A strange and wonderful friendship has blossomed here between the Biggest and the Littlest!! Cody (draft cross) and Flynn (mini/pony) have become play buddies 😆😆😆
Thanks to my neighbor Jack for capturing these videos!!!
Move along, folks. Nothing to see here. Just a pony grooming her pig.
All I wanted to do was clean up around the barn. But that's hars to do with horses surrounding the tractor!! 😆
This most wonderful non-danger noodle was making her way across the pasture this morning. What a beauty. Did not let the dogs touch her. She went all the way through the barn, out the other side of the pasture and off into the woods. Hoping to see her again!! ❤️❤️❤️
Flynn's freedom run!! Turned him out with the herd this morning 😍
Flynn when he first got here today. He is so little! But too big to be a mini. Look at that little prance!!
Ahhhhh this boy!!! Charles LOVES to go outside (only with supervision of course!!) and feel the sunshine and grass... he was most likely always an outdoor cat before he came to us. My girls at work Rachelle and Amanda take him out and sit with him on pretty days, and you can see how happy he is. ❤️❤️❤️ We love this old guy so much!!!!