Hanging out with jackson! We went to ross and practiced his down stay. He did so great focusing on me and staying while i walked around! #757dogtrainer #757dogs #balanceddogtrainer #balanceddogtraining
Practicing recall with distractions. Star picked up on this cue very quickly! I started by using the leash and “come” to guide her to me. Eventually i was able to use only the cue word to get her to come back to me. #757dogtrainer #balanceddogtraining #757dogs #balanceddogtrainer
Theo worked on ‘place’ today! We practiced some problem solving skills by giving him minimal guidance. He figured it out very quickly! #757dogtrainer #balanceddogtraining #balanceddogtrainer #757dogs
Meet star! Star has had a rough start to life. She has very little life experience in cities. She was raised on a farm and bred for the first 2 years of her life. While she is comfortable around dogs, she is very wary of people and all of the noises we make. She came to her home earlier this year and has been making slow progress with opening up to her people. During our first session, we focused on building a relationship with me. I did this by pacing, sniffing and listening to her body language. I wanted to make it positive for her to come to me and not force myself on her. More videos to come of this sweet girl! #balanceddogtraining #757dogtrainer #757dogs #balanceddogtrainer
Bandit is boarding with us for the week! #757dogs
Jackson and I went to the store for the first time together! He struggles with excitement around people and other dogs so we practiced calm behaviors after we sniffed our way through the garden center. He did so well redirecting his attention to me with exciting things. It just took a little practice. #757dogtrainer #757dogs #balanceddogtraining #balanceddogtrainer
Cosmo is learning the art of heel with an automatic sit. He figured it put so quickly! #757dogtrainer #757dogs #balanceddogtrainer