I say no to her catchy little song?? And her promise of carnage to come??
Sigh..... Stay tuned. Perhaps a little challenge is just what I need to help the ache of Murray's loss fade a bit. Somebody send me a new supply of first aid stuff, ok?
Dixie and pals playing this morning at feeding time 😍😍😍
DIXIE ... IS PLAYING!!!!!! 😍😍😍😃😃😃